I (Veronica Karlsson, VK, vk@ludd.luth.se) made these pictures.
These are the sigs I have made for people in the newsgroup alt.romath

Dear Veronica,
You are cordially invited to join us in the Romathian Ladies Anarchist
Club and Terrorist Society. If you wish to join us, please respond to
this post with your nym and weapons of choice.
The Romathian Ladies Anarchist Club and Terrorist Society
name weapon
çu knives, darts, and giggling
SilverRaven intelligence, humor, and an AK47
Smee pointy sticks
LunchLady pots and pans, pyrotechnics
1. The Bimbus Maximus
2. Herbert Khaury
3. Sergi
4. Per
5. Dayv!
6. Deekoo L. ?
7. Joshua Kramer
8. ÖSñS
9. omny³
10. Soque (Enjoque) Pupette
[i do believe that The Bimbus Maximus is on the BoyToy list twice, but
he deserves it.]
__.------._ _.----.____
.' -| - . `. .--' `---.__
/ '.' `-. ` \ .' Ahem... ah... duh...\
/ / `. ` \ \ / "Weapons"...? Eh, sure. |
| / `. \ | | I've always liked knives \
| | `. | | (or is that one "taken"?). \
| |.---. .---.\ | | Computer keyboards are nice |
| ||><@> ) ( <@><|` | | too... and I keep getting |
| | / \ || | \ criticised for my... hm.. /
| | ((_)) | | ` .-. "claws".. _.-----'
| `|` / \ '| | /.' `-._______.-'
| | _.---._ | |_.-'
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VK F`-._.-'J F`-._.-'J
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F_.---._J F_.---._J
/___ _ F J _ ___\
` /_ _ `./ \\ // \.' _ _\
((_(_(_)\__// \\__/(_)_)_))
__V______ _ =========== ===========
Welcome Veronica!
The Romathian Ladies Anarchist Club and Terrorist Society
name weapon
çu knives, darts, and giggling
SilverRaven intelligence, humor, and an AK47
Smee pointy sticks
LunchLady pots and pans, pyrotechnics
Veronica knives, claws, and her keyboard
1. The Bimbus Maximus
2. Herbert Khaury
3. Sergi-the Pool Boy
4. Per
5. Dayv!
6. Deekoo L. ?
7. Joshua Kramer
8. ÖSñS
9. omny³
10. Soque (Enjoque) Pupette
11. The Duck-the one who makes bathtime so much fun
12. Arsenic-the twelvish one
13. Raoul
Official Manbeast
Alehandro Taptaptaptaptap

/ _.--._ _.---.__
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Usenet rage - ' It's not just posting, it's a blood sport.
VK .------'

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VK | | | |

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> >>>>>>In Lunchlady's lunchbox today: a sandwich, a juicy apple, and a GIGANTIC
> >>>>>>VIBRATOR!!11!
> Question: Where can I get one of these? LOL
A what? A sandwich? A juicy apple? A GIGANTIC VIBRATOR!!11!? A sig?
Here's a gigantic juicy vibrator sig for you:
/ \ __ .___ __. ._______ .________._______ `. {}}}
J .-.. L | `. \ `./ \ \ _ `. \ ____\\ _ `. \ /u}}}
| | || | / ^ \ | `. | | | |_) | | |__ | |_) | | ) }}}
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J `-'' F.'_.' |__|/__/ /__/ /______.' /_______//__/ |__| /__.)_|
\ VK / amby@xcabra.demon.co.uk (\.'__>' |

