I (Veronica Karlsson, VK, vk@ludd.luth.se) made these pictures:

These are the pictures from my advent calendar 2004.

This one was fun, and there was a lot of discussion around it, and the end result was a big
messy file that I've been avoiding for several years now. Anyway, the 2004 advent calendar
was a game. I presented the pictures with the English title, and people were supposed to
guess what the theme was. The theme was The Swedish Alphabet. (I seem to have added big BUAFs
for the names of everything in Swedish since then, but that was not there in the original
calendar.) The explanations are a bit messy, but I hope they make enough sense for you to
enjoy this file anyway.


1 December: Orange with cloves

 1. A   Apelsin med nejlikor

           | |             d8888                                         
           | |            d88888                                         
           | |           d888888                                         
           | |          d88P 888                                         
           | |         d88P  888                   888          d8b          
           | |        d88P   888                   888          Y8P          
           | |       d88P    888                   888                       
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           | |     d888888888888 888 "88b d8P  Y8b 888 88K      888 888 "88b 
           | |    d8888888888888 888  888 88888888 888 "Y8888b. 888 888  888 
           | |   d88P        888 888 d88P Y8b.     888      X88 888 888  888 
           | |  d88P         888 88888P"   "Y8888  888  88888P' 888 888  888 
           | |                   888
           | |   .-.--.          888
   .-.--.  | |  /  -\  \         888
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      \::::::::::::::::::::/  /:/
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        `::::::::::::::::' .':'

2 December: Banana

 2. B   Banan

                                   /  `.
                                  J     \
                                  F      L
                                 J       |
                                 F       |
                                J        F
                               /        J
                              /         F
                      .'""_. /         /.    
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                    /   J |    \.'    \   L
                    |   |/     /     / L  J
                     \  |    .'     /  |   L
                     |_/    /      /|  |   |
888888888b.          /    .'     .' |  \   |
88888888888b        F    /      /\_/    \  |
888     "888b      J   .'     .'         |#|
888      8888      |  /     .'           |#|
888    .888P       |_/    .'             ""\
8888888888K.       \#\_.-'
888     "Y888b  8888b.  88888b.   8888b.  88888b.  
888       8888     "88b 888 "88b     "88b 888 "88b 
888      d888P .d888888 888  888 .d888888 888  888 
888888888888P  888  888 888  888 888  888 888  888 
8888888888P"   "Y888888 888  888 "Y888888 888  888 

3 December: Lemon

 3. C   Citron
                            ___    _______
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888       888         \           F | \  F     /
888           d8b 888  `.        /  |  \/    .'
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 Y888888888P  888 Y88b.  888    Y88..88P 888  888
  "Y88888P"   888  "Y888 888     "Y88P"  888  888

4 December: Skull

 4. D   Dödskalle

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888       888 d8b  d8b      888          888               888 888          
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888       888 d88""88b d88" 888 88K      888 .88P     "88b 888 888 d8P  Y8b 
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888888888P"    "Y88P"   "Y88888  88888P' 888  888 "Y888888 888 888  "Y8888  

Jan combined the skull with the banana and got this:

                 ..'''      ''''..
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     :                                       :
    :                                        :
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5 December: Rowing boat

 5. E   Eka

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888888888888                 -  ---  ----  --  ---  --- - -
888888888888                     ------ --- ----- -- ----
888                            --  --- --------  -- ----
888                                       -- --   -
888          888                         ---   ----
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888888888    888
888          888  888  8888b.
888          888 .88P     "88b
888          888888K  .d888888
888888888888 888 "88b 888  888
888888888888 888  888 "Y888888

6 December: full-rigged ship

 6. F   Fullriggare

                                  .                   .
                              _..-''"""\          _.--'"""\
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              /.-'"_|---'"\ |           `    JL |                 L  `.`.
             <-'""         \|    _.-.------._ A J    _.-.-----`.--|   ``.`.
              L         `. |/.-'"_.-`---'""\."| /-'"---'"""""   \`.\.  \ `.`.
              |  _.------\.<'"""            L\ L\                `.`\`. \  `.
         _.-'//'"--'"""   L\|       ________\ `.F     ___.-------._L \ `-\   \`.
        /___| F             F _.--'"_|-------L  /_.-'"_.-|-'"""""""\  L   L   `.`.
            | F  _.-'|"""""/'"-'"""          J <'"""                L J   |     `.`.
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888888888          888 888         Y8P                                           
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888       888  888 888 888 888d888 888  .d88b.   .d88b.   8888b.  888d888 .d88b. 
888       888  888 888 888 888P"   888 d88P"88b d88P"88b     "88b 888P"  d8P  Y8b
888       888  888 888 888 888     888 888  888 888  888 .d888888 888    88888888 
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888        "Y88888 888 888 888     888  "Y88888  "Y88888 "Y888888 888     "Y8888 
                                            888      888                         
                                       Y8b d88P Y8b d88P                         
                                        "Y88P"   "Y88P"                          

7 December: Frog

 7. G   Groda

         8P    d88
         8     88P                                               d88
        d8b   d88                                               d8P
        888   88P                                             d88P
        8888888P                                  ..od888888888P
        8888888     d8b                       d88888888888888P       d8b
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       d88888888888"                     d88888888888888888888888888P"
      d888888888888                    d888888888888P888888b
      8888888888d88b                   888888888888P888888888b..db
     d88888888d88888b                  Y888888888K   Y8b     "Y8888
     88888888d8888888b                  Y8888888888b  Y8b      "YP
    d8888888d888888888b              ... "Y8888888888b.YP  .d888888bo.
   d8888888d8888888888P         .od888888888b88d88888888888888888888888b.
   8888888d88888888888     .d88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888b.
   888888d88888888888P  .d8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888b
   888888888888888888 d88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888b
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         8888888888b888888888888888888888888888P"  8888888
         "88888888888Y88888888888888888888888P     8888888b
          Y888888888888Y8888888888888888888P       Y8888888      d88b
           "Y8888888888b "Y888888888888P"           Y888888b  d888P Y88
             Y8888888888b     """"""                 Y8888888888P
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 d8b.          Y8888888888                             Y88888888888888888P
 8888888888888888888888888b                             Y88888888888bo.
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 888888888888888888888888888                                Y88888888b      "P8P
 Y888b "Y888888888888888888P                                   "Y88888b.
  8888b   "Y88888888888888P                                         "Y88b
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   88888b         """""                                                 "Y88
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       Y888888b88b888b         d888888888b                                   
        Y888888bY88b8P        d88P"   "Y88b                                  
         "888888b Y88bo.      888       888                                  
          Y888888b  "Y8888b   888                                888          
           Y888888b    "YP    888                                888          
            8888888b          888    888888                      888          
            888P Y888b        888    888888 888d888 .d88b.   .d88888  8888b.  
            Y88   "Y88b       888       888 888P"  d88""88b d88" 888     "88b 
             Y8     Y88       Y88b.   .d88P 888    888  888 888  888 .d888888 
              8b     Y8b       Y88888888888 888    Y88..88P Y88b 888 888  888 
              88P     "8b       "Y88888P"88 888     "Y88P"   "Y88888 "Y888888 
              "8       Y8P

