, |\ ...give thanks | `-._,="""=, joan stark \ //o.-)-.\ \ ||/:/:\:\-. ORIGINAL ASCII ART GALLERY: `. \\\:\:/:/o_), http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ jgs `->>>8888>;(_)o %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _.--""""--._ .' /\ '. / ^V^ _/__\_ \ / ///'} \ joan stark spunk1111@juno.com | ___ /` \ | |-=-I>==( \=\==== | ASCII ART GALLERY: \ ``` > > / http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ \ \ / / '._ ` _.' jgs '--....--' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .-""", _...._ /____, \ spunk1111@juno.com .::o:::::. {_____}`{} joan stark .:::'''':o:. (/ . . \) ::: ::: {`-=^=-`} :o:_ _:o: { ` } Original ASCII Art Gallery `:}_>()<_{:' jgs { } http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ `'//\\'` `-,-` /' '\ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .-""""--. / ) / --"` / _`:____ | .-' `\ \ / .----'./ joan stark \ : ,-' ~(.).)\ \_| \ ._) | / | \.__, / _.--' )`///-,-' / / _| (_\\ ASCII ART GALLERY: | (____/____) \ ___/ | _ `---( ` ) `-, .' (__.'._/'._/ |`| | __/ / / // | `--. || /_____) jgs `=---` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /\-/\ /o o \ joan stark _ =\ Y =/-~~~~~~-,______________________________________________/ ) '^--' _______________________________________________/ \ / || |---'\ \ ASCII ART GALLERY: jgs (_(__| ((__| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ |\_ joan stark spunk1111@juno.com \` ..\ ASCII ART GALLERY: __,.-" =__Y= http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ jgs ." ) ___,__,_, ,_, ,_, , , , , , _ / , \/\_ _ (_ |__) | | |\ | |_/ | | | | ((____| )_-\ \_-`(_)____) | |__| | \| | \___|_|_|_|___, `-----'`-----` `--` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% , , /(_, ,_)\ DON'T MESS WITH ME... \ _/ \_ / I'M A REAL CRAB TODAY! // \\ \\ (@)(@) // joan stark \'="=="='/ spunk1111@juno.com ,===/ \===, ",===\ /===," ASCII art gallery: " ,==='------'===, " http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ jgs " " %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \___ \_, ___\_ | __, .'.--. ```-./ `....--'.'''.-p./ ...always buzzin'! ({{ }<=-= ( < .''''--.`...'-b`\ spunk1111@juno.com jgs `._____...-'\__ *joan stark * ___/ _| ` / / ` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .-. ((`-) \\ \\ joan stark .="""=._)) spunk1111@juno.com / ., .' /__(,_.-' ` /| ASCII ART GALLERY /_|__ http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ | `)) | jgs -"== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% jgs (\/) .-. .-. \/ ((`-)(-`)) (\/) \\ // (\/) I LOVE ASCII ART! \/ \\ // \/ .="""=._))((_.="""=. / ., .' '. ,. \ joan stark /__(,_.-' '-._,)__\ ` /| |\ ` (\/) /_|__ __|_\ \/ (\/) | `)) ((` | ASCII ART GALLERY: \/ | | http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ -"== =="- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ _ ( \/ ) .---. \ / .-"-. / 6_6 \/ / 4 4 \ joan stark \_ (__\ \_ v _/ spunk1111@juno.com // \\ // \\ (( )) (( )) =======""===""========""===""======= ASCII Art Gallery: jgs ||| ||| http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ | | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ _ __.---. _ _ ( \/ ) /__|6\ ) .--. ( \/ ) \ / `-\_/ / / 6_6_ \ / \/ ,) (, \_ (___\ \/ // \\ ,) (, ____________________{(_____)}__ // \\ (_ punk1111@juno.com ""|||"" __{(_____)}____________)tark, joan ||| ""|||"" ASCII Art Gallery: | jgs | http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ _ _ _ {\o/\o/} we are each of us angels with only one wing {\o/\o/} jgs /_\/_\ and can only fly by embracing each other /_\/_\ joan stark ASCII ART GALLERY: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /\\=//\ spunk1111@juno.com / /6 6\ \ / =\_Y_/= \ /\\=//\-"""-. / ^ \ / /6 6\ \ \ / | \ =\_Y_/= (_ ;{} {}( | | | ) /^//_/-/__/ jgs `"" ""` "" "" """ ASCII Art Gallery http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ / \\ // )\-/( /e e\ ( =Y= ) /`---'\ ____/ /___\ \ \ / ``` ```~~"--.,_ `-._\ / joan stark `~~"--.,_ ----->| spunk1111@juno.com `~~"--.,_ _.-'/ \ http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ ~~"--.,_ /jgs\_________________________,,,,....----""""~~~~```` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ _ \`\ /`/ \ V / |_ _ ,_ -|-_ '-|- /. .\ o o o | |(_)|_) |(_) | | =\ T /= | / ^ \ joan stark {}/\\ //\ __\ " " /__ ASCII art gallery: jgs (____/^\____) http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ {_} /*\ /_*_\ {('o')} Just Clowning Around... C{{([^*^])}}D [ * ] joan stark / Y \ _\__|__/_ ASCII ART GALLERY: jgs (___/ \___) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% , .--'|} / /}} .=\.--'`\} //` '---./` joan stark || /| spunk1111@juno.com \\| | |\_\\/ ASCII ART GALLERY: \__/\\ http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ \\ jgs \| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ _(_)_ wWWWw _ @@@@ (_)@(_) vVVVv _ @@@@ (___) _(_)_ @@()@@ wWWWw (_)\ (___) _(_)_ @@()@@ Y (_)@(_) @@@@ (___) `|/ Y (_)@(_) @@@@ \|/ (_)\ / Y \| \|/ /(_) \| |/ | \ | \ |/ | / \ | / \|/ |/ \| \|/ jgs|// \\|/// \\\|//\\\|/// \|/// \\\|// \\|// \\\|// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ joan stark ASCII ART GALLERY: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (______ <\-/> ______) ___ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ /_.-=-.\| " |/.