His Imperial Majesty .-'`-.
`-.---- .-._.',-,--. (( || ))
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`-^----'' ' ' |-' `-' ' `-' ' / | `-^---' _)`._) H
| | | /\`-'\ H
' `----' / /`-' \ /(_)
of the Empire of New Scotland. / /| .|\ \ // H
( /8| | \ \// H
alt.romath Gentleman's Club # 13 d||8P| | \ / H
d8||P.| ! " H
The Romathian Ladies Anarchist Club and d88|| F| |
Terrorist Society Boytoy #11 .d888||/ / |
.d888(/_/ | &
ALL HAIL THE EMPEROR, .od8888/ / \ \
FOR HIS GREATNESS IS HUGE! .od88888P'.' |\ \
.od888888P'.' | \ \
.od8888888P"'.' | |\ \
_.ood88888888P"'.-' | ) \ )
_.ood88888888888P"'.-' / / \ \
VK _.oood8888888888888P"'_.-' / / \ \
____.oood888888888888888P""' _.-' _/ / \ \
8888888888888P"""""' ___.---' | /_ \ \_.-.
______________.-----'_____________________________\___) _____ (____.'___
Imperial Web site: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Parliament/2860/
Internet newsgroup posting. Imperial © 1999. All rights reserved.

, .
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ooooO' `Ooooo http://www.ludd.luth.se/~vk/cgi/asciichat/

Barbara Flora .---.
barbara@xacc-net.com .' \ .
_.-----./ __ | //
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VK /\ ,, ./
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VK `` `` '(__.' ``` `._`______________.-'

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2 | .----------------------------------------------------------------. |
3 | | joshkramer~> | |
4 | | | |
5 | | | |
6 | `----------------------------------------------------------------' |
7 `--------------------------------------------------------------------'
8 <__________________________>
.--------------------------------------------------------------------------. /"\` '_ HA! .--------------------------------------------------------------------------. .--------------------------------------------------------------------------. .------.
| .----------------------------------------------------------------------. | | /\\ .-----. HA! | .----------------------------------------------------------------------. | | .----------------------------------------------------------------------. | o'|=== o|
| | "Again, you right and I've been wrong all along. Now that I | | \_`/\\ --. | HA! | | "If you so smart, why don't you write your own posts instead of | | | | He's back. Joshua "The Worst" Kramer, KotAGoR. | | 8 |------|
| | understand that there really aren't any rules but BI>20 I'll never | | /`--\/``| | | | reposting mine?" | | | | No longer posting Overly-restrictive .edu domains. | | 8 |==== |
| | complain about off-topic cascades again." Jerry Brenner | |`o | |.'`/ |_| o'| | Manny | |`o o'| | I will add new sig quotes when you say stupid things. | |`o 8 |====__|
| `----------------------------------------------------------------------' | 8 | .'\o|_/ _ o | `----------------------------------------------------------------------' | `o 8 | `----------------------------------------------------------------------' | 8 o' |: : : |
`---------------------.------------------------------.---------------------' `.__oo \_.'\ \o >------. __.--' ]`oo' `---------------------.------------------------------.---------------------' `o' `---------------------.------------------------------.---------------------' `oo' | : : :|`o
____________________ /________________________________\ ______________________(___">__ |/ \.'_____, \ __[_______`_________________________ /________________________________\ _______________________________________________ /________________________________\ ____________________________|:_:_:_|__

"tin lizzie"
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Thank Veronica for the Picture and 2-belo for the word | |.'`/ |_| A
When you stop whacking my dropboxes, I'll stop morphing! | .'\o|_/ G
I have no comment at this time. Speak to my lawyer. \_.'\ \o o
Tell Maryanne Kehoe to go away and sue the spammers not the trolls! \.' \o R
| | (_) _ B T M /"\ Look, only
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| _ \| | | | _ \ / _ \ / ___)/ ___) (_ _) ___ | W O \_`/\\ --. |line
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|_| |_|\__ | __/ \___/ \____)_| |_| \__)_____) line | |.'`/ |_|
line (____/|_|Yes, I *AM* Joshua! |/ _ _|_|~||~_ _ |~) line| .'\o|_/fuck
anty-spmam soldeirs #js75g29cch63f |\(_) | |~||_|(_)|~\ \_.'\ \o all
"If Joshua Kramer tells you to killfile him, you probably should"\.' \oloafs

