__ __ _ _ | \/ |__ _ _ _| |_(_)_ _ | |\/| / _` | '_| _| | ' \ o Happy Birthday to me... |_| |_\__,_|_| _\__|_|_||_| /|\ It`s my birthday you see... /_\| |_| |_(_)_ _ ___ / \ On the 25th day of March... / _ \ _| / / | ' \(_-< Happy Birthday to me... /_/ \_\__|_\_\_|_||_/__/ mart.atkins @ bigfoot.com --- REPLY ADDRESS IS ROT13`ed http://voices.vossnet.co.uk/a/atkins/ascii.htm %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The creator of the TIE fighter that started it all... _______ _ _ ______ ______ --- /\ /\ | \ / | | __ | | __ | -- / \ / \ | \/ | | | \_| | | | | -- / \ / \ | \ / | | | ____ | |__| | - <------X------> | |\/| | | | |_ | | __ | -- \ / \ / | | | | | |__| | | | | | -- - \ / \ / |_| |_| |______| |_| |_| ---- \/_____\/ Martin Atkins mart.atkins@bigfoot.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- _____ __ .__ _________ / \ _____ ________/ |_|__| ____ .-'AKA __ '-. / \ / \\__ \\_ __ \ __\ |/ \ | |\/|/__ /\ | / Y \/ __ \| | \/| | | | | \ | | |\_//--\ | \____|__ (____ /__| _|__|.|__|___| / '-------------' \/ _ \// |_| | _|__| ____\/ ______ ||||| / /_\ \ __\ |/ / |/ \ / ___/ | o o | | \ | | <| | | \\___ \ | > | ___|__ /__| |__|_ \__|___| /____ > | \_/ | \/ \/ \/ \/ \___/ ----- http://vibes.vossnet.co.uk/i/ighaig/ ----- __| |__ http://voices.vossnet.co.uk/a/atkins/ascii.htm %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .--- Brock Kevin Nambo wrote... | Martin Atkins wrote in message <01bcb31c$622b6ac0$LocalHost@atkins>... | >Attached is what I see it as in MS-DOS Edit. | | Um, no it isn't.. | '---------------------------- Whoops - I have posted it again in another article. -- .---- Oops! I forgot to attach my head today! / __| |__ / \_/ \ Martin Atkins %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .------- Brock Kevin Nambo wrote... | | Outlook express does weird things with spaces, and I assume the same with | outlook. For example, Martin's .sig: | | [Normal Version] | >-- | > _____ __ .__ _________ | > / \ _____ ________/ |_|__| ____ .-'AKA __ '-. | > / \ / \\__ \\_ __ \ __\ |/ \ | |\/|/__ /\ | | >/ Y \/ __ \| | \/| | | | | \ | | |\_//--\ | | >\____|__ (____ /__| _|__|.|__|___| / '-------------' | > \/ _ \// |_| | _|__| ____\/ ______ | > ||||| / /_\ \ __\ |/ / |/ \ / ___/ | > | o o | | \ | | <| | | \\___ \ | > | > | ___|__ /__| |__|_ \__|___| /____ > | > | \_/ | \/ \/ \/ \/ | > \___/ ----- http://vibes.vossnet.co.uk/i/ighaig/ ----- | > __| |__ http://voices.vossnet.co.uk/a/atkins/ascii.htm | | [Outlook Express rendered] | >-- | > _____ __ .__ _________ | > / \ _____ ________/ |_|__| ____ .-'AKA __ '-. | >/ \ / \\__ \\_ __ \ __\ |/ \ | |\/|/__ /\ | | >/ Y \/ __ \| | \/| | | | | \ | | |\_//--\ | | >\____|__ (____ /__| _|__|.|__|___| / '-------------' | > \/ _ \// |_| | _|__| ____\/ ______ | > ||||| / /_\ \ __\ |/ / |/ \ / ___/ | >| o o | | \ | | <| | | \\___ \ | >| > | ___|__ /__| |__|_ \__|___| /____ > | >| \_/ | \/ \/ \/ \/ | > \___/ ----- http://vibes.vossnet.co.uk/i/ighaig/ ----- | >__| |__ http://voices.vossnet.co.uk/a/atkins/ascii.htm | | Oh how the ASCII have fallen! | '-------------------------- OOOer...! Looks like I`ve been in a fight! __ |||||__/. \ .---------------. | o o (___ "-____ | Take that mga! | | > (___ '----------------' | .