-=-._\ / __/ . \ | | \| | |/ /| | | | |@juno.com /_ \(o_o)/ _\ \_ \ _/ | | ` | < | | | | | /_ /\/ ^ \/\ _\ /___/_| \___/_|\_|_|\_\|_|_|_|_| \/ | / \ | \/ /((( )))\ ASCII ART GALLERY: jgs __\ \___/ /__ http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ (((---' '---))) joan stark %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 8 8 8 8 ...just a kid at heart! \ 8 \ 8 8\, ___ ,/8 j o a n s t a r k \ 8 \\//"\\// 8 spunk1111@juno.com 8 \('_')/ 8 (8'---`-'---'8) 8`"-. .-"`8 ASCII ART GALLERY: 8###|===\###8 http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ jgs #####\ \ \### \ \ \ \()() %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ .-"--._ / \ / ____\ ||\\ / /`( || \\ _| '``'-. | \_\\ ` 6\ , \_ 6 _ '-.= .--'|} | _ \) | / /}} \/ = \ ;_.'/ .=\.--'`\} | `-`__.;---.//` '---./' '.___..-'` `| _/ __.-.__/ .-' .-' ||| joan stark .-/ / |\\ spunk1111@juno.com { | /_ / \| `-\ `\--;` '-. | | ASCII ART GALLERY ) / _/ http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ jgs / __.' '--. ( '--. ___))) `-...___))) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% {\{\ , /}/} { \ \.--. \\ -=I will have seen everything , / / } { /` , "\_// when I see an elephant fly=- \\ .-=.( ( } { \__\ ,--' \'--" `\\_.---,=' {_/ _ ;-. joan stark '-, \__/ \___ / '.___/ .-'.-.' \___.' | __ / / // /-..___,-`--' `=\ \`\ ASCII ART GALLERY: `" `" `/ / / jgs '././ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * .~"~. /\_ /|6 6|\ _/\ "I foresee great things!" \_//O\_=_/O\\_/ \\\/`"""`\/// spunk1111@juno.com \ (^) / joan stark ./---/_\---\. /`"---------"`\ / / | \ \ ascii art gallery: jgs / / | \ \ http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ `._._.-'-._.-'-.' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /\-/\ /o o \ joan stark _ =\ Y =/-~~~~~~-,______________________________________________/ ) '^--' _______________________________________________/ \ / || |---'\ \ ASCII ART GALLERY: jgs (_(__| ((__| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /\\ //\ | \\ // | -= it's a bad hare day =- \ \\ // / \ \\ // / joan stark \ '""' / /__ __\ (##/==\##) ASCII ART GALLERY / \/ \ =\ __ /= jgs '-.__.-' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .-""-. (___/\ \ , joan stark (|^ ^ ) ) /( _)_\=_/ ( ,..__/ `\ ____(_/_ ` \ ) `\ _/ _/---._/(_)_ `\ ( jgs '--\ `-.__..-' /. (_), | ) `._ ___\_____.'_| |__/ `~----"` `-.........' ASCII ART GALLERY: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .-"""-. / \ \ / joan stark .-"""-.-`.-.-.< _ / _,-\ ()()_/:) \ / , ` `| '-..-| \-.,___, / ASCII ART GALLERY: \ `-.__/ / jgs `-.__.-'` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .-"""-. / \ joan stark ;_.-"""-._; .,_ __,.---.-(=(o)-(o)=)-.---.,__ _,. '._'--"``` \ ^ / ```"--'_.' ``"''~---~~%^%^.%.`._0_.'%,^%^%^~~---~''"`` jgs ~^~- `^-% ^~.%~%.^~-%-~.%-^.% ~`% ~-`%^`-~^~ ~^- ~^- `~.^- %`~.%~-'%~^- %~^- ~^ ASCII ART GALLERY: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ _ ( \/ ) .---. \ / .-"-. / 6_6 \/ / 4 4 \ joan stark \_ (__\ \_ v _/ spunk1111@juno.com // \\ // \\ (( )) (( )) =======""===""========""===""======= ASCII Art Gallery: jgs ||| ||| http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ | | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% __ \/ __ /o \{}/ o\ \ () / joan stark `> /\ <` jgs (o/\/\o) ASCII ART GALLERY: ) ( %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% , /\^/`\ __ \/ __ | \/ | /o \{}/ o\ | | | \ () / \ \ / `> /\ <` _ _ '\\//' (o/\/\o) _{ ' }_ || ) ( joan stark { `.!.` } || ',_/Y\_,' || , {_,_} |\ || |\ | | | || | | ASCII ART GALLERY: (\| /) | | || / / \| // \ \||/ / |// jgs `\\//` \\ \./ \\ / // \\./ \\ // \\ |/ / ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% , /\^/`\ __ \/ __ | \/ | /o \{}/ o\ | | | \ () / SPRING IS IN THE AIR! \ \ / `> /\ <` '\\//' (o/\/\o) || ) ( joan stark || || , |\ || |\ | | || | | ASCII ART GALLERY: | | || / / \ \||/ / jgs `\\//` ^^^^^^^^ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ______ .-" "-. / \ | | joan stark |, .-. .-. ,| spunk1111@juno.com /\ | )(__/ \__)( | _ \/ |/ /\ \| \_\/ (_ ^^ _) .-==/~\ jgs___/_,__,_\__|IIIIII|__/__)/ /{~}} ---,---,---|-\IIIIII/-|---,\'-' {{~} \ / '-==\}/ ASCII ART: `--------` http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,;;;, ;;;;;;; .-'`\ '/_ .' \ ("`(_) joan stark / `-,.'\ \_/ spunk1111@juno.com \ \/\ `--` \ \ \ ASCII ART GALLERY: / /| | /_/ |_| jgs ( _\ ( _\ #:## #:## #:## #:## #:## #:## #:## %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _______ |#######| _|#######|_ '--(o)-(o)--' / " \ joan stark /\'---'/\ < spunk1111@juno.com > /| (>o<) |\ // \ / \\##, /|\ / /^\ \ /|\'# ASCII ART GALLERY: / .' '. \ '#, < http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ > \ ( ) / '#, / | | \ '#, jgs / | | \ '#, '-'-' '-'-' '# %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ___ ___ ,_;-'-._\__/_.-' ,_\ a\/a ,_\ ,-( _'-._ IS THERE A BUG IN YOUR SYSTEM? ,_\ (==/\ |'-._\ ,_\ -. /\ \/ | |\ ` ,_\ \/==\ '._\7 '._ joan stark jgs '. '._ \=/\'-}}} '-}}} / /> /` ) ~~ASCII ART GALLERY~~ |\_.' .'( <_ <_ \____.-' '--}}}-}}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .--, .--, ( ( \.---./ ) ) '.__/o o\__.' {= ^ =} > - < ___________.""`-------`"".____________ / o joan stark O \ \ spunk1111@juno.com / / . O o \ \ ascii art gallery / __ / http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ \ _.-' `. \______________o__________o____________/ .-~^ `~--' jgs ___)( )(___ `-.___.' (((__) (__))) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \___ \_, ___\_ | __, .'.--. ```-./ `....--'.'''.-p./ ...always buzzin'! ({{ }<=-= ( < .''''--.`...'-b`\ spunk1111@juno.com jgs `._____...-'\__ *joan stark * ___/ _| ` / / ` ASCII-ART GALLERY: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * ) `( * () * ) <^^> ( . .