Subject: Trials, Tribulations and Such
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999 16:42:59 -1000
From: "manny" <manny_hall@hotmail.com>
Newsgroups: alt.clubs.just-for-fun
Life is now becoming a completely boring experience. I am being denied the
priviledge of spreading confusion, hate and discontent among the masses.
This morning I was sitting playing with this damned computer. I just moved
into a downstairs, actually backyard view apartment. The front parking lot
of this building is facing the parking lot. As a result the bottom floor
has no front view except for a flower bed full of plants, none of them
edible or smokable. The bedroom window has a fantastic view of the river
and the garden plots in the back of the building as well as a nice view of
the gazebo and such. Problem is, people walking by the window can see
inside if they shade their eyes and put they faces right up against the
On occassion some idiot will do just that. When I notice, I usually reply
with an expletive I learned while living on Treasure Island, Florida. "What
the fuck you looking at?" Normal reply for the situation, I would think.
This morning, I am sitting here in my skivvies trying to think of some way
to antagonize somebody and I get this crawly feeling I was being watched. I
looked up and here was this old ugly, and I mean Redd Foxx type ugly
Portagee woman with her hands shielding her eyes staring at my old, fat
neglected body. I didn't even have a hard on to impress her with. I looked
at her, I am talking a distance of about two feet, and yelled, "what the
fuck you looking at?" She responded with a "fuck you you no good
sonofabitch, don't you talk like that around my granddaughter." Well In
case they was actually a granddaughter there I know not because the window
sill is much higher than her grand daughter is tall and I didn't see anybody
else."Look, you ugly, sleazy old Portagee peeping Thomaset, says I, I am
gonna file a complaint against you with the fucken building manager."
Fifteen minutes later I went upstairs to check my mailbox, hoping maybe
Uncle Gus had sent a new shipment of chocolate chip cookies or something and
the old bitch walked by and elbowed me in the ribs and shoulder blocked me
into the wall of mailboxes. I just went to the doctor yesterday because I
am in the middle of a congestive heart failure problem brought on by them
fucken trolls and shit. My lungs are filling with water and I am slowly
drowning is the only way to explain the situation. The doctor gave me some
really good meds and I pissed out about a gallon of water yesterday
afternoon and last night. He also gave me a bunch of percodan, which had my
nerves pretty calm and such, but had thrown me into a horrible state of
constipation. To correct this he gave me a bottle of asorbate solution
which I drank before reading the directions. It was a twelve ounce bottle
and that is the same size beer comes in so I just drank the bottle this
morning figuring that would take care of the problem.
Lasix is the med he gave me to get rid of the water on my lungs. It is
called Lasix because it lasts six hours. Get it? LAst SIX hours. Well the
elbow to the ribs and the shoulder block into the mailbox wall just about
knocked me out. I could not breath at all. This built up a tremendous
amount of pressure. I had taken two of the 40 mg Lasix tablets and drunk
the whole damned bottle of Absorbate about two hours previously. I managed
to sit down on a little bench trying to catch my breath. Was having
absolutely no luck doing that. But that was just about the time the lasix
and the absorbate kicked in. The old bitch called the police and filed a
complaint against me for using profanity in front of her grandchild. About
the time the police got out of their car, the lasix and absorbate liberated
my kidneys and bowels in one big heave. This resulted in a giant expulsion
of feces which resembled golf balls and a stream of piss that would have
done a Missouri Mule proud. I had taken off my skivvies and was only
wearing a pair of short pajama bottoms, so there was not much resistance to
the expulsion. Shit, piss and other weird body fluids started squirting all
over the bench and the golf ball sized turds started rolling across the
floor in front of the bench. I still couldn't breathe but had begun to
cough profusly which made the golf ball shaped turds come out in rapid
profusion. The first policeman who got out of the car didn't know what the
hell was going on and ran up to me to see if he could offer some assistance
or maybe call an ambulance. Naturally he stepped on several of the golf
balls and even though they were hard and rolling around they squished when
he stepped on the first one and the rest of them squished some more when he
fell on his ass in the middle of the whole mess.
This would not have been so bad, but he had a warrant for my arrest for
disorderly conduct due to the complaint the old Portagee lady had filed
against me for using profanity in front of her grand daughter. The second
cop came up and asked me if I was Manny and unfortunately I admitted to the
fact and he handcuffed me and started walking me to the police car. The
first cop was yelling at him, " No no no, don't put him in the car."
Meanwhile Stumpy had called my doctor and told him what was happening and my
Doctor called the police dispatcher and told them to rush me to the nearest
hospital. He also instructed them not to wait for an ambulance that it was
an emergency situation.
Well, I just got back from the hospital. The police decided they didn't
want to fuck with the paper work involved in writing up the old lady's
complaint and were still in the hospital parking lot arguing about who was
going to have to drive that stinking police car back to the station, when my
son picked me up to bring me home.
And this was all the fault of them fucken trolls that overtook the
alt.clubs.just-for-fun newsgroup. It's not real life, its just usenet?
Bullshit! Are you listening Andrew?
_ __,,, __ __
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http://www.ludd.luth.se/~vk/pics/ascii/junkyard/sigs/FAQ.TXT \_ _/