-. (_______-"""" \___/ _____ _ _ _____ _ _ _ __| |__ \ / ___ \ | | | | / __ \| | | | | | / \_/ \ \ | | | || | | || / \/| |_| | | | | | | | '----- | | | || | | || | | _ | |_| | |MGA| | | |___| || \__/ || \__/\| | | | _ | | | | \_____/ \______/ \_____/|_| |_| |_| -- _____ __ .__ _________ / \ _____ ________/ |_|__| ____ .-'AKA __ '-. / \ / \\__ \\_ __ \ __\ |/ \ | |\/|/__ /\ | / Y \/ __ \| | \/| | | | | \ | | |\_//--\ | \____|__ (____ /__| _|__|.|__|___| / '-------------' __ \/ _ \// |_| | _|__| ____\/ ______ _| |_ / /_\ \ __\ |/ / |/ \ / ___/ \ / / | \ | | <| | | \\___ \ \ / \____|__ /__| |__|_ \__|___| /____ > \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ mart.atkins @ bigfoot.com _____________________ | - PLASTIC SURGERY - | __|_____________________|__ | | |||||| | | || o o | | | M I N D || > | | | THE || \_/ | | ---. | S T E P | \___/| | \ | |__| |_| | '--- Phew! back to normal.... | | \_/ | | | || | | | || MGA | | | ||_____|_ | | || _ | "-_ | |_____________||_|_|_|____"-| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% > Hmmm... you saved the file with transparency. I'm guessing you saved it > in Paint Shop Pro without checking the options. Good guess! :) It was still set up for saving the graphics for my website which need transparacy! -- _____ __ .__ _________ / \ _____ _/ |_|__| ____ .-'AKA __ '-. / \ / \\__ \ \_ __\ |/ \ | |\/|/__ /\ | / Y \/ __ \ | | | | | \ | | |\_//--\ | \____|__ (____ >__ _|__|.|__|___| / '-------------' \/ _ \// |_| | _|__| ____\/ ______ ||||| / /_\ \ __\ |/ / |/ \ / ___/ | o o | | \ | | <| | | \\___ \ | > | ___|__ /__| |__|_ \__|___| /____ > | \_/ | \/ \/ \/ \/ \___/ \ __| |__ '----- AAAhh! My 'R' has gone transparent! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .------------------------------------------------------------------------. :_ _ _ _ : |_|_ _|_| _ _ _ _ _ _ _|_|_ _ |_| _ _ _ : |_|_|_|_|_| _|_|_|_| |_|_|_|_| |_|_|_|_| _ |_|_|_|_ : |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_| |_| | ||||| .-----------. |_| |_| |_|_ _|_| |_| |_|_ _ |_| |_| | | o o ||mart.atkins| |_| _ _ |_| |_|_|_| |_| _ |_|_| |_| |_| | | > || @ | : _|_|_|_ _|_|_ _ |_| _ |_| _ _ _ _ _ _ | \_/ ||bigfoot.com| :|_|_ _|_| |_|_|_|_| |_|_|_| _ |_|_|_|_ _|_|_|_| \___/ '-----------' :|_|_|_|_| |_| |_|_|_ |_| |_| |_| |_|_|_ _ __| |__ : :|_| |_| |_|_ _ |_| |_|_ |_| |_| |_| _ _|_| / \_/ \ : :|_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_|_|_| | | | | : : http://vibes.vossnet.co.uk/i/ighaig/ | |MGA| | : : http://voices.vossnet.co.uk/a/atkins/ascii.htm | | | | : '------------------------------------------------------------------------' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .-------------. / . \ ___________________________ .'.' .' / \ \ . \ | .-. .-. .-----. .-----. | ..' o o . '.| | \ / | | .--.| | _ | | '. .;'| | . v . | | |---. | | | | | . \ |--| |\ /| |-| |__ |-| |_| |--| . o . \ | | | v | | | '-' | | _ | | '. . o .'| |_| |_| '-----' |_| |_| | '. o .' \___________________________/ / . \ '. . .' _ ___ .-----------. '-------------' |\/| |_) ___ | |mart.atkins| \ \ | | | | /\ | \ | _|_ |\ | | @ | \ \| | /--\ | | \| |bigfoot.com| '. | '-----------' | | /\ ___ |/ ___ |\ | __ Reply address | | /--\ | |\ | | \| (_ is ROT-13 | | | _|_ __) encoded | | | |-----http://vibes.vossnet.co.uk/i/ighaig/----- ^ | |http://voices.vossnet.co.uk/a/atkins/ascii.htm <_> | |----.____________________________________.