,-.,-. ,-.,-. .| /-./_ -=-Hayley Jane Wakenshaw-=- _\.-\ |. ( (___ a.k.a. flump ____) ) | 'o \) (/ o` | ; / Visit Flump's Ascii \ ; | ,_/ Collection: \_, | ((_ \) http://www.xs4all.nl/~klr (/ _)) ) `---.__/ \__.---' ( "You wouldn't recognise a 'subtle plan' if it painted itself purple and danced naked upon a harpsichord singing 'Subtle Plans Are Here Again'. - Blackadder %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |_| _ | _ | | _ |_ _ _ _ |_ _ | |(_|(_||(/_(_| |/\|(_||\(/_| )/ )| )(_|\/\/ (| (| **Flump's Ascii Collection**: http://www.xs4all.nl/~klr _==_ _ _==_ _ _==_ _ _==_ _ _==_ _ _==_ _ _,(",)|_| _,(",)|_| _,(",)|_| _,(",)|_| _,(",)|_| _,(",)|_| \/. \-| \/. \-| \/. \-| \/. \-| \/. \-| \/. \-| __( : )|____( : )|____( : )|____( : )|____( : )|____( : )|__ "I say, if your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life." - Calvin & Hobbes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _e-e_ Hayley Jane Wakenshaw _e-e_ _(-._.-)_ "Dosser Extraordinaire" _(-._.-)_ .-( `---' )-. **Flump's Ascii Collection**: .-( `---' )-. __\ \\\___/// /__ www.xs4all.nl/~klr __\ \\\___/// /__ '-._.'/M\ /M\`._,-` '-._.'/M\ /M\`._,-` "I can never enjoy Sundays, because in the back of my mind I always know I have to go to school the next day." - Calvin & Hobbes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ~@~ VISIT FLUMP"S ASCII COLLECTION!! ~@~ (')) ^v^ _ (`)_ http://www.xs4all.nl/~klr (__)_) ,--j j-------, (__)_) oOo Hayley Jane Wakenshaw oOo /_.-.___.-.__/ \ flump@quadrant.xs4all.nl ,&| [_],-.[_] | oOo "If you never did you should. ,,,oO8|_o8_|_|_8o_|&888o,,, These things are fun and fun is good." - Dr Seuss %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Hayley Jane Wakenshaw: flump@quadrant.xs4all.nl -=-Flump's Ascii Collection-=- http://www.xs4all.nl/~klr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __(.)> __(.)< __(.)= __(.)> __(.)< __(.)= __(.)> __(.)< __(.)= \___) \___) \___) \___) \___) \___) \___) \___) \___) "Faith means not wanting to know what's true" - Nietsche ^^ hjw %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- ,-.,-. oOoOo **Hayley Jane Wakenshaw oOoOo ( ( ( -=- FLUMP -=- \ ) ) _..-.._ Visit Flump's Ascii Collection __)/ ,',' `. ," `. ,--. `. HTTP://WWW.XS4ALL.NL/~KLR ," @ .' ` \ (Y ( ;''. "I think we dream so we don't have to `--.____, \ , ; be apart so long. If we're in each ((_ ,----' ,---' _,'_,' other's dreams then we can play hjw (((_,- (((______,-' together all night." - Calvin & Hobbes %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ _ (o\---/o) ( , , ) _____,--.(_(Y)_),--._____ | "~~" "~~" | "If something is so complicated |~@~ Hayley Wakenshaw ~@~| that you can't explain it in ten |Flump's Ascii Collection:| minutes then it probably isn't | www.xs4all.nl/~klr | worth knowing anyway." |_________________________| - Calvin & Hobbes ) | ( (___,'.___) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- _ .-. _ .-.,~' )_ ( \,-' ) .-, _ .---, (),~( ) `'Bored? `' `' )-._,-. __/___/ O _(Fed up? Miserable? Then why not try_) / /\\\\\ o ( The all new and improved ) \| , | `~. FLUMP'S ASCII COLLECTION? ,-' .--c 9_9-. ( http://www.xs4all.nl/~klr _) hjw / \__=/ \ `~._.-( ) _)-. .~._)-' `~'`-.__) `-._) "A rattlesnake that doesn't bite teaches you nothing" - Jessamyn West %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- H A Y L E Y J A N E W A K E N S H A W |}.'} {\ /} ~@~ flump@quadrant.xs4all.nl ~@~ \()/%( >`.()'< Flump's Ascii Collection - www.xs4all.nl/~klr _>\_{ {# /|\/#} @, /| `/'|`~' v `@@, .: v \ \ \\ v (() _ .;, .:,`@@, {_} .;, .o, ()) ` ` //(() \/ ~*~ {_} `)-. '|` ~*~ _o8o '\/--' '' `|' ,-) '|` '|` / |/ '\_ ( \ Wv,/VvV,Vw|vVv/vWV(vV/,Wwv,vWV,/vvhjwV,vV/,Vvv,/vvWwv\,/vvV\vVWVv,V "Never judge a book by its movie." - J.W. Eagan %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- ___ //_\\_ Hayley Jane Wakenshaw ."