kiala@lycanthrope.net ||---._____
_/ (@ .vvvo) .
. . . . _| (--- // _ _ ___ __ _ __
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^' .-' / (\ \ _ \ ( _ / )' l_j\_j|___jl_j_jl____jl_j_j
____.'.-.'_.-.)_`-'`\ .-.)_`-'`\ /_| the dragoness with the shotgun

The WereLawnmower...................
__ Cuddles ........(((((hugs'r'us )))))
_.-' \ Have you hugged your fuckhead today?
(-' \ _ _
\ \ ( \/ )
\ \ \ /
\ _.-' \ \/
\' \
\ \ Koala DishWater
\ .-.\_
\ .( )_ _ "now shoe!"
_\( `-..-' )`-.\\ -Koala DishWater getting a bit grumpy in
/__'`-._.--' .' )/ <37A9291A.FCC1603B@lycanthrope.net>
\ \- _ .-' .'
\_// [ascii art courtesy Veronica Karlsson]

---. --- .----------------------------.-----------------------. --- .---
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| | `---' --- `------------^-----------------------------------^-----'
| |
|\| SABU424 is proud to be the RSPWNWA internewsgroup champion, and is
|\| dedicated 1/2 of the RSPWWCW Tag Team Champions (with Cpt Spinkick).
| |
/ \
\ /

Viking version of my sig:
/\ . .-.
.- '__ /|\ _{ )
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|/ |8`888.' ASCII ART CHAT! `888'88| //|
.' /8 ==|// |
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.'.' /| \ V / -_) '_/ _ \ ' \| / _/ _` | |\ `.`.
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VK .------.
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`.\ |_---.____\ |_ | T| . Y j l | . |
\\___\ \\___\ erikmouse@yahoo.com _jl__j\_j|____jl__j\_j
JOIN MY CLUB: http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/erikmouseshangout NOW!

___ .-----.
/___\_ (you sbell!) *rrrrrrr!* / \
||\ .( /' *rrrrr* ( O o |
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" `--.\/.--' " \__.