---- | / \mga %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% . __________________________|"-. """"""""""""| _|\/|/' /\ _ | '-. ||||| | | |\7/""\ | '-. | o o | | mart.atkins@bigfoot.com | .-' | > | |__________________________| .-'mga | \_/ | . * . |_-' \___/ ' / ' ___ Have a great' ___ __| |__ /"> '""" Guy Fawkes Night! """ / '-' \ /\/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _ ____.Martin Atkins AKA mga.____ / | """"-mart.atkins bigfoot.com-"""" /@ | ___________________________________/___|_ __/___| o o o o o o o o o o o A _______ | _-" -________________\ \____________-" \_____\ mga If you are new to the newsgroup, please read our FAQ list - posted weekly and on the web at http://vibes.vossnet.co.uk/i/ighaig/ascfaq.htm %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MP(M."HM6#"M.!AM6"'\(?`F%R74"7 |'K!K#.--- Help, I've been uuencoded!:+5PCC!M'@ MT=+B^LN| .-. |'----'`[D@`(M'!HM7".,&T?K1V.+ZRXOTBU0$BTP&BUP( MBT0*.\%U\___/`IR!+`!ZP:P_^L",\#+4E&Q!%/3ZP/#6X'C#P#3ZED#REJ! MX@\`.\%RW7?7Z\^+](M (( > () .--- I don't feel too good! | .-| (( .-' )) --' \___/ \___/ __| |__ __| |__ / '-' \ / \ / \ | | | | | / ' \ | Martin Atkins .--@bigfoot.com | | MGA | | |(_ _)| mart.atkins---' | | | | | | | | | | | | | |"""""| | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -Martin ______________________ .----------. |.-. |'. | ||||| | || | |. '. | |o )||| '-- Why do I draw these |'-' Martin Atkins | '. '. | < || strange things in my | mart.atkins--. | /| '. '- |- | sigs these days? | moc.toofgib@---' | / '._.X. \___/ | | | : '. | | '----------------------'' '.__:.____ .____/ '.___>| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -Martin ||||| ((()) | o o | ( o o ) | > | (( > () .--- ASCII Art can make for | \_/ | (( \_/ )) --' interesting foreplay. \___/ \___/ *Ahem* __| |__ __| |__ / '-' \ / \ | | | | | / \ | Martin Atkins | |' '| | |(_ _)| mart.atkins@--. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | '--bigfoot.com %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .------------------------------------------------------------------------. | .-'\ SCHOOL`S OUT FOR SUMMER!! | o o | | | .-' _- \ ____| o o |_______________ | | \ -" _- \ ||||| _ | o o o ______ o o o o o o | | | \ -" _- \ | o o | <_| | o o o |CLOSED|o o o o o o | | | \ -" .-' | > | | | |__|""|_|""""""|____________| | | \.-' | \_/ | | | | | | | Martin Atkins \___/ / / | | mart.atkins--- __| |__/ /http://vibes.vossnet.co.uk/i/ighaig/ | | --@bigfoot.com / \_/ /http://voices.vossnet.co.uk/a/atkins/ascii.htm| '------------------------------------------------------------------------' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -Martin |\ /|.--..--. -.- -.- . . |"""|-.- . -.- . . .--. | \/ || || | | | |\ | | | | | / | |\ | | | ||--||--' | | | \ | |---| | |< | | \ | '--. | || .-.\ | _|_ | \| | | | | \ _|_ | \| ___| ---------| |---------------------------------------------- | |-.-.-. | | | | | mart.atkins---. .'. | | | | | | \ \| | '--@bigfoot.com \ / '. | '. | http://users.breworld.net/m/martin.atkins/asciiart/ | | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ___________________ ____ \ | _______________ | |\ /| / | \ | |+ /\ | | | \ / | | ____/___\ | | + /__\-"""""-| | | \/ | | | / \ | | + /`.