8 December: Caravan

 8. H   Husvagn

                    ____...----""""   /              `""-.__   
                   /                 /                      \  
                  /                  |                       \ 
                  | /||###########|  |               |####|| | 
                  | |||###########|  |               |####|| | 
                  | |||###########|  |               |####|| | 
                  | | |###########|  |               |####\| | 
                  | |_/###########|  |               |####/| | 
                  | \ \###########|  |               `-----' | 
                  |:::/     / |::::::|:::::::::::::::::::::::| 
                  |::|    o| /|::::::|:::::::::::::::::::::::| 
888       888     |::|---/-+' |::::::|:::::::::::::::::::::::| 
888       888     `--|   | |  |::::::|:::::::::::/  \:---_""'  
888       888       _\___|_\_.'__::::|:::---""""|  ) |.-'          
888       888      [ __.-|--'___.--- """"""""""" \__/      
888       888       [__.-|--'                              
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888       888 888  888 .d8888b  888  888  8888b.   .d88b.  88888b.  
888       888 888  888 88K      888  888     "88b d88P"88b 888 "88b 
888       888 888  888 "Y8888b. Y88  88P .d888888 888  888 888  888 
888       888 Y88b 888      X88  Y8bd8P  888  888 Y88b 888 888  888 
888       888  "Y88888  88888P'   Y88P   "Y888888  "Y88888 888  888 
                                                  Y8b d88P          

9 December: Athlete

 9. I   Idrottsman

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                    ( /a\                                         / /a\            
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                  //// \\//                                     //// \\//|                 
                 / \\   \/                                     / \\   \/ |                 
               .'__/\\_                                       /-/ \\/    |                 
             _  (( \ (_)                                     (( \ (_)    |                 
            / \ /_|_\                                         |\ \/      |                 
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                     //                                      ///  //     +                 
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___________________/__)____________________  ______________/_x)_/__)____/____/__________

  888        888                 888    888                                    
  888        888                 888    888                                    
  888        888                 888    888                                    
  888    .d88888 888d888 .d88b.  888888 888888 .d8888b  88888b.d88b.   8888b.  88888b.  
  888   d88" 888 888P"  d88""88b 888    888    88K      888 "888 "88b     "88b 888 "88b 
  888   888  888 888    888  888 888    888    "Y8888b. 888  888  888 .d888888 888  888 
.d888b. Y88b 888 888    Y88..88P Y88b.  Y88b.       X88 888  888  888 888  888 888  888 
8888888  "Y88888 888     "Y88P"   "Y888  "Y888  88888P' 888  888  888 "Y888888 888  888 

10 December: Strawberry

 10. J   Jordgubbe

                                          _  || __        
                                      / .-'.- +\`-._V`.  
                                     JV `".'/||\\`-' V \ 
                                     | V V|/ |/ \| V V  L
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                                      |V V V  V  V  VV / 
     8888888                          J  V   V V  V  V/  
     "Y888P"                           \V  V    V  V J    
       888                              L V  V  V  V F    
       888                              JV V  V  V V/     
       888                        888    \ V    V .'    888      888               
       888                        888     `-.V_.-'      888      888               
       888                        888                   888      888               
 d8b   888    .d88b.  888d888 .d88888  .d88b.  888  888 88888b.  88888b.   .d88b.  
d88P   888   d88""88b 888P"  d88" 888 d88P"88b 888  888 888 "88b 888 "88b d8P  Y8b 
Y88b..d88P   888  888 888    888  888 888  888 888  888 888  888 888  888 88888888 
 Y888888P    Y88..88P 888    Y88b 888 Y88b 888 Y88b 888 888 d88P 888 d88P Y8b.     
  "Y88P"      "Y88P"  888     "Y88888  "Y88888  "Y88888 88888P"  88888P"   "Y8888  
                                      Y8b d88P                                     

11 December: Canoe

 11. K   Kanot

                /\/\    /\                                  /\/\
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888       d88P  
888      d88P   
888     d88P    
888   .d88P     
888  d888P                                 888    
888d8888K                                  888    
888888888b                                 888    
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888     Y88b        "88b 888 "88b d88""88b 888    
888      Y88b   .d888888 888  888 888  888 888    
888       Y88b  888  888 888  888 Y88..88P Y88b.  
888        Y88b "Y888888 888  888  "Y88P"   "Y888 

                /\/\    /\                                  /\/\
/\/\    /\/%/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\  /\  /\  /\//\   /\  /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\  /\/\  /\/\
/\/\/\  /\%%/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\ /\/\/\/\/\%\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
                                                               `------._| /\/\/\

           /\                                            /\
          /  `.                                        .'  \
         J     `-.__________________________________.-'     L
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         J                                                  F---'
        ( \`-.____.-'--.-----------------'------------._.-'/-  ---
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12 December: Batman

 12. L   Läderlappen

#############################-"""       |:\"#############################
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################"          |:::'  .:::::::::::::::\     "################
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###################.          |::::::::::::/    |::::/  .::::::::::::::::
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888          d8b  d8b      888                  888                                     
888          Y8P  Y8P      888                  888                                     
888                        888                  888                                     
888           8888b.   .d88888  .d88b.  888d888 888  8888b.  88888b.  88888b.   .d88b.  88888b.
888              "88b d88" 888 d8P  Y8b 888P"   888     "88b 888 "88b 888 "88b d8P  Y8b 888 "88b
888          .d888888 888  888 88888888 888     888 .d888888 888  888 888  888 88888888 888  888
888888888888 888  888 Y88b 888 Y8b.     888     888 888  888 888 d88P 888 d88P Y8b.     888  888
888888888888 "Y888888  "Y88888  "Y8888  888     888 "Y888888 88888P"  88888P"   "Y8888  888  888 
                                                             888      888               
                                                             888      888               
                                                             888      888               

Meow's comment when he saw this picture: "nanananana batman !!!!!!!!!!"

                            .-"""       | \-.
                         .-'            |  \ `-.
                       .'               |   \   `.
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     / .') F| |  | J  J  L         .'      F.
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.'     | |  | |    \ L   \ \ .' .'      / '
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       F F  J J      L L   \ \         / .
      J J   J J       \ \   \ \       / .
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      | |    | |        \ \    `.`. / .
      F F    J J         \ \     `." :
     J J      L L         \ \      `.:
     | |      J J          \ `.
     | |       L L          `. `.
     | |       J J            `. `.
     | |        \ \             `. `.
     | |         L L              `. `.
     | |         \ \                `. `.
     | |   -      \ \ --      ----    `| `.|       --      |\ |
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     | |  |--\      \|--|      |          `-.`-   |--|     |  |
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      L L |--'       |  |\ \   |     |      |     |  |    `|. |-.
      | |                 `.`.                               `-._`-._
      J J                   \ \                                  `-._`-.
       L L                   `.`.                                    `-.
       J J                     `.`. 
        L L                      `.`.

13 December: Carrots

 13. M   Morötter

                      (      )     .--"""""""------....__
                   (      ) )`--._( | ||  |          |  |""""----.._
                    (       )--.__(  |      ____!....-----""""""
                  (     ) )   )_.-(`----'"|"  |   """|----....__
                     (      ) _.-'(|  |      |  __.!.----""""
                          (     ) _`-.__!---'"""| ""---.__
                      (   )  )_.-'_(|    |    |__.--'""
888b         d888  (   )    )  )-'  `-!___.-'"" 
8888b       d8888        (   ) 
88888b     d88888 
888888b   d888888 
888Y888b d888P888                 d8b  d8b 888    888                    
888 Y888Y888P 888                 Y8P  Y8P 888    888                    
888  Y88888P  888                          888    888                    
888   Y888P   888  .d88b.  888d888 .d88b.  888888 888888 .d88b.  888d888 
888    Y8P    888 d88""88b 888P"  d88""88b 888    888   d8P  Y8b 888P"   
888     "     888 888  888 888    888  888 888    888   88888888 888     
888           888 Y88..88P 888    Y88..88P Y88b.  Y88b. Y8b.     888     
888           888  "Y88P"  888     "Y88P"   "Y888  "Y888 "Y8888  888     

Originally posted as:

        13 December: Carrots

            (      )     .--"|"""""------....__
         (      ) )`--._( | ||  |          |  |""""----.._
          (       )--.__(  |      ____!....-----""""""
        (     ) )   )_.-(`----'"|"  |   """|----....__
           (      ) _.-'(|  |      |  __.!.----""""
                (     ) _`-.__|---'"""| ""---.__
            (   )  )_.-'_(|    |    |__.--'""
         (   )    )  )-'  `-!___.-'""
               (   )

Changed, a few minutes after midnight into:

        13 December: Carrots

            (      )     .--"|"""""----+
         (      ) )`--._( | ||  |      `-+
          (       )--.__(  |      ____!...`-
        (     ) )   )_.-(`----'"|"  |   """|----....__
           (      ) _.-'(|  |      |  __.!.----""""
                (     ) _`-.__|---'"""| ""---.__
            (   )  )_.-'_(|    |    |__.--'""
         (   )    )  )-'  `-!___.-'""
               (   )

        (Meow ate a piece of one of them!)