çu goes through the air
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`-| / ( WHEEEEEE! )
\ / /'`---------'
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\`--.__.<-' //\
|`-< /`-. //( | go.eat.a@ljutfisk.net
| \ | `-..\|(
| ).-. `-(-}
| ) _/"
\ /.__.-'/ I would Become a Ljutefjisk Vjiking
\ '' / for Usenet Performance Art.
`-._ _.-'
"Looks like you just found a better class of thug.
My turn now, spammer and desecrator of Asatru."
-Dirk Bruere sets the usenet kook highbar in
( Mmmmffggf )
o ||_|)\ /'`---------'
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Veronica Karlsson wrote:
> crisis wrote:
> > Veronica Karlsson wrote:
> > > crisis wrote:
> > > > nightmare wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > You really have to see this sight to believe it. They really have gone
> > > > > too far this time:
> > > > >
> > > > > http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/2680/
> > > >
> > > > "and require that all sausages, cucumbers and carrots be sold
> > > > pre-sliced"
> > > >
> > > > For somebody who is that rabid, he sure does have an active
> > > > imagination. Somebody get the firehose, quick!
> > > >
> > >
> > > .--------.
> > > ||||| ( Hmmm...? )
> > > ||. .|| /'--------'
> > > |||\=/|||
> > > |.-- --.|
> > > /(.) (.)\
> > > \ ) . ( /
> > > '( v )`
> > > \ | /
> > > ( | )
> > > '- -`
> > >
> > > .--------------------.
> > > ||||| ( You mean, like this? )
> > > ||. .|| /'--------------------'
> > > |||\=/|||
> > > |.-- --.|
> > > |(.) (.)\
> > > \ . `-'
> > > ( `v )
> > > \ | /
> > > ( | )
> > > '- -`
> > >
> > > .-------.
> > > ||||| ( Mmmm... )
> > > ||u u|| /'-------'
> > > |||\=/|||
> > > |.-- --.|
> > > |(.) (.)\
> > > \ . `-'
> > > ( `v )
> > > \ | /
> > > ( | )
> > > '- -`
> > >
> > >
> > > .--------.
> > > ||||| ( MMMmmm.. )
> > > ||u u|| /'--------'
> > > |||\-/|||
> > > |.-- --.|
> > > |(.) (.)\
> > > \ . `-'
> > > ( `v )
> > > \ | /
> > > ( | )
> > > '- -`
> > >
> > > .---------.
> > > ||||| ( MMMMMMM.. )
> > > ||u u|| /'---------'
> > > |||\./|||
> > > |.-- --.|
> > > |(.) (.))
> > > \ .`-'
> > > ( `v )
> > > \ | /
> > > ( | )
> > > '- -`
> > >
> > > .-------------.
> > > ||||| ( *MMMMMMM!!1!* )
> > > ||- -|| /'-------------'
> > > |||\-/|||
> > > |.-- --.|
> > > |(.) (.)
> > > \ . /
> > > ( `v' )
> > > \ | /
> > > ( | )
> > > `.Y.'
> > > .-.
> > > ||||| ( ! )
> > > ||O O|| /'-'
> > > |||\o/|||
> > > |.-- --.|
> > > |(.) (.)\
> > > \ . `-'
> > > ( `v )
> > > \ | /
> > > ( | )
> > > `.Y.'
> > >
> > > .--------------------------------------------.
> > > ||||| ( mmmmMMMM! Mmmngmm!!!! This CAN'T be healthy! )
> > > ||u u|| /'\ Uhmmgm.. where did that pillow go? mm *z* /
> > > |||\=/||| `-----------------------------------------'
> > > ,|.-- --.|
> > > \/(.) (.)\
> > > ) . ( \
> > > ( v ) `
> > > \ | /
> > > ( | )
> > > '- -`
> >
> > Cucumbers! We demand cucumbers!
> >
> .--------.
> ||||| ( Hmmm...? )
> ||. .|| /'--------'
> |||\=/|||
> |.-- --.| \\
> /(.) (.)\__||
> \ ) . ( ||
> '( v ) //
> \ | /
> ( | )
> '- -`
> .------------------------------.
> ||||| ( What's so fun about cucumbers? )
> ||| .(| /'------------------------------'
> |||| ='|
> |.-- --. \\
> /(.) (.)\__||
> \ ) . ( ||
> '( v ) //
> \ | /
> ( | )
> '- -`
> ||||| *chomp!*
> ||| .( __.--.
> |||| C___.--'
> |.-- --.__\
> /(.) (.)
> \ ) . (
> '( v )
> \ | /
> ( | )
> '- -`
> .--------------------------.
> ||||| ( Mmmm..? Tastes OK I guess. `--.
> ||. .|| /'\ If you're thirsty... *shrug* )
> |||\=/||| `----------------------------'
> |.-- --.|
> __/(.) (.)\___
> ' ) . ( ||
> ( v ) //
> \ | /
> ( | )
> '- -`

_|)__ VK _ __ __ ___ ____
.-'u () | | /| / /__ _______/ / / _ | / / /__ ___
\/ (_ .'\ | |/ |/ / _ `/ __/ _ / / __ |/ / / -_) _ \
) '-._____.' .' |__/|__/\_,_/_/ \_,_/ /_/ |_/_/_/\__/_//_/
/ `..-..' .'
/ \.--' .' _ wnallen@ozemail.com.au
| \ \ (#) | H
| / `.\ _.' / \
| | \ .' \___ |-. | Proudly listed TWICE on Scabu's Roll of Shame
| \ / __// | |_|
\ `---' ___ | |#| .-. Butchering music as you read
@'`-._____// |_|#| |"| http://www.ozemail.com.au/~wnallen
' `---' `-' Updated 7/11/99 as if you care...