-""-. ) .---. ."-....-"-._ _...---''`/. ' ( (`\ \ .' ``-'' _.-"'` \ \ \ : :. spunk1111@ .-' `\`.\: `:. @juno.com _.' ( .'`.` _.' `` `-..______.-' original ascii art gallery: ):. ( http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ ."-....-". jgs .':. `. * j o a n * s t a r k * "-..______..-" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ ~0 (_| < spunk1111@juno.com > |(_~|^~~| SPUNK'S GALLERY OF ASCII ART: TT/_ T"T < http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ > jgs^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ _ (.)-(.) (6 6) __ m=\o/=m (_-` / ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ _ \ ,_ . , _,_, /_) / / / / Spunk1111 (__/_/_)_(_/(_/ / (_/(_ _/_ _/_ _/_ _/_ @juno.com / ) http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ ( Joan Stark ~ original ascii art gallery ~ ) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _,_ __ __ ._(@I@)_. WHAT'S THE BUZZ? / \-/ \ .--{___}--. joan stark ._\ | /_. .-/ Y \-. .__\__Y__/__. / | \ _{___}_ jgs \__/-\__/ ASCII ART GALLERY: ' (@I@) ' http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ ~^~ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% joan stark .--') _,.--""--.,,_ .' .-' , , _,,_ _,.--'' `""-._ / .' \`'-""-' |-" ` , _.-.,_ `-, _.' / | e e , . / ';-..._ `'-,_ ` _.' _..\ / ) \ _,.-'. \ `) | ``` __,.--"'` _\_Y_ /.___,.-' _.'` `> / / / (((_.--'--""`` '--'__.-' __.-' .---' / .--' .' jgs (((_..--' ((_(_.-'` ((_(.' ASCII ART GALLERY: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ____________________ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ /\O ~~ ~~ (_ punk1111@juno.com ___________________________)tark, joan ASCII art: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ _ __.---. _ _ ( \/ ) /__|6\ ) .--. ( \/ ) \ / `-\_/ / / 6_6_ \ / \/ ,) (, \_ (___\ \/ // \\ ,) (, ____________________{(_____)}__ // \\ (_ punk1111@juno.com ""|||"" __{(_____)}____________)tark, joan ||| ""|||"" ASCII Art Gallery: | jgs | http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% , /, , /;/ |.-; _ _ /|/ /.'/.-',_ ( ).-=-.( ) _,/ ._- =-==. ./.='"'=.\. =\ =: -|-. |=. .=| `\_-; 0 _0 | |= 0 0 =| ( _) | /` .---. `\ joan stark `\ _______ / | `---' | spunk1111@juno.com \ \ //' `\ '-----' /' jgs \ \'--// `'-----'` ascii art gallery: `-`"`' http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _..._ _..._ .~ `~. .~` ~. ,_ / } joan stark { \ _, ,_\'--, \ _.'`~~/ spunk1111@juno.com \~~`'._ / ,--'/_, \'--,_`{_,} -( )- {,_}`_,--'/ '.`-.`\;--,___.'_ _'.___,--;/`.-`.' '._`/ |_ _{@} {@}_ _| \`_.' / ` |-';/ _ \;'-| ` \ / \ / | _ {@}_ | \ / \ / '--;_ _ {@} _Y{@} _;--' \ _\ `\ {@}\Y/ {@} Y/ /` /_ / |`-.___. / \Y/\|{@}Y/\|// \ .___,-'| \ ^^^jgs^^^`--`------'`--`^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^`--`'------`--`^^^^^^^ ASCII ART GALLERY: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ [E| .-=====|-. | mail | | joan stark |________|___ spunk1111@juno.com || || ASCII ART GALLERY: || www http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ ,;, || )_(,;;;, <_> \ || \|/ \_/ \|/ \\|| \\| |// _jgs_\|//_\\|///_\V/_\|//__ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ _ hehehehe (.)(.) \ / () \ _ \ '--' / _ joan stark spunk1111@juno.com { '-`""""`-' } `"/ \"` \ / ascii art gallery: _/ /\ \_ http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ jgs { / \ } `"` `"` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ \`\ _ \ \ /\ \ \ V /\/ /. .\ joan stark =\_T_/= spunk1111@juno.com / \ (( )) ASCII ART GALLERY: {/\) (/\ http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ __\ /__ jgs (____/^\____) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .-.-. ( : ) joan stark .-.\ ' /.-. spunk1111@juno.com (_.. 'Y' .._) ( /|\ ) ASCII ART GALLERY: jgs '-' | '-' http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @-. _ )\\ _ / \-/ | \-/ \ joan stark @/`|/\/\/\/|`\@ spunk1111@juno.com >~~~~~< (| ^.^ |) | (\_/) | ASCII ART GALLERY: .-"-\ \_/ /-"-. http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ / .-. \___/ .-. \ @/` /.-. .-.\ `\@ jgs @` \ / `@ @ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ / ((^\ -= * =- joan stark \\ \() / \ spunk1111@juno.com >>/(_.' ((/\\ ASCII ART GALLERY: jgs /| http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ `` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ _ ((`'-"""-'`)) joan stark spunk1111@juno.com ) - - ( / o _ o \ ASCII ART GALLERY: jgs \ ( 0 ) / http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ '-.._^_..-' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% | \ | / \_|_/ .' '. / _ _ \ | / ` / ` | | \_0 \_0 | _ _ \ .---. / ________/\/ \/ \_'/ \'_________________ \ \/\_/\_/ \ / / ) '---' ( / spunk1111@juno.com \ ( -=[ joan stark ]=- ) ) ( ( ASCII ART GALLERY: ) \ http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ / ) _ _ ( /___jgs____________________/\/ \/ \_______\ | | | \/\_/\_/ |_ | _| | | | |___|___| /--'Y'--\ (___/ \___) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .-'''''-. .' `. : : : : : _/| : joan stark : =/_/ : spunk1111@juno.com `._/ | .' ( / ,|...-' ascii art gallery: \_/^\/||__ http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ _/~ `""~`"` \_ __/ -'/ `-._ `\_\__ /jgs /-'` `\ \ \-.\ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /\ /\ /\ /\ /\//\\/\ /\//\\/\ /\//\\/\ /\//\\/\ /\//\\\///\\/\//\\\///\\/\//\\\///\\/\//\\\///\\/\ //\\\//\/\\///\\\//\/\\///\\\//\/\\///\\\//\/\\///\\ \\//\/ \/\\// \/ joan stark spunk1111@juno.com \/ /\ http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ /\ //\\/\ /\//\\ \\///\\/\//\\\///\\/\//\\\///\\/\//\\\///\\/\//\\\// \/\\///\\\//\/\\///\\\//\/\\///\\\//\/\\///\\\//\/ \/\\//\/ \/\\//\/ \/\\//\/ \/\\//\/ jgs \/ \/ \/ \/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,-._ _.