\\ ". |\/\ ,. / \ flump@quadrant.xs4all.nl / `' |,-, | \_ / /_ | ,--.-.) Visit Flump's Ascii Collection: _/ / \ / o \o\ (.-,--. / /\/\ \ /_/ htp://www.xs4all.nl/~klr /o/ o \ / (_. `--'__) \_\ / _/ | .-' \ (__`--' _) | .-'. ) "A synonym is a word you use when / | | ( _/--.-' you can't spell the word you (_____,' \ | `.___.' first thought of." \_ _\ `---.___( - Burt Bacharach `._..-' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Juliette writes: >Can anyone make me a sig for my friend who is called Elaina? >She is a Rabbi here in the UK. >It doesn't have to be anything complicated, but I wouldn't know where to >start making one. >If anyone has any tips or wants to make me one for her, please email: Here's one: a prayer shawl and a star of david... -- ________________________________________________________________ ==\ \ \\ /\ \\ \ \== ==| | || //\\ ________NAME GOES HERE________ || | |== ==/ / // ___//__\\____ // / /== ==| | || \.-//----\\-,/ waffle@blah.blether.net || | |== ==\ \ \\ \v/ \v/ \\ \ \== ==/ / // /\\ //\ ANY OTHER FASCINATING AND VITAL // / /== ==| | || //_\\____//_\\ DETAILS CAN GO HERE........:-) || | |== ==| | || '----\\--//----` || | |== ==\ \ \\ \\// "profound or witty quote goes here" \\ \ \== ==|_|__||_______\/__________________________________________||___|_|== hjw %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- |_| _ | _ | | _ |_ _ _ _ |_ _ | | (_| \/ | (/_ \/ |/\| (_| |\ (/_ | )/ ) | ) (_| |/\| / / ~)~ .-'-, e-mail: flump@quadrant.xs4all.nl ___`\/!/_=.'_ \`----' `-x/_.'x-~ **** Wanna jazz up your mail? **** \ \` |\ Try Flump's Ascii - www.xs4all.nl/~klr ____hjw_`. /__________________________________________________ `------"---' "Put that shoe back in the cupboard Jack: you know Sinterklaas only comes to Zwaag twice a week" - frustrated English mother living in Holland %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- _ ,-. Talk to ya soon!!! .-, _ (,-/) ) Lots of Hugs!!! ( (\-,) / \ From Tressa / \ o-' 9 ; : P '-o \ / .--. .--. \ / `-. (.--|^^| |~~| .--.) .-' ,'/ ,--.|~~|^^| .-|~~| .--|~~|.--, \'. ,-. _,',' / ||~~| |\ |=| | __|##|~~|| \ `.`._ .-, | ( / _,' /| |^^|'\ |=|__| __/`.| | |\ `._ \ ) | />-.`( ( _,' | |^^|.'\=| |==|==/~/`./|__| | `._ ) )'.-<\ /| \_.--`~~' `. ) | |\.'\| | | / /`./ |==| ( `~~'--._/ |\ / | ;-:~~|^^| \.'\=|~~|/ /`./ | |~~|`- | \ /hjw`.__,._____,' |~~|^^| \.'\|~~|~/`./ |##|~~| `._______,.__.' \ `==================`--`--'===`-'`--`'`-'====`--`--'===================' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- .-. ~@~ Hayley Jane Wakenshaw ~@~ .-. (. .)__.') flump@quadrant.xs4all.nl (`.__(. .) / V ) Visit ( V \ () \ ( \/ http://www.xs4all.nl/~klr \/ ) / () <)-`\() `._`._ \ Home of Flump's Ascii Collection / _.'_.' ()/'-(> <)_>=====<<==`'==================================`'==>>=====<_(> <>-'"The only way to have a friend is to be one" - R.W.Emerson`-<> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- /| /|_ ,-._,,_,-. \,/ 7`' /_ Hayley Jane Wakenshaw ((`,-""-.')) _\` ,',- - <_ AKA flump |=,'""`.=| `, ,- |=|O__O|=| _Y O O Y_ Visit Flump's Ascii ;`-'(__)`-'; (_ (_) _) Collection: ',_ -. _,` \ .-----, / http://www.xs4all.nl/~klr > ,`--',-. `.\,-./,' >; ;=-=\ `===' The most wasted day of all =| ;,='| is the one without laughter - e.e. cummings %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- ____ ___ _..._ ( |_ | , ._ _ _ ' _ .' `. .-"; ! ;"-. | |(_| | ) )|_)_/ )/ _ ' _ _ ___ _ .'! : | : !`. __ | | / \| | |_ / | | / \ |\ | /\ ! : ! : ! /\ /_| _ _ * * | \_/|_ |_ |_ \_ | | \_/ | \| /\ | ! :|: ! | /\ / |_/ )(_ | | \ . ( \ \ ; :!: ; / / )( `.