        13 December: Carrots

            (      )     .--"|"""".
         (      ) )`--._( | ||  |  (
          (       )--.__(  |      __(__
        (     ) )   )_.-(`----'"|"  |   """|----....__
           (      ) _.-'(|  |      |  __.!.----""""
                (     ) _`-.__|---'"""| ""---.__
            (   )  )_.-'_(|    |    |__.--'""
         (   )    )  )-'  `-!___.-'""
               (   )

        (Meow ate a piece of one of them!)
        (and brojek too)

14 December: Rose hip soup

 14. N   Nyponsoppa


                                  ( Oh, well, it's nice to get something
                                    other than porridge for a change, I guess. )
                                       o          ( Ice-cream tastes much better
                            .-------.                when it's warm, like this! )
                           /         \                o
                          |    .----. \             o
                     .-.  |   /<@ (<@\/                     .-'"""""-.
                    /   \ |  (   _^_ |)    |\     |\      .'          `-.
                   |     || / | /_)_\|     | \.---| \    /               `.
                   |     ||/ _|      |_    |         \_.'           -      \
                    \   / */  |      | \   |__   __               /         \
                     | |  /    \     /  \  \\|) (|/              |           `.
                     | | /      \   / |  \  \ |             \    |         `.  `.
                     | |'   |    \  | |   \  \|_ :   /  .'  .'   \           `.  `-.
                    ( )/)  /|     `-' |\   \  \\|_/_/  /  .'      `._      `.  `-.  `-._._
                     | |__/ |         | \   \    U |`-/  /--.___.-' .-'    _.`    `-._    )
                     | |    |___.-----""""""""""----.((((_ (    _.-'   _.-'           `""'
                     | |  .-'   __( )------.-""-.______   `-.``(   _.-'
                     `-'.' _.-""(    )    (      )'-.  ""-._ `. ```
888b       888     /\  (  (    (      ) .-'-.---'"".-'-.    )  )
8888b      888    |  | /`. `--._`----'   """.-'-.   """ _.-'  /
88888b     888    \   \\  `-.__ `--------._______.-----'  _.-'
888888b    888     \  /\\  /  \`-._____              _.--'/
888Y888b   888      \/  ||/    `.      `------------'   .'
888 Y888b  888       `-'         `-._________________.-'
888  Y888b 888
888   Y888b888 888  888 88888b.   .d88b.  88888b.  .d8888b   .d88b.  88888b.  88888b.   8888b.
888    Y888888 888  888 888 "88b d88""88b 888 "88b 88K      d88""88b 888 "88b 888 "88b     "88b
888     Y88888 888  888 888  888 888  888 888  888 "Y8888b. 888  888 888  888 888  888 .d888888
888      Y8888 Y88b 888 888 d88P Y88..88P 888  888      X88 Y88..88P 888 d88P 888 d88P 888  888
888       Y888  "Y88888 88888P"   "Y88P"  888  888  88888P'  "Y88P"  88888P"  88888P"  "Y888888
                    888 888                                          888      888
               Y8b d88P 888                                          888      888
                "Y88P"  888                                          888      888

15 December: Obligatory wish list. (Ordered by relatives but fits
             into the topic just fine.)

 15. O   Obligatorisk önskelista, Order, Orm
         (The Only thing missing is a wish beginning with O)

          _.-""      ""-._
       .-'                `-.
     .'      __.----.__      `.
    /     .-"          "-.     \
   /    .'    Choklad     `.    \
  J    /   Däck och slang   \    L
  F   J        (till cykeln) L   J
 J    F  Långkalsonger       J    L
 |   J  Mobilrefill (minsta!) L   |
 |   |  Strumpor              |   |
 |   J   Suddgummi (vitt)     F   |
 J    L         Tjock-sockor J    F
  L   J   .-""""-.           F   J
  J    \ /        \   __    /    F
   \    (|)(|)_   .-'".'  .'    /
    \    \   /_>-'  .<_.-'     /
     `.   `-'     .'         .'
       `--.|___.-'`._    _.-'
           ^         """"

d88P"    "Y88b 
888        888 
888        888 
888        888 
888        888 
888        888 888d888 88888b.d88b.  
888        888 888P"   888 "888 "88b 
Y88b.    .d88P 888     888  888  888 
 Y8888888888P  888     888  888  888 
  "Y888888P"   888     888  888  888 

(For those who get curious, here's a dictionary:
http://lexikon.nada.kth.se/swe-eng.shtml )

          _.-""      ""-._
       .-'                `-.
     .'      __.----.__      `.
    /     .-"          "-.     \
   /    .'                `.    \
  J    /                    \    L
  F   J                      L   J
 J    F                      J    L
 |   J                        L   |
 |   |                        |   |
 |   J                        F   |
 J    L                      J    F
  L   J   .-""""-.           F   J
  J    \ /        \   __    /    F
   \    (|)(|)_   .-'".'  .'    /
    \    \   /_>-'  .<_.-'     /
     `.   `-'     .'         .'
       `--.|___.-'`._    _.-'
           ^         """"

16 December: I should have learned by now not to ask FS for help. Anyway,
             I asked him what to draw and he said "a penis". Oh, well, at
             least it fits nicely into the topic.

 16. P   Penis

`.                                          )
`-.                                          )
   \                                        )______.------
    `.                                     )
      .                                  )
       .                      (.        )  )
        .                       `-.    )
         .                         `-. )    
                           `          `.     )
          :          :     `            `.
          .             :   ` :.          `.
           :       :   :'      `:.          `.
           :    .:    .       `. `.           \
           `.:      :'          \              \
             :    :              `.             \
              : :                  \             L
              :`                    \            J
               ::                  .:`.           \
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                :.               :      ::.       | |
                 :.             .'     .:' `._    |/
                 : \         ..:      .'      `-. |)
                .:  `.     .:'      .'           `-'
           :    :'   :`-._':'____.-' 
                :    ::-'     `-.
               :    .'           """--._____________
          .    :  .-'                               `"""---
         .:   .:.'
         :   .-'

[Any complaints should be sent to Fredrik Sundquist (fresun-6@sm.luth.se)]

888     "888b 
888      8888 
888     .888P               d8b          
88888888888P                Y8P          
888        .d88b.  88888b.  888 .d8888b  
888       d8P  Y8b 888 "88b 888 88K      
888       88888888 888  888 888 "Y8888b. 
888       Y8b.     888  888 888      X88 
888        "Y8888  888  888 888  88888P' 