-' '--. joan stark .' _ -`\_ mailto:spunk1111@juno.com / .----.`_.'----' ;/ ` ASCII ART GALLERY: jgs /_; http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ ._ _.-._)`\_.-._)`\_.-._)`\_.-._)`\_.-._)`\_.-._)`\_.-._)`\_.-._ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -. 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':/ ASCII ART GALLERY: jgs '---`|I|`---' http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ '-' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,%%%, ,%%%` %==-- ,%%`( '| ,%%@ /\_/ ,%.-"""--%%% "@@__ joan stark %%/ |__`\ spunk1111@juno.com .%'\ | \ / // ,%' > .'----\ | [/ < <<` || ASCII ART GALLERY: `\\\ || http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ )\\ )\ ^^^jgs^^"""^^^^^^""^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .-=-. .-=-. joan stark (~(o)~) (~(o)~) mailto: spunk1111@juno.com jgs '-=-' '-=-' ASCII ART GALLERY: http://www.ascii-art.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ___ _ _ ."` `"=, {_}:_`'=='` _,=="""=,\ `'--.=" _.====, `| `'_(| ^.^ |)/ joan stark )';_'='_/.' _ spunk1111@juno.com ~ .'` '.=/(__/` | ~ / / o| \ \_/ ~ /`-,_/ o| |-' ORIGINAL ASCII ART GALLERY `(`___ o/__/ http://www.ascii-art.com _`\ \`""` \ __ || `'.'._ /-"// || ,/`-.`./ // jgs `\\_/ `'-.// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ~ ,sSSs ~ sSSs, ~ ,SSSS_/ ,_ ~ joan stark _, \_SSSS, ~ sS/`))\// mailto:spunk1111@juno.com \\/((`\Ss S//|_(\/ \/)_|\\S S\\|::\ ~ /::|//S ,SS` \:| ~ ASCII ART GALLERY |:/ `SS, S` \|__ http://www.ascii-art.com __|/ `S ~ /:::\ /:::\ jgs \:`'` `'`:/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% , _ {`--. { \/`o;====- {:}'-.}>, joan stark .----'-/`-/ {.--' )) _ mailto:spunk1111@juno.com `'-..-| / __ // /_/ /\/\ \_\_((_/___ ASCII ART GALLERY: jgs `--` )) \_\ http://www.ascii-art.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ___ .' '.__ ( o {__) \ ._.' joan stark /\ ) ( mailto:spunk1111@juno.com | ``'"'` \ \ {`'- } ASCII Art Gallery: jgs '. '-._ / http://www.ascii-art.com ``^^`^`^`^^`^^^``^`^``^```^^^^`^^^`^^^`^`^^^^^``^^^^`^^^^^^^^ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _________ @ @ / jgs (@\ @ joan stark \_________/ _@ mailto:spunk1111@juno.com @ _/@ \_____ @/ \__/-="="` \_ / ASCII ART GALLERY: <| http://www.ascii-art.com <| <| ` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /:.:, ~ O \::/ ~ o /|` ~ o _ ' sSSs /:| ~ \\__\_SSSs/::| ,sSSs ' `--((S\SSSs/ ASCII ART GALLERY: ,SSSS_/ ,_ SS\\SSSs http://www.ascii-art.com sS/`))\// sSS//SSs S//|_(\/ `Ss' sSSs, S\\|::\ joan stark _, \_SSSS, SS` \:| spunk1111@juno.com \\/((`\Ss ~ \|__ ._ \/)_|\\Ss ~ /:::\ ~ \ `-.-""' ///SS ~ jgs \:`'` /_.-'`-==-' ' 'SSs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /\,%,_ \%%%/,\ .-"%%|//% _.' .-" /%%% ASCII art gallery: _.-'_.-" 0) \%%% http://www.ascii-art.com /.\.' \%%% \ / _, %%% `"---"~`\ _,*'\%%' _,--""""-,%%, )*^ `""~~` \%%%, _/ \%%% _.-`/ spunk1111@juno.com |%%,___ _.-" / , , ,|%% .`\ /\ / / joan stark `\ \%' \ / \ \ _,/ /`~-._ _,`\ \`""~~` `"` /-.,_ /' `~"----"~ `\ \ jgs \___,' \.-"`/ `--' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% , ; , .-'"""'-. , ; , \\|/ .' '. \|// joan stark \-;-/ \-;-/ spunk1111@juno.com // ; ; \\ //__; :. .; ;__\\ ASCII ART GALLERY: `-----\'.'-.....-'.'/-----' http://www.ascii-art.com/ '.'.-.-,_.'.' jgs '( (..-' '-' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /| , ,/// /| // // ,/// // // // // // // || || || || // // __, ,__) __, ,__) || || // // (--| | | ,__) ,__) (--| | || || // // | | | |_ _ -|- , | | _ || || || || _|_|_| | |(_| | /_) _|__| |_) \\,\|,|\_// ( |_, ( | \\)\)\\|/ _____, __ )-."" .-( (--| \ ( ) //^\` `/^\\ | | _ _ / // | | \\ _|__/ (_) (_, | ,/_| 0| _ | 0|_\, ( . /` `"=.v.="` `\ /` _."{_,_}"._ `\ joan stark spunk1111@juno.com jgs `/` ` \ ||| / ` `\` `",_ \\=^~^=// _,"` ASCII Art Gallery: "=,\'-=-'/,=" http://www.ascii-art.com '---' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% __ .' '. "OUR GRAND DAY OUT" : : | _ _ | cracking clams, grommit! .-.|(o)(o)|.-. _._ _._ -- -------( ( | .--. | ) )-----.',_ '.------.' _,'.----------- '-/ ( ) \-' / /' `\ \ __ / /' `\ \ / '--' \ /.' \.' './ '.\ \ `"===="` / ` : _ _ : ` `\ /' |(o)(o)| `\ /' | | http://www. /`-.-`\_ / \ xemu.demon.co.uk _..:;\._/V\_./:;.._ / .--. \ .'/;:;:;\ /^\ /:;:;:\'. | ( ) | / /;:;:;:;\| |/:;:;:;:\ \ _\ '--' /__ _____/ /;:;:;:;:;\_/:;:;:;:;:\ \_.' '-.__.-' `-.__art_by_jgs. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._ \ | / _\|/_ .' '.' '. ___ j o a n s t a r k _.|.--.--.|.___.--'___`-. .'.'|| | ||`----'"` ``'` .'.' ||()|()|| .__..-'.' / \ ...sometimes I'm a little goofy... `---'"` / .-. \ (.'.(___).'.) spunk1111@juno.com `.__.-.__.' jgs |_| |_| original ascii art gallery `.`-'.' http://www.ascii-art.com `"` ~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,%%%%%%%, ,%%/\%%%%/\%, ,%%%\c "" J/%%, joan stark spunk1111@juno.com %%%%/ d b \%%% %%%% _ |%%% ASCII ART GALLERY: `%%%%(=_Y_=)%%' http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ jgs `%%%%`\7/%%%' `%%%%%%%' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,sSSs ,SSSS_/ ,_ joan stark sS/`))\// mailto:spunk1111@juno.com sS//|_(_/ _, ,SS\\\ `""-.-'` / ASCII ART GALLERY jgs sSS` ) `-==-'`'-._\ http://www.ascii-art.