-- ___ Dave Bird .-:~ :k[~-. Dave@XEMU.demon.co.uk / _| [_ j \ www.xemu.demon.co.uk/world/ \ \ (_ :/ World list of Civil Liberties Organisations. '-`:___.:-' %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% .:::::::::. ---------------.;;/~~~~~\;;.------.------ DAVE BIRD -------+ .-,-. .:;;|== ==|:;:. _:__.: | /~+o+~\ ::|~.~|:: ~~:~~~' 'Dave@Xemu.demon.co.uk ' ' '| ::|_| /_\ |_|:: ' | .:::#|/###\|#:::. http://www.xemu.demon.co.uk/ | ;:::#|\___/|#:::; ||||||| /index.html ^^^^^^N.B. | .,,,,.. ';;;#########:::' '.---.' | ///.' '+========#######=========+ ' Saint Hippo of Augustine in | ||:: the Church of the SubGenius | ||: ..| :~: ' | : //.'~~~~'.\\ | _|||'.__| | '.' ' | |_._____///::\\\__________| %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /; ;\ -- Regards, __ \\____// XEMoo.Moo.Moo /{_\_/ \`'\_/__ (cow by P.Kistner \___ (o\ /o } ) _____________________________/ :--' ____________________ http://www.xemu.demon.co.uk/ \_ `__\ ---[ now you've made me ] \___(o'o) [_really MAAAaadd!___] `====' "So many idiots, so few comets" ..OldTimer on ARS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% dave@xemu.demon.co.uk www.xemu.demon.co.uk/ _o) (o_(o_(o_(o_ (o_(o_(b_(@_(o_ (0__ //\ //\//\//\//\ //\//\//\//\//\ //\ U_/_ U_/U_/U_/U_/_ U_/V_/V_/U_/U_/_ H__)_ "marching to the beat of a different drummer" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /|_ / |_ / / / > ( > / / _____________/ /___________________________________________________ / / __/ \_____ Dave Bird /' | / /-\ / dave@xemu.demon.co.uk / / \--/ / / www.xemu.demon.co.uk/ ______/ /__________________________________________________________ ( > / > / _| / __/ /_/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%