17 Decmber: Who is this?

 17  Q   John Cleese (He is the new "Q")

                                        _.-""""--._                      .d888888b.  
                                      .'           `-.                  d8888888888b 
                                   .-'                `.               d88P"    "Y88b
                                  /   ...'"""""---._  | \              888        888
                                .'  .:::'           `""`.`.            888        888
                               /  .:::' .                \ \           888        888
                              /  /::: .                   \)_          888        888
                             /  /:::.     .                \ `.        888        888
                            /  /:::'   -'                   L \\       888  Y88b  888
                            / J::::. .-' .--.__              F \       Y88b. Y88bd88P
                            F |:::' '          """-    `-    |  \       Y8888888888P 
                         .-/  F:::  ---"""""--.---. `"-.      L \`       "Y8888888b  
                          // J::::. __.._   .  F _.._   `-.   |   \             Y88b 
                          /  |:::: '        F |   '  ""-.  .  |   \
                          F  |:::'\\\:::.  J  |   ..  .`.  :  |    \
                          L  |::.\\````_``./   \,/''/////,     \   \
                          |/ J:\``.-'/o\`.:)""` /.-'/o\ '/'/  | `.`-'
                          F/ J:>`_/`-`-'"):::    ""-`-'.\ '-' |  --"'
                          |`.|::-'`-_  _.':::   ' -._ _.-<-`. | / |/
                          |' Y::'/""."" ''::'    ` -."--.`.    F  |
                          | J:::::""    .::'    .     ` .      |  F
                          | |::::'     :(::(   .  )       .    J J
                          J |::::     .'`-.:.  .:-'`.     .    | |
                          ) |:::'     ,,/////||\\\,  \         | |
                          J |::: .'  ////|||||||||\\\ L    .   F |
                           \J::'|   |||--"""""-""-.||||  '     L/
                             L::`.    `-_LLL_|_||||.-`^  .    J
                             J:: :. /. (::'':::::""  /        |
                              L:  :.:   `            `  .     F
                               L:.:::     _            .   . J
                               |:::::  .:::""""--.    :   ' J
                               |:\::\ ('''     ':     ' .'  F
                               |::`:\:. `           .'  '   F
                               |:::\::`:.`       . '   '   J
                               |:::::.::.`''  ''     .'   'J
                              /|:.:::`.\````.::::.  '      |\
                             .'|::\:::`::.       -'     .' ||
                           .'  |:\  `:. :.             '   :|`.
                        .-'/   J:\\    `:.         . '    : |  |`-._
                    .-'   J     L``.    :` .__  -'       .|:|  | `  `-._
                .-'"     /      |\      :.               :| F  |   ` .  "-._
           _.-'"      : J       J  :     `.             ::/J   |       ` -  `-.__
    _.--"""          :  |        L :.                  ::/     F                 """"-.
 .-'                 :  |        J  :.               .::/  F  J  :                     `.
'                   ::  |         L  :.             .::/  J   F  :
                    :   |         \ .:`:.         .:.'.'")   /   :
                    :   |       __|\--. `       ./""  | /   /    :
                   ::   |   .-'"   _  \ .::...:/      F \  /     :
                   :    |_.'   : \ (9  \ :::::/      J   \/    : :
                  ::           :: \     \::::/       F :      :: :
                   :               L     \::/       J         :
                   :               \      \/        F         :

This was apparently too difficult, so here is another attempt at drawing the same person:

                       #- _#
                       |O o|
                       | C |
                      __| |___
                     /        \
                    / /|    |\ \
                   / / |    | \ \                         _.
                  / /  |    |  \ \                      ||__
                 / /   |    |   \ \                     ||__
                / /    |    |    \ \                    ||_ 
               / /     |    |     \ \                   ||_`
              / /      |    |      \ \                  // `
             / /       |    |       \ \                //
             | |       |    |        \ \              //
             | |       |    |         \ \            //
             | |       |    |          \ \          //
             | |       |    |           \ \        //
             | |       |    |            \ \      //
             | |       |    |             \ \    //
             | |       |    |              \ \  //
             | |       |____|               \/\//
             | |        |   \                \//
             |_|        | |\ \               //
            / /|        | | \ \              '
            \|\\'"".    | |  \ \           
              /     >   | |   \ \          
              |   .'    | |    \ \         
               \.'      | |     \ \
                        | |      \ \
                        | |       \ \
                        | |        \ \
                        | |         \ \
                        | |          \ \
                        | |          | |
                        | |          | |
                        | |          | |
                        | |          | |
                        | |          | |
                        | |          | |
                        | |          | |
                        | |          | |
                        | |          | |
                        | |          | |
                        | |          | |
                        |_|___       |_|___
                        (_____)      (_____)

(And when I had made this second picture it turned out that those who
recognized him only needed the first picture to see who it was... and
people got obsessed with the cleaning equipment in his hands, but those
are just "props"...)

Andrew made this improvement:

                       #- _#
                       |O o|
                       | C |
                      __| |___
                     /        \
                    / /|    |\ \
                   / / |    | \ \                           
                  / /  |    |  \ \                          
                 / /   |    |   \ \                         
                / /    |    |    \ \                        
               / /     |    |     \ \                        
              / /      |    |      \ \                      
             / /       |    |       \ \                  
             | |       |    |        \ \                
             | |       |    |         \ \              
             | |       |    |          \ \            
             | |       |    |           \ \          
             | |       |    |            \ \        
             | |       |    |             \ \      
             | |       |    |              \ \    
             | |       |____|               \_\  
             | |        |   \               |\ \
             |_|   ))   | |\ \         .------|/------.
         .--/ /|---||   | | \ \        |  __________  |
         '--\|-----||   | |  \ \       | |          | |
                   ""   | |   \ \      | |       () | |
                        | |    \ \     | |  /\      | |
                        | |     \ \    | | |[]|   ."| |
                        | |      \ \   | |" ))"--"  | |
                        | |       \ \  | '----------' |
                        | |        \ \ '--------------'
                        | |         \ \
                        | |          \ \
                        | |          | |
                        | |          | |
                        | |          | |
                        | |          | |
                        | |          | |
                        | |          | |
                        | |          | |
                        | |          | |
                        | |          | |
                        | |          | |
                        | |          | |
                        |_|___       |_|___
  VK/AZC                (_____)      (_____)

18 December: Runes

 18. R   Runor

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  |/   | \   |\   |\\   | >   /    \/   |/
  |    | |   |/   | \   |<    \    /\   |
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   f    u    þ     a     r    k     g    w

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    h     n    i   j     p     æ    R    s

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   t    b   e     m    l   ng     d      o

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       | \ |  | | > <  > \|  | / |\\
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888888b      888888b       888       d88PY88b    888888b
888 Y88b     888 Y88b      888      d88P  Y88b   888 Y88b
888  Y88b    888  Y88b Y88b888     d88P    Y88b  888  Y88b
888   d88P   888   Y88b Y88888    d88P      Y88b 888   d88P
888  d88P    888    888  Y8888    Y88b      d88P 888  d88P
888 888P     888    888   Y888     Y88b    d88P  888 888P
888888K      888    888    888b     Y88b  d88P   888888K
888 Y88b     888    888    8888b     Y88bd88P    888 Y88b
888  Y88b    888    888    88888b    d88PY88b    888  Y88b
888   Y88b   888    888    888Y88b  d88P  Y88b   888   Y88b
888    Y88b  888    888    888     d88P    Y88b  888    Y88b
888     Y88b 888    888    888    d88P      Y88b 888     Y88b