And finally, Robby Rat!
This guy's name inspired a cartoon-like sig, which is very easy to modify,
with the result that there are many variations of it.
The plain Robby Rat sig:
(`-') _ _
/ oo`. _ _ ___ | |_ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ _| |_
.' __O | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
/ .-.' \ |_| \___/|___/`_. | |_| <___|<___|<___| |_|
J |`.\ \ <___'
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L `--'\
| \
J \
\ / \
VK \ .'`. `. .'
___) /\ (____`. `-._______________________________________.'/
///__/ \___\\\ `-.________________________________________.-'
Robby after teh car accident:
(`-') _ _
/ @o`. _ _ ___ | |_ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ _| |_
.' __O | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
/ .===< \ |_| \___/|___/`_. | |_| <___|<___|<___| |_|
J //`. \\ \ <___'
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\__) `..-' /
L ``===`--'\
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J \
\ / \
VK \ .'`. `.
___) /\ (____`. `-.______________
///__/ \___\\\ `-._______________/____..___
Robby meets a cat:
( (`-') ( help! ) _ _
/ OO`. / `-----'__ | |_ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ _| |_
.' __O | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
/ ' \ |_| \___/|___/`_. | |_| <___|<___|<|\_| |_|
/ \ <___' | \ | \ /
( | |_.. | | ) | \_| \ /\
\__.' .-' / teh niec veronica grerl gaev me| /|/| `-'\
L `--'\ \ / / \
| \ no kitteys alloewd neaar th/(|) (|)
( J \ / /_/
\ / \ \ | \"/
VK\ \ .'`. `. \_/ _ .'
___) /\ (____`. `-._________________________V`._.-'_)_____.'/
( ///__/ \___\\\ `-.______________________________V_________.-'
Robby meets a lion:
( (`-') ( help! ) _ _
/ OO`. / `-----'__ | |_ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ _| |_
.' __O | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
/ ' \ |_| \___/|___/`_. | |_| <___|<___|<___| |_|
/ \ <___' ).-. .-. `. /
( | |_.. | | ) _.' |.-' | ) \'
\__.' .-' / teh niec veronica grerl gae) _ |.' (
L `--'\ \ / /_\/\.-. \
| \ <<< boytoeys R' u) /(|) (|) \ (
( J BOO!!! \ / / /__/ | \
\ / \ \ omny³ anty spamn a\ | \`'/ \ .'
VK\ \ .'`. `. bagde #sgt3907hst6`. \_/ _ | ( .'
___) /\ (____`. `-._______________________)_V`._.-'_)\__'_.'/
( ///__/ \___\\\ `-.______________________________V_________.-'
Robby cleans up in alt.romath
.--. .--.
(`-') _ ( \ /."".\ _
/ oo`. _ _ ___ | |_ //. ) _ _// __\x ___ _| |_
.' __O | '_>/ . \| . \//| \ / '_><// |<_> \\_> | | |
/ ' \ |_| \___/|___//_. |'|_| //__|<___|\\__| |_|
J .-= \ //<___' // \\
| |_./"\\ | | // . || \\
\__.' |.-' / // // \\
L `-/`--'\ // // \\
| ( ) \ // // \\
J )' \ // || \\
\ / \ o===== = . || __ \\ /\
VK \ .'`. `. /|`.__) / \ \\.-'--`-.-. \X /
___) /\ (____`. `-//| |_| |_______\\\ \ \________/ //
///__/ \___\\\ `-.//_|____|_|_|___v___\_/____ _/_/________\/'
Robby meets a girl:
(`-') .--. .--. (`@') _
/ cc`. .' _ \.' _ `. .'** @@ / \
.' __O / .' `. \ .' `. \ o__ @@@'\ \
/ .-.' \ | / /\ \ \ | .-`= `--' /
J |`.\ \ | | ( () ) | | / .'
| |_.| | | | \ \ `.\' / / | |(.) (.) /
\__.'`.|-' / \ \ /'` / / \ `-.) (.)(
L `--'\ \ \ / / .`-/'\ (.) L
| \ \ \ / / / (""")(.) |
J \ \ \ / / / `-' (.) F
\ / \ \ \ / / / \ (.) (.)/