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /\ ( ) joan stark .--.\/.--. mailto:spunk1111@juno.com (/`\_\/_/`\) ' {____} ' ASCII Art Gallery: ,_//\\_, http://www.ascii-art.com/ jgs '-\/-' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% __ _ / | joan stark | \ \/_/ \_\| / __ \/_/__\ .--='/~\ ____,__/__,_____,______)/ /{~}}} -,-----,--\--,-----,---,\'-' {{~}} jgs __/\_ '--=.\}/ /_/ |\\ \/ ASCII ART GALLERY: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .-o=o-. joan stark , /=o=o=o=\ .--. spunk1111@juno.com _|\|=o=O=o=O=| \ __.' a`\=o=o=o=(`\ / http://www.ascii-art.com/ '. a 4/`|.-""'`\ \ ;'`) .---. \ .' / .--' | / / .-._) \ _.' / /`-;__.' / jgs '--.____.\ /--.___.-' `""` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .-. (o.o) (n) .-="=-. \) joan stark // =T= \\,/ mailto:spunk1111@juno.com () ==|== () \ ="= ASCII ART GALLERY /)(0V0) http://www.ascii-art.com/ // \\ // \\ .-. \) () () (o.o) ,| \\ || (m) () jgs \' '| ="=// ==" "== //=== () _\` === //\\ /\ (0V0) `\ \\ "== () '/ "== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .-. _)/ (0,0) .\ (u) () .-. _\) .-="=-.// (o,o) \,//==\=== (e) () ===== .-. .-="=-. \(_ .-. _____ =,= (a.a) //==I==\\,/ (d.b) ()--___(0V0) (/_ (=) () ="= () (u) ||()----' \, ___.="==-._ \`(0V0) .-="-. |' \\ ()---` ==\==\\ /|) ||\\ //==/=\\ ==" \' ="= () || \\ ==. () ==== ()_/_ ==" ____(0V0) \` jgs () () \, `\"= ` ()---` // (|\ // // \\ ___(0);` \)/ .-. || // '/ '/ ()---' \\ /,(o,o) |' () "== "== \\ () (w) ==" \\ () /_ ___ \\,=", \` .-. // '-()-() =/=\\ ==" (o.o) '/ //\\|| ==== () .-. \(_ (n) "== /` \\| ="= `| (-.-) ,/ .-="=-. \) ==" `(0V0) '-- (-) () // =T= \\,/ joan stark .-="=.// () ==|== () mailto:spunk1111@juno.com //==I==` \ ="= ASCII ART GALLERY _\__() === /)(0V0) http://www.ascii-art.com/ \) .-. -' ` (0V0) // \\ //(e.e) // // // \\ .-. \) () (=) // // () () (o.o) ,| \\.="=. () () \\ || (m) () () ==/==\\ \\ \\ jgs \' '| ="=// //\\ === () \` \` ==" "== //=T= () /` \(0V0) _/ ==" ==" _\` === //\\ ==" || (|\ ,== (/_ .-. /\ (0V0) `\ || .\ \, (o.o) \\ "== () /_____ \\ () (=) () ==. .== \\ ` '--() () \\.="=-. (|/ // /, ,/ \` \\ || ==|==\\,/ '/ // // ==" \\|| \)/ === () "== () () .-. (0A0) ,/ =.= \\ // (a,a) ="= () (0V0)____ \\ // (o) ==\= // \\ ----()\ (0A0) \(/ .-="=. .===' \\ `\ =,= \,//==/=\\ // (w) () "== ===== () ==== () () (o'o) // .==I==. ="= |' `\ '-' '/ // (=) \\ ____(0V0)/|\ /|) "== () (d'b) () ()----`// \` '-' `/ \\ // /|\ /\\ \` () ==" \\ \` ==" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% , /) // joan stark (/ spunk1111@juno.com _/ ______ ) ( (-----( ASCII ART GALLERY /INK\ \ \ http://www.ascii-art.com/ \___/ \ \ jgs _)_____) `------` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% __ __/ \ / \-./ \_ 66\_ joan stark \ ____)o spunk1111@juno.com )_(_________ .-. /| W I L L | (_/ \ / | W O R K () ASCII ART GALLERY: | \ \ F O R | http://www.ascii-art.com/ \ \_)C A C H E | '-'/ \"\"""""""` / / \ \/^) ( \ \ / jgs \__) "` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ___.-"""-. ( (___,/\ \ spunk1111@juno.com (jgs) \( |')' ) ) http://www.ascii-art.com/ \) \=_/ ( __ / _,' \ ) .' `-.(.(' ; ( / / . (' , | ) _.`'---.._/ /.__ ____.' | |_/ '-'``'-._ / | '_| jgs `;-"`; | /,' `'.__/ ( \ '\/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% __..-' _.--'' _...__..-' .' .' .' .' .------._ ; .-"""`-.<') `-._ .' (.--. _ `._ `'---.__.-' ` `;'-.-' '- ._ joan stark .--'`` '._ - ' . spunk1111@juno.com `""'-. `---' , ''--..__ `\ ASCII ART GALLERY: ``''---'`\ .' http://www.ascii-art.com/ jgs `'. ' `'. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _.-._ | | | |_ ...talk to the hand... | | | | | _ | | | | | joan stark \`\| '-._ | spunk1111@juno.com \ \`-.'-._; \ ' | ASCII ART GALLERY \ .` / http://www.ascii-art.com/ jgs | | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% __ __ / \ / \\""'-./ \ e\__o | e / | | ,__/ joan stark \_______/ spunk1111@juno.com / \\ / | \ \\_ ASCII ART GALLERY ; \ \_ |_) http://www.ascii-art.com | \___) | _ | /_-/ | jgs _; ----/ |__/ \_\__________/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .-..-.__ /` |\_( "\__ joan stark | / __/`'--) spunk1111@juno.com | / | | ASCII ART GALLERY /_/ _/_/ http://www.ascii-art.com/ jgs `|/)))) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ||::|:|| .--------, |:||:|:| |_______ / .-. ||::|:|| ."` ___ `". {\('v')/} \\\/\///: .'` `'. ;____`( )'____ \====/ './ o o \|~ ^" "^ // \\// | ())) . | Winter \ || \ `.__.' /| Greetings // || _{``-.___.-'\| from: joan \ || _." `-.____.-'`| ___ // ||` __ \ |___/ \_______\ ."|| (__) \ \| / / `\/ __ vvvvv'\___/ | | (__) | \___/\ / || | .___. | || | | | ||.-' | '-. jgs || | ) ||----------'---------' spunk1111@juno.com view my ASCII art gallery: http://www.ascii-art.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _/\_ __/\__ ) . (_ _) .' ( Season's Greetings! `) '.( ) .' (` `-._\()/__(~` joan stark ()() spunk1111@juno.com / |`\ jgs ) : ( visit my ascii art gallery: `)_/` http://www.ascii-art.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% | -=*=- joan stark (| (} | spunk1111@juno.com |/||\ {\ ASCII Art Gallery | || ___o /|/_ http://www.ascii-art.com jgs | || X--X |__\ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% {}__ / '. )____\_ / _____) \.S e e|S ~~ HAPPY HOLIDAYS ~~ ,____SSS__-_/SS \__._SSS____}SS / o \\ joan stark / / o | \ spunk1111@juno.com |\_/____o_|_/\ \/ / \`-' ASCII Art Gallery / \ http://www.ascii-art.com '-._____.