19 December: Turtle

 19. S   Sköldpadda

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  .d88888b.                    /`-._ /      \       /   _.-' \
 d888888888b                 _/   / `------.______.----'  \   \
d88P"   "Y88b               ////.'                        ////'
Y88b     d88P 
 Y88b.        888      d8b  d8b 888      888                        888      888          
  "Y88b.      888      Y8P  Y8P 888      888                        888      888          
    "Y888b.   888               888      888                        888      888          
      "Y888b. 888  888  .d88b.  888  .d88888 88888b.   8888b.   .d88888  .d88888  8888b.  
d88P    "Y888 888 .88P d88""88b 888 d88" 888 888 "88b     "88b d88" 888 d88" 888     "88b 
Y88b.   .d88P 888888K  888  888 888 888  888 888  888 .d888888 888  888 888  888 .d888888 
 Y888888888P  888 "88b Y88..88P 888 Y88b 888 888 d88P 888  888 Y88b 888 Y88b 888 888  888 
  "Y88888P"   888  888  "Y88P"  888  "Y88888 88888P"  "Y888888  "Y88888  "Y88888 "Y888888 

20 December: TV

 20. T   TV (definitely not "unplugged", as llizard insists that the theme must be!)

              _.-'   _.-|
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      _.-'    _.-'.-'  ||          88888888888888 888         888
     |`-.__.-'_.-'/  Ha||               888       888         888
    /|   | .-'   / Ha  ||               888       888         888
   | |   ||     %---   ||               888       888         888
   | |   || \__<     Ha||               888       Y88b       d88P
   | |   ||   < \__   .'|               888        Y88b     d88P 
   | |   ||   <    .-'.-'               888         Y88b   d88P  
   | |   ||   < .-'.-'|                 888          Y88b d88P   
   \ |   ||`^.-'.-'  ||                 888           Y88o88P    
    \|   |`-'.-'  ___||___              888            Y888P     
     (`-.|.-'    (_)----(_)             888             Y8P      
.--.   || )

21 December: Odd collection

 21 U: Udda samling

 Owl,      Ukulele, Dictionary,   Alien,       Wolf, Urine
 Uggla/Uv, Ukulele, Uppslagsverk, Utomjording, Ulv,  Urin

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888        888 
888        888 
888        888 
888        888 
888        888               888                  888 d8b          888    
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888        888               888                  888              888    
888        888 88888b.   .d88888  .d88b.  888d888 888 888  .d88b.  888888 
888        888 888 "88b d88" 888 d8P  Y8b 888P"   888 888 d88P"88b 888    
Y88b.    .d88P 888  888 888  888 88888888 888     888 888 888  888 888    
 Y8888888888P  888  888 Y88b 888 Y8b.     888     888 888 Y88b 888 Y88b.  
  "Y888888P"   888  888  "Y88888  "Y8888  888     888 888  "Y88888  "Y888 
                                                          Y8b d88P        

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22 December: A bug/beetle

 22. VW  En bubbla/bagge
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888         888                              888           888 
888         888                              888           888 
888         888                              888           888 
888         888                              888     o     888 
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                                                                        Y8b d88P                   

23 December: Don't trip!

 23. X   Sex laxar i en lax-ask, Asterix, och en tax. 
         ("Six salmons in a salmon box", Asterix, and a dachshund)

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                                                       Y88b     d88P 
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      (\ \---'`.\ _/   )
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[Hmmmm one good hand and one lousy hand...]

    / o\ \               \   
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[and one good hound!]