___.' ( `. \ | !:|:! | / .' ) (`. \ \ \!:|:!/ / / .') http://www.xs4all.nl/~klr \ `.`.\ |!|! |/,'.' / `._`.\\\!!!// .'_.' "...an utterly insignificant little blue-green `.`.\\|//.'.' planet whose ape-descended life forms are so |`._`n'_.'| amazingly primitive that they still think digital "----^----" watches are a pretty neat idea." - Douglas Adams %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- Hayley Jane Wakenshaw aka flump /) Visit *Flump's Ascii Collection* at: /\___/\ (( www.xs4all.nl/~klr \`@_@'/ )) "Life is what happens when you're busy {_:Y:.}_// making other plans." - John Lennon -------{_}^-'{_}------------------------------------------ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- _|>o<|_ (o . . o) ____,--._(__Y__)_,--.____ | `--' `--' | "Miss Wormwood: What state do you live in? | Hayley Jane Wakenshaw | Calvin: Denial. |Flump's Ascii Collection| Miss Wormwood: I don't suppose I can argue |http://www.xs4all.nl/~klr| with that....." |_________________________| - Calvin & Hobbes )_.-|-._( (___,'.___) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- -=-=-=-=-=-H a y l e y -=- J a n e -=- W a k e n s h a w-=-=-=-=-=- ___ ___ "There have been many definitions of hell /#=.`. .'.=#\ but for the English the best definition \ \ `. .' / / is that it is the place where the Germans -. >- .--.v.--. -< ,- are the police the Swedish are the comedians --/#=/ Y \=#\-- the Italians are the defense force Frenchmen /__ | | | _\ dig the roads, the Belgians are the pop /###=|____|____|=###\ singers, the Spanish run the railways, the |""' \ O | O / `""| Turks cook the food, the Irish are the |_ /`--(_)--'\ _| waiters, the Greeks run the government, and \##= \: / \ :/ =##/ the common language is Dutch." `.#= `-' `-' =#.' - David Frost and Anthony Jay `-._________.-' ***** VISIT FLUMP'S ASCII COLLECTION: http://www.xs4all.nl/~klr ***** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- e-mail: flump@quadrant.xs4all.nl -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- ___ //_\\_ Hayley Jane Wakenshaw ."\\ ". |\/\ ,. / \ flump@quadrant.xs4all.nl / `' |,-, | \_ / /_ | ,--.-.) Visit Flump's Ascii Collection: _/ / \ / o \o\ (.-,--. / /\/\ \ /_/ htp://www.xs4all.nl/~klr /o/ o \ / (_. `--'__) \_\ / _/ | .-' \ (__`--' _) | .-'. ) "A synonym is a word you use when / | | ( _/--.-' you can't spell the word you (_____,' \ | `.___.' first thought of." \_ _\ `---.___( - Burt Bacharach `._..-' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- , , _|\ _/|_, Hayley Jane Wakenshaw ._|\_ /|_ ,((\\``-\\\\_ Visit _////-''//)). ,(()) `))\ FLUMP'S ASCII COLLECTION AT: /((' (()). ,(())) < \ / > ((()). ((())' | \ http://www.xs4all.nl/~klr / | `(())). ))))) >.__ \ / __.< ((((( (((' / `-. .d| "An intellectual snob is |b. .-' \ `))) / `-`' someone who can listen to `'-' \ the William Tell Overture and not think of The Lone Ranger." - Dan Rather %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- ==================================================================. | Hayley Wakenenshaw _ _ ~Visit~Flump's~Ascii~ | | Professional ( \---/ ) *** Collection *** | | {{Hug}} Collector ) . . ( http://www.xs4all.nl/nl | |________________________,--._(___Y___)_,--._______________________| | `--' `--' | |"A room without books like a body without a soul." - Marcus Cicero| `==================================================================' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .----, Hayley Wakenshaw flump@quadrant.xs4all.nl /--._( ***Full Time Obstinate Bugger (Hons.)*** |____| For updates on the latest little house [____] .=======. decorating disasters visit: YY q. .p http://www.xs4all.nl/~klr/house || | `---' | "i'M NoT piANtinG tHE bLoOdY HAll WHiTE - [] |_______| It'll lOoK GREAT iN SCaRleT aNd OranGe.." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- ____________,-.___ _ -=- Hayley Jane Wakenshaw -=- |____ { {]_]_] [_] flump@quadrant.xs4all.nl |___ `----.__\ \_]_]_ . ` Get your Ascii E-mail accessories at: | `-----.___} }]_]_]_ , **Flump's Ascii Collection** |____________/ {_]_]_]_] , ` http://www.xs4all.nl/~klr `-' "I generally avoid temptation unless I can't resist it." - Mae West %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- .--. .---. .-. "Never judge .---|--| .-. | A | .---. |~| .--. Hayley a book .--|===|Ch|---|_|--.__| S |--|:::| |~|-==-|==|---. Jane by its |%%|NT2|oc|===| |~~|%%| C |--| |_|~|CATS| |___|-.Wakenshaw movie" | | |ah|===| |NL| | I | |:::|=| | |GB|---|=| ~~~ | | |ol| |_|__| | I |__| | | | | |___| | "Flump" JW Eagan |~~|===|--|===|~|~~|%%|~~~|--|:::|=|~|----|==|---|=| ^^^^^^^ `--^---'--^---^-^--^--^---'--^---^-^-^-==-^--^---^-' ~@~@~@~ Visit Flump's Ascii Collection: www.xs4all.nl/~klr ~@~@~@~ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- ___ _ _ _ ___ _ | |_ | | | | | | |\/| | |_) _ (\ _ /) |_| |_|_ |_|_| |_| | |_| (\ _ /) ( \( )/ ) ( \( )/ ) ( )Visit flump's original ascii collection( ) `> <' http:www.xs4all.nl/~klr `> <' / \ "When someone says 'how-do-you-do', / \ `-._.-' just say that you didn't." `-._.-' - winnie the pooh %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- -=-=-=-=-=-H a y l e y -=- J a n e -=- W a k e n s h a w-=-=-=-=-=- ___ ___ "There have been many definitions of hell /#=.`. .'.=#\ but for the English the best definition \ \ `. .' / / is that it is the place where the Germans -. >- .--.v.--. -< ,- are the police the Swedish are the comedians --/#=/ Y \=#\-- the Italians are the defense force Frenchmen /__ | | | _\ dig the roads, the Belgians are the pop /###=|____|____|=###\ singers, the Spanish run the railways, the |""' \ O | O / `""| Turks cook the food, the Irish are the |_ /`--(_)--'\ _| waiters, the Greeks run the government, and \##= \: / \ :/ =##/ the common language is Dutch." `.#= `-' `-' =#.' - David Frost and Anthony Jay `-._________.-' ***** VISIT FLUMP'S ASCII COLLECTION: http://www.xs4all.nl/~klr ***** -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- e-mail: flump@quadrant.xs4all.nl -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- .................................................................... : _>-. ____ .-<_ |_| _ | _ | | _ |_ _ _ _ |_ _ | | : : >-.\.-'____`-./ ,< | |(_|\/|(/_\/ |/\|(_||\(/_| |/ )| |(_||/\| : : .','"\__/"`.`<_,-, -----/-----/------------------------------ : : _/ / \_/ \_/ \! (D\ Crawl over to Flump's Ascii Collection : : \ \_/ \__/ \_/!_ (D/ www.xs4all.nl/~klr : : `.`../__\,.'.< `-` ----------------------------------------- : : _>-'/`-.____.-'\ `<_ "All animals are equal but some animals : : >-' `-< are more equal than others." -George Orwell : :...................................................................: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O |_ _ _ _ _ _ _ |_ _ _ | .-=-. | )(_||_)|_)(_| (/_(_|/ )| (/_ | o _/ `. | | _| /_( 9 |.__ Hayley Jane Wakenshaw \ ``-._ flump@quadrant.xs4all.nl `> _... `'> Visit Flump's Ascii Collection! __ | .' `-. _,' http://www.xs4all.nl/~klr .-'' ``-. \ `-. ,' ; .' \ `. `~~' / "I believe in the prozac ( | _ 7`"..."' nation" ~ Barenaked Ladies `. / ,'| __/ `-..__..-' ,'\ O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O()O %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% |_| _ | _ | | _ |_ _ _ _ |_ _ | |(_|(_||(/_(_| |/\|(_||\(/_| )/ )| )(_|\/\/ (| (| **Flump's Ascii Collection**: http://www.xs4all.nl/~klr %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%