-` | | | jgs |-|-| / \ '-. \_/----' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ( ,=(,)=, |'==='| _, joan stark | |,)/( spunk1111@juno.com | |)/<_, >>>\, _/<8<-_/ ASCII Art Gallery >>>>>>oo<<)\( http://www.ascii-art.com jgs >>>>>>o<<<\/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% {} /\ {}__ \/ __{} \_\__/\__/_/ joan stark \_/\/\_/ spunk1111@juno.com _/_\/\/_\_ /_/ `\/` \_\ ASCII Art Gallery {} /\ {} http://www.ascii-art.com \/ jgs {} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% __. .--, *-/___, ,-/___,-/___,-/___,-/___, _.-.=,{\/ _/ /`) `\ _ ),-/___,-/___,-/___,-/___, ) _..-'`-(`._(_.;` / /< \\=`\ _ )`\ _ )`\ _ )`\ _ )<`--''` (__\_________/___, /< <\ /\ |/ jgs / \.'` `',.--// spunk1111@juno.com -( Y2K I I @@\ ASCII Art Gallery \ /'.____.'\___| http://www.ascii-art.com '-.....-' __/ | \ (`) jgs / / / \ \ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _\/ . \/_ . _\/ \/_ . . ' \_/ ' . jgs spunk1111@juno.com ->->->_<-<-<- ' ._/ \_. ' ASCII Art Gallery . _/\ /\_ . http://www.ascii-art.com jgs /\ ' /\ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /`"'-,__ \/\)` `'-. // \ .--.\ '. joan stark //|-. \_o `-. \---._ mailto:spunk1111@juno.com || \_o\ _.-.\`'-' `-. || |\.-'` | `. ASCII ART GALLERY: || | \ \ | `\ http://www.ascii-art.com/ \| / \ ,\' / \ `' `---' ; `)) .-' | .-.// .-. .' ,;=D / // / \ .' || |..-' | '-' // (( \ .===. _,// '`'--`'---''',--\_/-;-'` jgs `~/^\` '===' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% __ / \ , , _._ _ |oo| _ / \__/ \ _|||| ((/ () \)) / \ |||||/| ( ==== ) |oo| ...have a grand day out... \____/ _`\ /'_ / \ / /.-' /\<>/\ `\.( () )_._ joan stark | ` / \/ \ /`'--'////) spunk1111@juno.com \__,-'`| |. |\/ |/\/\|"\"` jgs | |. | \___/\___/ visit my ASCII Art Gallery: | |. | | | http://www.ascii-art.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _.-----._ * .' .-'``|'. * / / -*- \ joan stark | ; <{ | ; | spunk1111@juno.com -*- | _\ | | -*- | ; _\ -*- | ; | \ \ | -*- / ASCII ART GALLERY: * jgs '._ '.__ |_.' http://www.ascii-art.com '-----' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ____ .-" +' "-. /.'.'A_'*`.\ |:.*'/\-\. ':| |:.'.||"|.'*:| joan stark \:~^~^~^~^:/ spunk1111@juno.com /`-....-'\ jgs / \ visit my ascii art gallery: `-.,____,.-' http://www.ascii-art.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ _.-' ) (_ . '\ ___ joan stark \__^/` __) spunk1111@juno.com .-'_ \ (_.' \ '--. ASCII Art Gallery /_ /`-._/ http://www.ascii-art.com jgs (__/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _____ ____ ____ _____ `----,\ ) ( /,----' `--==\\ / ...when pigs fly... \ //==--' `--==\\/ \//==--' .-~~~~-.Y|\\_ joan stark _//|Y.-~~~~-. @_/ / 66\_ _/99 \ \_@ | \ \ _(") (")_ / / | \ /-| ||'--' ASCII ART GALLERY: '--'|| |-\ / jgs \_\\ \_\\ http://www.ascii-art.com //_/ //_/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% __ .' `. joan stark |a_a | spunk1111@juno.com \<_)__/ /( )\ ASCII Art Gallery |\`> < /\ http://www.ascii-art.com jgs \_|=='|_/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% | \ / _\/_ .-'-. //o\ _\/_ _ ___ __ _ --_ / \ _--_ __ __ | __ /o\\ =-=-_=-=-_=-=_=-_= -=======- = =-=_=-=_,-'|"'_"'"--|-,_ =- _=-=-_=- _=-= _--=====- _=-=_-_,-" (") | jgs=- =- =-= =- = - -===- -= - ." '-( : )-' ... anything is possible... joan stark *** spunk1111@juno.com visit my ascii art gallery: http://www.ascii-art.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% | . * | . * . `. * | .' may peace and * `. ._|_* .' . happiness . . * .'o o`. * shine in your life! -------| ._, |------- * . . . *`.___.' * . * .' |* `. * spunk1111@juno.com .' * | . `. spunk1111@aol.com * . | . http://www.ascii-art.com | jgs * * . %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _______ `-----.\ _____, `---- \\ .-./.---` ,__`---. `-` '>---` joan stark .-. `,_.-. /`.-` spunk1111@juno.com <' ) ',___.' / \ " ASCII ART GALLERY: | / \ http://www.ascii-art.com \\_, \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'--'\\~~~~~ ~~~jgs~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\\~~~~ ` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _..._ joan stark spunk1111@juno.com .' __ '. / .' '. `\ ASCII ART GALLERY: /` / .--. `\_) http://www.ascii-art.com /` (_/ | ()()jgs)()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()() %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .| joan stark | | < spunk1111@juno.com > |'| ._____ ___ | | |. |' .---"| _ .-' '-. | | .--'| || | _| | .-'| _.| | || '-__ | | | || | |' | |. | || | | | | || | ___| '-' ' "" '-' '-.' '` |____ ASCII ART GALLERY: jgs~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ / \ \\ \ .-""-. \\ '-. /` -. '._/ o '. joan stark {` \ / spunk1111@juno.com \ / ( `;'-'` '. '--.-'-._ '-. ASCII ART GALLERY: jgs `-----` `'--` http://www.ascii-art.com/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ _ jgs spunk1111@juno.com _( ^ )_ http://www.ascii-art.com ( _\|/_ ) (_.';'._) _LUCK OF THE IRISH jgs (_,_)`-.__.' `-._ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .-"^`\ /`^"-. .' ___\ /___ `. / /.---. .---.\ \ | // '-. ___________________________ .-' \\ | | ;| \/--------------------------// |; | \ || |\_) joan stark (_/| || / \ | \ . \ ; | spunk1111@juno.com || ; / . / | / '\_\ \\ \ \ \ | ||/ / / // /_/' \\ \ \ \| ASCII Art Gallery |/ / / // jgs `'-\_\_\ http://www.ascii-art.com /_/_/-'` '--------------------------' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% __ .-;'` `'-. / \ `\_.. |-"``;-. || `\ \ '.`-. /| / `-. '. \ |-'` `-. ) \ | /` / / | / /` | | / ( ) / _( `-,-'_/ / `""""";` `---..