24. Y   Yacht

24 December: Yacht

          J\           Y88b       d88P                            
          | \           Y88b     d88P                             
          | `.           Y88b   d88P                              
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         |.      `.J|\       888   .d888888 888      888  888 888    
         | `.     `.L \      888   888  888 Y88b.    888  888 Y88b.  
         |   `.    \L `.     888   "Y888888  "Y8888P 888  888  "Y888 
         J     `    F  `.
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      ~  ~~~  ~~  ~~~   ~~~~ `- `--.` `
~~~     ~~     ~~   ~~~~  ~~             ~

(This is not over quite yet. Stick around a few more days and I'll
 tell you what the theme is.)

(A Christmas present: The man on the 17th is <rot13>Wbua Pyrrfr</rot13>)

25 December: Zebra and donkey meet on an island in the river

 25. ZÅÄÖ   Zebra och Åsna på Ö i Älven

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            88888888888888P            d8888            d8888   .d888888b.
            8888888888888P            d88888           d88888  d8888888888b
                     d88P            d888888          d888888 d88P"    "Y88b
                    d88P            d88P 888         d88P 888 888        888
                   d88P            d88P  888        d88P  888 888        888
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                d88P            d88P     888     d88P     888 888        888
               d88P            d888888888888    d888888888888 888        888
              d88P            d8888888888888   d8888888888888 Y88b.    .d88P
             d8888888888888  d88P        888  d88P        888  Y8888888888P
            d88888888888888 d88P         888 d88P         888   "Y888888P"

This is the last of the theme pictures. Next will follow some clues. Then The Answer...

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      /_/_/           /_/ /_/     

26 December: Some clues

* All pictures (until yesterday) fit into a pattern. Order matters.

* At about half way through the days before Christmas I started to make
  the theme "more obvious", as well as putting clues into the pictures

* There is one other person I could have used on the 17th, but that might
  have been too obvious.

* The page with motivations for people's guesses contains unintentional
  clues too (e.g. you can see how "Mr 17th" was almost given away by
  Phydeaux on the 20th).

* The 22nd and 25th are slightly different from the rest, in a way that
  "distorts" the pattern a little, but without actually "breaking" it.


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27 December: I know I said I'd tell you the theme today, but I'll give you
   one more day to guess on it (partly because today is an ordinary Monday).
   Here are some more clues (I will tell you the theme tomorrow).

First the answers to some questions Andrew asked in the chat yesterday:

* About John Cleese

  - While Monty Python, Erik the Viking, Fawlty Towers, A Fish Called Wanda
    and Harry Potter are all completely wrong, Harry Potter is "closer" than
    the others.

  - The props in his hands in the second picture was just clues to his
    identity, not to the theme.

* About the runes

  - They don't spell out anything. That's just the rune "alphabet", like a
    font. The only thing spelled out in that picture is my name at the bottom
    but it is not a clue in itself, it is just me testing my new "font".

* About the wish list

  - In my advent calendars I have a wish list (you can see them in the last
    few years too). I have been ordered by FS' mother to write one and I put
    it into the advent calendar. It fits into the pattern too!

Then some clues:

* There are 29 items squeezed into 25 pictures (because I want to finish
  this before the end of the year).

* Some days that contain clues are: 15, 17, 18, 22, 25. Of course, every
  picture is a clue, but those are a little extra "charged" with clues.

* I'll be forgiving when it comes to theories for the 23rd. It was difficult
  to get it to make sense.

* Extra "points" can be earned on answers to these days: 15, 21, 23.

ObNon-ThemeAscii: The king

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28 December: The Theme is <rot13>Gur Nycunorg</rot13>

(Think about it. See if you can figure it out. Then come back tomorrow
 and read some comments and explanations.)


Here's a little font. I started out with the Figlet font "colossal"
and made it a bit bigger.

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29 December: Comments and Explanations

Of course, since I'm Swedish I would use the Swedish alphabet:


It is like the English alphabet, except there is no W and then there
are three more vowels, ÅÄÖ.

The "distortion" I mentioned yesterday is that I let in a little W anyway
in the 22nd, along with the V, and I let the last four letters be on one
and the same day (I don't know if this made it more or less confusing).

People have commented that anything and everything could go into this
calendar, and they were right, anything could go into it, but not any
pair of things, and not in any random order.

Also, because I'm Swedish, the words that are sorted in alphabetical order
are in Swedish.   }:-)

       English                           Swedish
 1  A: Orange with cloves               Apelsin med nejlikor
 2  B: Banana                           Banan
 3  C: Lemon                            Citron
 4  D: Skull                            Dödskalle
 5  E: Rowing boat                      Eka
 6  F: full-rigged ship                 Fullriggare
 7  G: Frog                             Groda
 8  H: Caravan                          Husvagn
 9  I: Athlete                          Idrottsman
10  J: Strawberry                       Jordgubbe
11  K: Canoe                            Kanot
12  L: Batman                           Läderlappen
13  M: Carrots                          Morötter
14  N: Rose hip soup                    Nyponsoppa
15  O: Obligatory wish list.            Obligatorisk, Order, Orm, Omkring, Ordning
16  P: Penis                            Penis
17  Q: Who is this?                     John Cleese (He is the new "Q")
18  R: Runes                            Runor
19  S: Turtle                           Sköldpadda
20  T: TV                               TV
       (definitely not "unplugged", as llizard insists must the theme)
21  U: Odd collection                   Udda samling
       Owl, Ukulele, Dictionary,        Uggla/Uv, Ukulele, Uppslagsverk,
       Alien, Wolf, Urine               Utomjording, Ulv, Urin
22 VW: Bug (the kind on four wheels)    Bagge/Bubbla (Volkswagen)
23  X: Don't trip!                      Sex laxar i en lax-ask, Asterix, tax. 
24  Y: Yacht                            Yacht
25 ZÅÄÖ: Zebra and donkey meet on an    Zebra och Åsna träffas på en Ö i Älven.
         island in the river

[To begin with (ca first half) I tried to pick words where the English
 translation started with a different letter. Then I tried to make it
 "easier" during the second half.]


1-3: I thought these would be obvious to any Swede. I thought for sure that
     either Joaquim (who is Swedish) or brojek (who is learning Swedish) or
     some other person who knows Swedish, Norwegian or maybe even German,
     would get it right here.

4-8: I start getting interesting suggestions for the theme. The most amusing
     one is from Joaquim, who neatly counts through the days so far, in Swedish:
     "Apelsinen this, Bananen that, Citronen bla bla bla".

8- : More guesses (se separate list). So far there appears to be two themes,
     fruit and boats, plus a skull, which leads to WeeSaul's brilliant suggestion
     that the theme is "Mutiny on the Bounty".

Then I start giving out clues.

13:  The word for M is Morötter (Carrots), which is the name of a recent thread
     in alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk (OK, not much of a clue, but I can't
     *start* with the easy ones...)

     (then there were some people who were biting chunks out of the carrots,
     but that has nothing to do with the theme, that's just nosy behaviour)

14:  N, for Nyponsoppa (Rose Hip Soup). The Swedish word occurrs in a URL to a
     page where you can buy Nyponsoppa.

15:  Here I'm simply heaping O's on the reader! "Obligatory", "Order", and the
     snake ("Orm" in Swedish) is curled up in the shape of an O around (Omkring)
     the wishes. Also, this one has a list of items, in Swedish, in alphabetical
     Order, *and* a link to a Swedish/English dictionary. (The only thing it
     doesn't have is a wish beginning with O.)

     [The word "önskelista" does NOT begin with an O, it begins with an Ö!]

16:  No clues, just a silly joke.

17:  Q... This one had people thinking, and some did recognize him! That gives
     a nice feel-good factor this far into the month.

18:  Runes! That's a Swedish alphabet in itself! Nice, "obvious" clue!

19:  Sköldpadda (Turtle) is a word that has been joked about quite a lot in the
     chat (kind of a chat equivalent to the Morötter on the 13th).

     This is also when I publish a file with the motivations for people's guesses
     (just so that everybody can get a chance to read Joaquim's list of fruit in