\ o o o | | / \_\____/ / \ | | + /____\ ' ' | | __-]=-' - - -------------------------> | |+ /. ' \ _____| | _/ Martin Atkins | | /______\ | | / mart.atkins @ bigfoot.com | |_______________| |\_/ http://vibes.vossnet.co.uk/i/ighaig/ | :: | ASCII Gallery asciiart.htm |___________________|--------------------------------------------> |_____________| /_______________\ Merry Christmas to All! |_______________| and a happy new year too.... %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -- ___________________ ____ \ | _______________ | |\ /| / | \ | | | / \ | | | | \ / | | ____/___\ | | /|/____\|\ | | | \/ | | | / \ | | / |__ O _| \ | | / \_\____/ / \ | |/ / /|` \ \ | | __-]=-' - - -------------------------> | | / / \ \ | | _/ Martin Atkins | |/____________\ | | / mart.atkins---bigfoot.com | |_______________| |\_/ http://vibes.vossnet.co.uk/i/ighaig/ | :: |--------------------------------------------> |___________________| |_____________| / \ /_______________\ Yep, it`s ASCIIArt Quake - | |UAKESCII |_______________| and why not? \|/ | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ /\ / / \ /\ / /\ / \ \/ \ / \ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \ ___________________ \ \ ____ \ \ | _______________ | \ |\ /| / | \ \ | | ||||| /\ | | | | \ / | | ____/___\ / | | ( o o ) \/ | | | | \/ | | | / \ / | | | > | || | | / / \_\____/ / \ | | | | \_/ | || | | __-]=-' | | |\ \___/ || | | _/ \ /\ /\ \ | | | \___| |___/ / | | / \/ \ / /\ / \ / \ | |_______________| |\_/ \ / \ / \/ \ / | :: | \/ \ / \ / |___________________| .----------------\------------/-------. |_____________| | Martin Atkins! | /_______________\ | mart.atkins @ bigfoot.com | |_______________| .---------------------------------------------------. | http://vibes.vossnet.co.uk/i/ighaig/asciiart.htm | '---------------------------------------------------' | WARNING: MY REPLY ADDRESS IS ROT13 ENCODED! | '---------------------------------------------' .--------------------------------------------------------------. | NEW TO THIS NEWSGROUP? | | READ THE FAQ: http://vibes.vossnet.co.uk/i/ighaig/ascfaq.htm | '--------------------------------------------------------------' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -Byez ___________________ ____ \ | _______________ | |\ /| / | \ | | ||||| /\ | | | \ / | | ____/___\ | | ( o o ) \/ | | | \/ | | | / \ | | | > | || | | / \_\____/ / \ | | | \_/ | || | | __-]=-' - - -------------------------> | |\ \___/ || | | _/ Martin Atkins | | \___| |___/ / | | / mart.atkins @ bigfoot.com | |_______________| |\_/ http://vibes.vossnet.co.uk/i/ighaig/ | :: | ASCII Gallery asciiart.htm |___________________|--------------------------------------------> |_____________| /_______________\ ALT.ASCII-ART FAQ: |_______________| http://vibes.vossnet.co.uk/i/ighaig/ascfaq.htm %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% -Martin ___________________ ____ \ | _______________ | |\ /| / | \ | | | | | \ / | | ____/___\ | |Figlet is good!| | | \/ | | | / \ | | | | / \_\____/ / \ | |Figlet is nice!| | __-]=-' - - -------------------------> | | | | _/ Martin Atkins | | GET FIGLET! | | / mart.atkins bigfoot.com | |_______________| |\_/ http://vibes.vossnet.co.uk/i/ighaig/ | :: | ASCII Gallery /asciiart/ |___________________|--------------------------------------------> |_____________| /_______________\ Figletize ure own text.... |_______________| http://www.surfplaza.com/figlet/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%