---' //\\ //---0 _//_____ joan stark spunk1111@juno.com jgs `\ http://www.ascii-art.com (~^~_-~^-~^_~^~^-~^_~-^~_^~-^-~^~^_~^~-^~^~^~-^~_ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% joan stark spunk1111@juno.com ASCII ART GALLERY: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /` \/ `\ _ _ /` \/ `\ _ _ /` \/ `\ _ _ /` \/ `\ \ / /` \/ `\ \ / /` \/ `\ \ / /` \/ `\ \ / '. .' \ / '. .' \ / '. .' \ / '. .' \/ '. .' \/ '. .' \/ '. .' \/ jgs \/ \/ \/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ _ (q\_/p) .-. |. .| joan stark \ =\,/= spunk1111@juno.com )/ _ \ |\ (/\):(/\ )\ ASCII Art Gallery jgs \_ _/ |Oo\ http://www.ascii-art.com `""^""` `"""` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _.. ___..-"""-. `)^| .-"""-..___ joan stark `-...___ '=.'-.' \-'.=' ___...-' spunk1111@juno.com `\ ' ##### ' /` '--;|||||;--' http://www.ascii-art.com /\|||/\ ASCII Art Gallery jgs ( /;-;\ ) '-...-' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% , _/(( _.---. .' `\ .' ` ^ T= joan stark / \ .--' spunk1111@juno.com | / )'-. ; , <__..-( '-.) ASCII Art Gallery \ \-.__) ``--._) http://www.ascii-art.com jgs '.'-.__.-. '-...-' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .--.-. ( ( )__ joan stark < spunk1111@juno.com > (_, \ ) ,_) | '-'--`--' ~~| , \ _ / ,|`-._/| -== (_) ==- ^^ .' | /||\ / \ ^^ .' | ./ ||`\ | / `-. |/._ || \ / `|| `|;-._\ | || || \ ~^~_~^~_-~^~=~^~~^= / || ||__ \~^=~^~-~^~_~^~=~^~-~^~ ~^~ ~=~^~ _~^~ =~ `--------|`---|| `"-`___~~^~ =_~^=~~^~=`~^ jgs ~^~=~^_~^~ =~ \~~~~~~~'~~~~'~~~~/~~`` ~=~^~ ~^=_~^~ ~~^ ~^~ ~^=~^~_~-=~^~ ^ `--------------'~^~=~^~_~^=~^~=~ ~^~-~^= ~^~=~ ~^=~^~ ~^~^=~^~-~^~ ~^~=~^~^~ =~^~^=~^~^=~^~^ =~~`~^ ~^~= ~^~= ~~^~~`=~``^~^^~= ~^=~^~^~^ =`^~^`^~^=~^~-~~^ ASCII ART GALLERY: < http://www.ascii-art.com > %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .-. __ _ .-. | ` / \ | / '.()--, joan stark | '._/ spunk1111@juno.com _| O _ O |_ =\ '-' /= ASCII Art Gallery jgs '-._____.-' http://www.ascii-art.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% () __ ///\ joan stark () _./////_ _ .-' __'-. //\ () / (o) \\ === \//// } // `` -=((( ASCII ART GALLERY: `\ ---. /\\\\ '\'.`/_____.;' '-' `-` `\/ jgs %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _,,_ /` `\ (`------- joan stark -------`) / / 6 6\ \ (,--- spunk1111@juno.com ---,) \/\ Y /\/ / `'U` \ , ( \ | \ ASCII ART GALLERY: |\|\_/ \_/ http://www.ascii-art.com \/'. \ /'\ \ /-\ / jgs /____)/____) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% __ _,, /_ \ sSSSs \_\( s\_SS joan stark (\/`"`\___/`"`\/) spunk1111@juno.com \/)-(`-'-')=(\/ /___\ |__\ /\ ASCII ART GALLERY: //||__ ||\\//` http://www.ascii-art.com \\'--.) \\`` jgs (/ (/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -./\\_//\.- -`/ .-.-. \`- joan stark |=|__|__|=| |=\_o,o_/=| ASCII ART GALLERY: \-(_.^._)-/ jgs `-.___.-` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,,._ / a_)--. \._ `;--.) , joan stark .' ) \ ` /) /-' spunk1111@juno.com / / | _)-'/ | / /_.-' .'` |_.; _.'` _.-') ASCII Art Gallery _.--" _..)))-"` (\ http://www.ascii-art.com jgs/__.-'`| | ` | | \_/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _,,=====,_ .~ ~-. / \ joan stark / / \ \ / / 0 0 |`. \ | || | \ \ \ || __ |\ || ASCII ART GALLERY jgs \_/ \ (__) / `-"` '. .') _, ====`====`===(_{ `) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ (( )_, , joan stark .--. \ '/ /.\ ) / \= /O o\ _ ( / _/ /' o O| ,_( ))___ (` `-| )_ /o_O_'_( \' _ `\ ) jgs `""""` =`---<___/---' "` ASCII ART GALLERY: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% , , /( )\ \ \_/ / , /\ , /_ _\ /| || |\ joan stark | \> .-'.' /(/.\ .' .' .""". `/ ` / / / \ /) joan stark aka "jgs" ; ; ,_.;._ _;-'}/ spunk1111@juno.com | | '. )( /' | | /'-._/\_.-' ASCII Art Gallery ; ; \_.' \ , http://www.ascii-art.com \ \ / | _.'/ '. `'-\ /.-/.;,\ '-._ `"""""`_.|`"""`| jgs `"("\/")` |# | \(_/ `-...-' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ )\ .'`""`'. / /L /L \ joan stark ; /L ; spunk1111@juno.com | \_.__._/ | http://www.ascii-art.com jgs \ `----' / `'----'` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ _ /\`-"-`/\ )` _ _ `( joan stark (aka "jgs") {= Y =} spunk1111@juno.com \ ^ / /`;'-u-';`\ ASCII Art Gallery | / \ | http://www.ascii-art.com /\ ;__\ / _/ / jgs \___, )~(,,),) (_( %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ) _ ___(____ joan stark spunk1111@juno.com (C| | .`\ /-. ASCII Art GALLERY: (` '------' `) http://www.ascii-art.com jgs `"-..........-"` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ____ .'` `"-, .' `\ | /.-.---.-.---) joan stark spunk1111@juno.com \ (_._.__.__.__) )/{{ _ _ }}}} ASCII Art Gallery: (__) 6 6 {{{{ {{{{{ ^ }}}}} {{{{{{\ '-=-' /}}}}}} {{{{{{{;.___.;}}}}}}} {{{{{{{) (}}}}}}}' `""'"': :'"'"'` jgs `@` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ {_} .---. ( /~\ / \---. * ) + /~*~\ |# | \ * ( ( /~*~*~\ \_ _/# | ) + o888888888o (^ \_ _/ ) + {{{{{}}}}}}}. ) (^ joan stark spunk1111@juno.com ( {{{{ }}}}}}}}} ( ) }}}}} _ _ {{{{{ ) ( ASCII Art Gallery: * }}}} 6 6 {{{{ http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ {{{{{ ^ }}}}} * {{{{{{\ -=- /}}}}}} God put me here to accomplish {{{{{{{;.___.;}}}}}}} certain things-- right now {{{{{{{) (}}}}}}}' I'm so far behind, I'll never die! `""'"': :'"'"'` jgs `@` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .{{}}}}}}. {{{{{}}}}}}}. joan stark {{{{ }}}}}}}}} }}}}} _ _ {{{{{ ASCII Art Gallery: }}}} 6 _ 6 {{{{ {{{{{ ,_____, }}}}} {{{{{{\ `---` /}}}}}} {{{{{{{;.___.;}}}}}}} just laughing away.... {{{{{{{) (}}}}}}}' `""'"': :'"'"'` jgs `@` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .{{}}}}}}. {{{{{}}}}}}}. joan stark {{{{ }}}}}}}}} }}}}} _ _ {{{{{ ASCII Art Gallery: }}}} 6 . 6 {{{{ {{{{{ .___. }}}}} {{{{{{\ \_/ /}}}}}} {{{{{{{;.___.;}}}}}}} still laughing AT you! {{{{{{{) (}}}}}}}' `""'"': :'"'"'` jgs `@` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% , / \,,_ .'| ,{{| /}}}}/_.' }}}}` '{{' '. {{{{{ _ ;, \ ,}}}}}} /o`\ ` ;) joan stark {{{{{{ / ( mailto:spunk1111@juno.com }}}}}} | \ {{{{{{{{ \ \ ASCII ART GALLERY: }}}}}}}}} '.__ _ | http://www.ascii-art.com/ {{{{{{{{ /`._ (_\ / }}}}}}' | \\___/ jgs `{{{{` | '--' }}}` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,,,((((((((( ,)))))))))))))))), ,((((((((((((((((/`/( ))))))))))`` _ \\\ ((((((((`` / /d /// joan stark )))))))))) | /(( ((((((((( .'| / ) ))))))))) ( \ ,/ (((((((( \ "` ASCII ART GALLERY: jgs``))))) \ http://www.ascii-art.com (( | / %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,)))))))),,, ,(((((((((((((((, )\`\)))))))))))))), *--===///`_ ```((((((((( joan stark \\\ b\ \ ``))))))) ))\ | (((((((( ( \ |`. )))))))) ASCII ART GALLERY: \, / ) (((((((( `" / ))))))) / ((((`jgs | `)) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,a_a {/ ''\_ {\ ,_oo) joan stark {/ (_^_ .=. {/ \___))) (.=.`\ {/ /=; \ `\{/( \/\ ASCII ART GALLERY \ `. `\ ) ) jgs \ // /_/_ '==''---)))) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ,a_a {/ ''\_ {\ ,_oo) joan stark {/ (_^_@\_________________ .=. {/ \___)))*)---------------"` (.=.`\ {/ /=; @/ \ `\{/( \/\ ASCII ART GALLERY \ `. `\ ) ) jgs \ // /_/_ '==''---)))) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ___ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / ooooooooooooooo/ __/ _ \ | | \| | |/ /| | | | |SPUNK1111 / \ ~~ ~~ ~/\O ~^ \__ \ _/ | | .` | . < | | | | |@juno.com <')_=< ~^~ ^~"~ ~~ ~~/___/_| \___/_|\_|_|\_\|_|_|_|_| @aol.com \_/ ooooooooooooooo http://www.ascii-art.com *joan*stark* \ ___ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ooooooooooooooo/ __/ _ \ | | \| | |/ /| | | | |SPUNK1111 ~~~ ~~ ~/\O ~^ \__ \ _/ | | .` | . < | | | | |@juno.com ~^~ ^~"~ ~~ ~~/___/_| \___/_|\_|_|\_\|_|_|_|_| @aol.com ooooooooooooooo *****joan*stark***** ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooojgs __~~ _- ~~ -~~~-_/\O_~~ ~~__~~ _-~_ __ / \ ooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| | / / / /\_\ | _ \ | | | | | \ | | | | / / / \ \_ | | \ \ | | | | | \ | | | |/ / <')=< \_ \ | |_/ | | | | | | | \| | | < \` __ \ \ | __/ | | | | | |\ | | | |\ \ Spunk1111 \ \/ / | | | |__| | | | \ | | | \ \@juno.com \__/ |_| \______/ |_| \_| |_| \_\@aol.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ___ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / / __/ _ \ | | \| | |/ /| | | | | /`\ spunk1111 \__ \ _/ | | .` | . < | | | | | <')_=< @juno.com /___/_| \___/_|\_|_|\_\|_|_|_|_| \_/ \ ascii art gallery: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ |\___/| \\ ) ( |\_/| || =\ /= )a a `,_.-""""-. // )===( =\Y_= / \// / \ `"`\ / / | | | \ | / / \ \ /- \ \ \ / || | // /` jgs_/\_/\_/\_ _/_/\_/\_/\_((_|\((_//\_/\_/\_/\_ | | | | |) ) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (_(| | | | | | | | | | | | | | joan stark mailto:spunk1111@juno.com | | | ASCII ART GALLERY: http://www.ascii-art.com | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .-"""-. / .===. \ / / a a \ \ / ( \___/ ) \ ________ooo\__\_____/__/___________ / \ | joan stark spunk1111@juno.com | | VISIT MY ASCII ART GALLERY: | | http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ | jgs \________________________ooo________/ / \ /:.:.:.:.:.:.:\ | | | \==|==/ /-'Y'-\ (__/ \__) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .-"``"-. /______; \ {_______}\| (/ a a \)(_) (.-.).-.) _______ooo__( ^ )____________ / '-.___.-' \ | joan stark | | spunk1111@juno.com | | VISIT MY ASCII ART GALLERY: | | http://www.ascii-art.com | jgs \________________________ooo________/ |_ | _| \___|___/ {___|___} |_ | _| /-'Y'-\ (__/ \__) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ /\\ / \\ / /\ \\ / // \ \\ \ \\ / // _ \ \\ // _ /\\ \ \\/ /\\ / \\ /\ \\ / \\ / /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \\ / // \/ // \/ // \ \\ \ \\ / //\ / //\ / // _ \ \\ // \/ // \\ // _ /\\ \ \\/ \ // \ \\/ /\\ / \\ /\ \\ \// /\ \\ / \\ / /\ \\ / /\ \\ `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` ` ` ` ` ` ` / /\ \/ /\ \\ / // \/ // \ \\ joan stark -=- spunk1111@juno.com / // \/ // \ \\ \ \\ / //\ / // http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/ \ \\ / //\ / // \ \/ // \\ // _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ \\ // \/ // \ // \ \\/ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ /\\ \ \\/ \ // \// /\ \\ / \\ / \\ / \\ / \\ / \\ / \\ / \\ /\ \\ \// ` / /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \\ ` / // \/ // \/ // \/ // \/ // \/ // \/ // \/ // \/ // \ \\ \ \\ / //\ / //\ / //\ / //\ / //\ / //\ / //\ / //\ / // \ \/ // \\ // \/ // \\ // \/ // \\ // \/ // \\ // \/ // \ // \ \\/ \ // \ \\/ \ // \ \\/ \ // \ \\/ \ // \// /\ \\ \// /\ \\ \// /\ \\ \// /\ \\ \// ` / /\ \\ ` / /\ \\ ` / /\ \\ ` / /\ \\ ` / // \ \\ / // \ \\ / // \ \\ / // \ \\ \ \\ / // \ \\ / // \ \\ / // \ \\ / // \ \/ // \ \\ // _ \ \\ // \ \/ // jgs \ // \ \\/ /\\ \ \\/ \ // \// /\ \\ / \\ /\ \\ \// ` / /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \\ ` / // \/ // \/ // \ \\ \ \\ / //\ / //\ / // \ \/ // \\ // \/ // \ // \ \\/ \ // \// /\ \\ \// ` / /\ \\ ` / // \ \\ \ \\ / // \ \/ // \ // \// ` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%