20:  Just to tease llizard. No clues there.

     Phydeaux (who is one of the people who recognized John Cleese) sends in the
     theme guess "Erik the Viking", which should be a clue for the rest of the
     people (especially since I put his explanation on the "motivations" page).
     Of course, a bunch of people who are actively looking for clues will omit to
     look at such a page!  }:-)

21:  Here I just went crazy on the theme "things beginning with U".

     Shortly after midnight, meow sends in the theme guess: "things from a large
     encyclopedia". (apparently the stack of numbered books that the owl is sitting
     on was a good clue, and one I didn't even realize I had given out until I saw
     this guess!).

     [This guess is good because a dictionary is a list of words in alphabetical order.]

     And just one or two minutes later Jan sends the guess: "things which contains
     the mysterious swedish letter å".

     [This is a good guess because it implies translating all the words to Swedish.]

     (Unfortunately, both meow and Jan gave up guessing at this point.)

22:  VW, get it? (W is not really a "real letter" in Swedish, so I won't give it a
     day of its own.)

23:  "Sex laxar i en lax-ask" ("Six salmons in a salmon box") is something
     you're supposed to say many times quickly without "tripping" on your tongue.
     Add to that a couple of more words with X in them...

     (YOU try to come up with something sensible for the letter X!)

24:  Yacht... Just another boat to confuse things a little (*and* it turned out to
     be hard to find good words beginning with Y in Swedish).

25:  Squeezing the rest of the alphabet together on one picture, simply because
     I happened to think of a combination that let me do that. It also allows me
     to finish this a little sooner.

26:  Andrew and Steve figure out the theme when I give out some clues. Now the
     competition begins: who can figure out most letters?

     Steve finds 20 of the words.
     Andrew finds 22.

     Quotes from when Andrew figured out the words were not in English.
     In email:

     > Trying to think.
     > The only word I can come up with for 1st/A is 'Pomander', which of
     > course doesn't start with the letter A.
     > Unless.. I'm looking in the wrong language.. ???

     and in the chat:

     > Andrew Z Carpenter [email] [home]  26 Dec. 18:59, from:, grey
     > AHAAA!!!
     > Andrew Z Carpenter [email] [home] 26 Dec. 19:00, from:, grey
     > <something just went DING>

     (In the ObAscii for the day, note the Swedish flag next to the house)

27:  Dragging it out a little... (unfortunately, that did not lead to anything

     (In the ObAscii for the day, note the portrait of the Swedish king)

Tomorrow: The Winners


From Andrew:

Let me see if I can rationalise this at all..

1st = A = ?
2nd = B = Banana
3rd = C = Citrus
4th = D = Death
5th = E = ?
6th = F = Full-Rigged
7th = G = Green Frog
8th = H = Home on wheels
9th = I = ?
10th = J = Juicy
11th = K = Kayak
12th = L = ?
13th = M = ?
14th = N = ?
15th = O = Obligatory
16th = P = Penis		1
17th = Q = Q (from Bond)	2
18th = R = Runes
19th = S = Shelled creature
20th = T = Television		3
21st = U = Unusual
22nd = V = Volkswagon		4,5
23rd = W = ?
24th = Y = Yacht		6
26th = Z = Zebra		7

(X was skipped?)


Trying to think.

The only word I can come up with for 1st/A is 'Pomander', which of
course doesn't start with the letter A.

Unless.. I'm looking in the wrong language.. ???


1 - A - apelsin			1
2 - B -bananplanta
3 - C - citron			2
4 - D - dödskalle		3
5 - E - [rowing boat?]
6 - F - [full-rigged ship?]
7 - G - groda			4
8 - H - husvagn			5
9 - I - idrottsman		6
10 - J - jordgubbar		7
11 - K - kanot			8
12 - L - [batman?]
13 - M - morötter		9
14 - N - Nyponsoppa		10
15 - O - önske|lista
16 - P - penis			11
17 - Q - Q			12
18 - R - Runa			13
19 - S - sköld|padda		14
20 - T - television		15
21 - U - [odd collection?]
22 - V - Volkswagon		16,17
23 - W - [Asterix?]
24 - Y - jakt
25 - Z - Zebra			18


How many now?

> 1 - A - apelsin <orange>	1
> 2 - B - banan <banana>	2
> 3 - C - citron <lemon> 	3
> 4 - D - dödskalle <skull>	4
> 5 - E - [rowing boat?]
> 6 - F - farkost <ship>
> 7 - G - groda <frog>		5
> 8 - H - husvagn <caravan>	6
> 9 - I - idrottsman <athlete>	7
> 10 - J - jordgubbar <strawberry>	8
> 11 - K - kanot <canoe>	9
> 12 - L - [batman?]
> 13 - M - morötter <carrots>	10
> 14 - N - Nyponsoppa <rose hip soup>	11
> 15 - O - önske|lista <Wish-List>
> 16 - P - penis <penis>	12
> 17 - Q - Q <Q from the Bond films>	13
> 18 - R - Runa <Runes>		14
> 19 - S - sköld|padda <Turtle>	15
> 20 - T - televisionen <television>	16
> 21 - U - udda <odd>		17
> 22 - V - [Volkswagon]		18,19
> 23 - W - [Asterix?]
> 24 - Y - jakt <Yacht>
> 25 - Z - Zebra <Zebra> 	20


A few changes

>> 1 - A - apelsin <orange>		1
>> 2 - B - banan <banana>		2
>> 3 - C - citron <lemon>		3
>> 4 - D - dödskalle <skull>		4
>> 5 - E - eka				5
>> 6 - F - farkost <ship>
>> 7 - G - groda <frog>			6
>> 8 - H - husvagn <caravan>		7
>> 9 - I - idrottsman <athlete>		8
>> 10 - J - jordgubbar <strawberry>	9
>> 11 - K - kanot <canoe>		10
>> 12 - L - [batman?]
>> 13 - M - morötter <carrots>		11
>> 14 - N - Nyponsoppa <rose hip soup>	12
>> 15 - O - önske lista <Wish-List>
>> 16 - P - penis <penis>		13
>> 17 - Q - Q <Q from the Bond films>	14
>> 18 - R - Runa <Runes>		15
>> 19 - S - sköld padda <Turtle>	16
>> 20 - T - teve <television>		17
>> 21 - U - udda <odd>			18
>> 22 - V - [Volkswagon]		19,20
>> 23 - W - [Asterix?]
>> 24 - Y - Yacht <Yacht>		21
>> 25 - Z - Zebra <Zebra> 		22


From Steve:

A = Aroma
B = Banana
C = Cut
D = Dead
E = 
F = Floating?
G =
H = Home
I = 
J = Jam
K = Kiyak (sp)
L = Legend
M = 
N = Nyponsoppa			1
O = 
P = pen*s			2
Q = Que*r
R = Runes, alphabet of mystery
S = Soup
T = Television			3
U = 
V & W = Volkswagon		4,5
X = Marks the spot
Y = Yacht			6
Z = Zebra			7


A = apelsin		1
B = banan		2
C = citron		3
D = dödskalle		4
E = eka			5
F = farkost
G = groda		6
H = husvagn		7
I = idrottsman		8
J = jord gubbe		9
K = kanot		10
L = 
M = morötter		11
N = Nyponsoppa		12
O = önske lista
P = penis		13
Q = Queer cleese
R = runa		14
S = sköld
T = teve		15
U = udda		16
V & W = VolksWagon	17,18
X = X marks the spot
Y = Yacht		19
Z = Zebra 		20


brojek's list

 1 Apelsin		1
 2 Banan		2
 3 Citron		3
 4 Dödskalle		4
 6 Fregatt
 7 Groda		5
 8 Husvagn		6
 9 Idrottsman. Why do I keep reading 'idiotman' ?		7       :D:D::D:D:D
10 Jordgubbe		8
11 Kanot		9
13 Morot		10
14 Nyponsoppa 		11
15 Orm			12
16 Penis		13
18 Runor		14
19 Sköldpadda. This one was particularly easy.			15
20 TV			16
21 Uppbörd
22 Vägglus or VolksWagen, to have the non-letter included	17,18
23 asteriX, boX, taX (but what if he tripped?)			19	+2 bonus
24 Yacht							20
25 Zebra, Asna, Älv, Ö.  (Darn, one letter on my keyboard layout is missing)
   This last one should not give too much extra points,
   especially not to Joaquim :-)				21,22,23,24

5, 12, 17 missing. that would be 22 then.


PS. Why have I kept guessing in English only, huh?


llizard's list

A apelsin       1
B banana
C citron        2
D dödskalle     3
E rowboat
F fartyg
G groda         4
H husvagn       5
I idrottsman    6
J jordgubbe     7
K kanot         8
M morot         9
N nypon
O obligatorisklista     11
P penis                 12
Q John Cleese as "Q" in James Bond movies ("The World Is Not Enough" and
"Die Another Day")      13
R runes
S sköldpadda            14
T TV                    15
U uggla                 16
V volkswagon            17,18
W walking??
XY xmas?? yacht         19
Z zebra                 20

"final attempt":

A apelsin               1
B banana
C citron                2
D dödskalle             3
E: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (clearly I'm really hampered by not
speaking Swedish) I've tried skulling, oars, wake, row, gunwale, bow,
F fartyg
G groda                 4
H husvagn               5
I idrottsman            6
J jordgubbe             7
K kanot                 8
M morot                 9
N nypon
O: orm  snake is in shape of an 0       10, +1 bonus
P penis                 11
Q John Cleese as "Q" in James Bond movies ("The World Is Not Enough" and
"Die Another Day")      12
R: runristning          13
S sköldpadda            14
T TV                    15
U uggla                 16
V volkswagon            17,18
W: Watch out!!
XY xmas?? yacht         19
Z zebra                 20


Everybody's best lists

Andrew              Steve                  brojek                      llizard
A apelsin        1  A apelsin           1  Apelsin                  1  A apelsin                1
B banan          2  B banan             2  Banan                    2  B banana
C citron         3  C citron            3  Citron                   3  C citron                 2
D dödskalle      4  D dödskalle         4  Dödskalle                4  D dödskalle              3
E eka            5  E eka               5                              E 5*
F farkost           F farkost              Fregatt                     F fartyg
G groda          6  G groda             6  Groda                    5  G groda                  4
H husvagn        7  H husvagn           7  Husvagn                  6  H husvagn                5
I idrottsman     8  I idrottsman        8  Idrottsman 1*            7  I idrottsman             6
J jordgubbar     9  J jord gubbe        9  Jordgubbe                8  J jordgubbe              7
K kanot         10  K kanot            10  Kanot                    9  K kanot                  8
L batman?           L                                                  L
M morötter      11  M morötter         11  Morot                   10  M morot                  9
N Nyponsoppa    12  N Nyponsoppa       12  Nyponsoppa              11  N nypon
O önske lista       O önske lista          Orm                     12  O orm, in shape of 0  10+1
P penis         13  P penis            13  Penis                   13  P penis                 11
Q Q <from Bond> 14  Q Queer cleese                                     Q "Q" in James Bond     12
R Runa          15  R runa             14  Runor                   14  R runristning           13
S sköld padda   16  S sköld                Sköldpadda 2*           15  S sköldpadda            14
T teve          17  T teve             15  TV                      16  T TV                    15
U udda          18  U udda             16  Uppbörd                     U uggla                 16
V Volkswagon 19,20  VW VolksWagon   17,18  VolksWagen 3*        17,18  V volkswagon         17,18
W Asterix?          X X marks the spot     asteriX, boX, taX 4*  19+2  W Watch out!!
Y Yacht         21  Y Yacht            19  Yacht                   20  XY xmas?? yacht         19
Z Zebra         22  Z Zebra            20  Zebra, Åsna, Älv, Ö. 21-24  Z zebra                 20

1* Why do I keep reading 'idiotman' ?
2* This one was particularly easy.
3* Vägglus or VolksWagen, to have the non-letter included
4* (but what if he tripped?)            

5* eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (clearly I'm really hampered by not
   speaking Swedish) I've tried skulling, oars, wake, row, gunwale, bow,


Censored from the chat:

Jan [email] [home]  28 Dec. 13:36, from:, orange

VK: so, my last thought at christmas eve was right. the 24th picture
    was very obvious. :D
    when give you us the list? Want to see how the 1st fits to the theme
    (it works fine in German but not in English)


30 December: The Winners

 * Meow, for suggesting a similarity to an encyclopedia (21 December)

 * Jan, for suggesting translating all the words to Swedish (21 December)

 * Steve, for realizing that it's a list in alphabetical order and getting
   20 letters right (26 December)

 * Andrew, for figuring out that the list is in Swedish and getting 22
   letters right (26 December)

I can't say that one of these is better than the other. Meow and Jan were
a little more vague, but they were also five days before Steve and Andrew.
Steve and Andrew cooperated, and had the whole alphabet to look at, and
some clues. Each person figured out one "factor" each (no single person
got both that it was alphabetical *and* that it was Swedish).

Smee's question: "What do I win?"

Winners who don't mind telling me their address will get some nyponsoppa.

Also, brojek and llizard sent in lists after the theme was revealed.

Here's everybody's best lists (I hope it makes sense):

Andrew              Steve                  brojek                      llizard
A apelsin        1  A apelsin           1  Apelsin                  1  A apelsin                1
B banan          2  B banan             2  Banan                    2  B banana
C citron         3  C citron            3  Citron                   3  C citron                 2
D dödskalle      4  D dödskalle         4  Dödskalle                4  D dödskalle              3
E eka            5  E eka               5                              E 5*
F farkost           F farkost              Fregatt                  5  F fartyg
G groda          6  G groda             6  Groda                    6  G groda                  4
H husvagn        7  H husvagn           7  Husvagn                  7  H husvagn                5
I idrottsman     8  I idrottsman        8  Idrottsman 1*            8  I idrottsman             6
J jordgubbar     9  J jord gubbe        9  Jordgubbe                9  J jordgubbe              7
K kanot         10  K kanot            10  Kanot                   10  K kanot                  8
L batman?           L                                                  L
M morötter      11  M morötter         11  Morot                   11  M morot                  9
N Nyponsoppa    12  N Nyponsoppa       12  Nyponsoppa              12  N nypon
O önske lista       O önske lista          Orm                     13  O orm, in shape of 0  10+1
P penis         13  P penis            13  Penis                   14  P penis                 11
Q Q <from Bond> 14  Q Queer cleese                                     Q "Q" in James Bond     12
R Runa          15  R runa             14  Runor                   15  R runristning           13
S sköld padda   16  S sköld                Sköldpadda 2*           16  S sköldpadda            14
T teve          17  T teve             15  TV                      17  T TV                    15
U udda          18  U udda             16  Uppbörd                     U uggla                 16
V Volkswagon 19,20  VW VolksWagon   17,18  VolksWagen 3*        18,19  V volkswagon         17,18
W Asterix?          X X marks the spot     asteriX, boX, taX 4*  20+2  W Watch out!!
Y Yacht         21  Y Yacht            19  Yacht                   21  XY xmas?? yacht         19
Z Zebra         22  Z Zebra            20  Zebra, Åsna, Älv, Ö. 22-25  Z zebra                 20

1* Why do I keep reading 'idiotman' ?
2* This one was particularly easy.
3* Vägglus or VolksWagen, to have the non-letter included
4* (but what if he tripped?)            

5* eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (clearly I'm really hampered by not
   speaking Swedish) I've tried skulling, oars, wake, row, gunwale, bow,

[After some complaints and posting of picture evidence I decided to approve
of brojek's "Fregatt".]


      .-|          |-.
     |`-.___    ___.-'|
     |      """"      |
     |                |
     |     Winner     |
     |       of       |
     |  ridiculously  |
     |   difficult    |
     J    challenge   F
      \              /
       `.          .'
         `-.    .-'
            \  /
            |  |
        .-""|  |""-.
       (    `--'    )
        `-._    _.-'

Here is the list of letters from people mentioned above:

Saker/bilder du kan se från din dator? Apelsinen skulle kunna
hänga i rummet, sen åt du/FS en banan, citronen är på nån godis-
eller yogurtförpackning, skeppet och roddbåten är på samma
tavla i rummet och husvagnen ser du genom fönstret hos grannen
mitt emot, osv.

Wee shall say that the advent theme is... um... "Mutiny on the Bounty'...

And that is the answer Wee shall submit to the place were the answers are
collected even though this place is far away in a land froze in time...

Thank you so very much for the attention that you pay to this matter of
great importance...

"Pairs" or "Twos"

1. Cloves + Orange
2. banana + banana peel
3. 2 halves of lemon
4. 2 skulls
5. 2 oars in the rowboat
6. 2 sails (plus one for good luck?)
7. frogs are amphibious - land + water = 2
8. caravan is added to the back of the car making 2 vehicles... or just that it has 2 wheels
9. 2 athletes
10. umm... the double "R" in StrawbeRRy?  Okay, that's a stretch
11. 2 people in the canoe
12. the duality of being both bat and man

Second attempt, not very serious :)

I see the pattern: fruit-mask-water repeating.
Google for "fruit mask water" yielded:

 "Vegetable and fruit masks for your skin"

This is The Theme.  Or it might be:

 "How to make cosmetics at home"

Or even

 "Make yourself perfect make-up for Christmas"

But I have to admint that the latter is somwhat farfetched.

The theme is:
things that have nothing whatever to do with Christmas.
What do I win?

things unplugged (ie: no electricity or motor

The theme is...


 i.e. Life, Universe and Everything.

PS. Have FS served as a model?

might be the theme be The Flonk? considering i saw dave's penis
appearing in your artwork on the 16th

Det är ett recept.

Blanda alltihopa så får man pyttipanna med hela kostcirkeln.

Batman and the carrots(Bugs Bunny) made me think Warner Brothers.

Okay... this one's a wag...

"Erik the Viking"

It works for the ships, the #17 guy, the runes (sort of), the penis
(kind of), the skull (maybe), and the TV.  I don't know what the food
would have to do with it, because my local video store didn't have it
(and I've never seen it).

The theme is

 The Spanish Inquisition.

After all, nobody expects _that_, ever.

Patrick in St. Petersburg, Florida again. Never would have guessed the 
17th was John Cleese. Don't get out to the movies enough. That being 
said I have to recall that your obligatory Christmas list looked to me 
like a snake(Python) and I am leaning toward believing your theme is 
Monty Python, but I don't know if you have a specific film in mind such 
as the Meaning of Life. I am not sure how everything ties in together 
other than how you might interpret things. Am I right? Merry Christmas 
to you!

Author:      Veronica Karlsson
Email:       vk@ludd.luth.se (alt. comment form)
Main page:   http://www.ludd.luth.se/users/vk/
Sections:   [misc.] [ascii art] [chat] [links] [news]