VK \ .'`. `. `.' / .' .'`. /
___) /\ (____`. `-._______.' .'`.______.-' .' ___) /\ (__
///__/ \___\\\ `-.__________.' `._________.-' ///__/ \_\\\
...with terrible consequences:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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<3_)- <3_)- <3_)- <3_)- <3_)- <3_)- <3_)- <3_)- <3_)- <3_)-
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Secret agent Robby Rat:
Subject: The continuing adventures of Robby Rat
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 1999 19:00:43 GMT
From: "Leo Sgouros" <lsgouro1@tampabay.rr.com>
Newsgroups: misc.creativity, alt.romath, alt.religion.kibology, alt.surrealism, alt.2600
We find our unlikely super hero hanging out by the pool at the Belleview
Biltmore, a one hundred year old hotel that looks like it was made for a
jack nicholson to kill people in.
Robby and pals are hanging out at the pool, late at night
R-"I juest loev theis pleace, weeee" SPLASH!!
Somewhere beneath a towel a cheese phone bleeps
(sounds like that In Like Flint phone)
R-"heeilow-theis ehs robbiy"
Q-"Dammit Robby, you were supposed to be back here three days ago for your
report on economic variables and the possibility of funding a garbage study
on the moon"
R-"Looek miestereh Q, a reat neeids hies vracateion, aend i aim
tireried.Caent teh broad wait for teh reprort?"
Q-"Forget about that now-we have a crises on our hands"
R-(Robby does a quick calculation... crises=hazardous duty pay)..
"Okaey, i aem listrening"
A gizmo extends from the phone that turns into a screen-
"Good evening, Mister Rat. The man you see before you is Groc Hand Lee, the
spritual advisor for millions of UFO lovers around the world. Mr Lee is an
enigmatic sort of character, a real money shark, and has followers all over
the world. Your job is to infiltrate his organization and discover his
motives and his source of funds.His websites are to be taken down, in order
to see *who* puts them back up again.
(Robby thinks to himself, lame lame la)
"This is Mister Lees beautiful assistant, Tiffany Saunders"
"Tiffany will be your contact throughout the mission"
R-"Its a rat's life (sigh)"
Robby lets out a whistle and hundreds of his followers appear, out from
R-"okaey floeks, we haev a missioen, freist raet briengs me teh addreas of
teh Tiffraniy Soundres geits tripelle peay-oph, aen wheir ies chiena on teh
(to be continued)
(`-') (`{') _ _
o=\ /o o\ /** }} _ _ ___ | |_ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ _| |_
\ |.' O \_O__ }}}| '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
| \ ^ / \-' }}}|_| \___/|___/`_. | |_| <___|<___|<___| |_|
`-. \ ></ \\ /\}}\ <___'
| | | | |)V( )\ \
| | .-' /) ( )/.'
| \ `--'\) ( )``
| \ / \ ( ) \
J V \ | `.
\ / \-|`. `. .'
VK \ .'`. \) `. `-.________________.'/ .'
___) /\ (____` (|`-._`-____________________'_______________.'/
///__/ \___\\\ |\\________________________________________.-'

Here's the post that I got netcopped for - in a group about VIKINGS!
omny³ wrote:
> robby rat wroet:
> > <snip>
> >
> > ok im back in teh sadel now
> >
> > mr or ms catastreopyhe yuo hace
> > come along juts in teh nikc
> > of tiem to saev me froem teh
> > evil cultches of teh assatreu
> > demens
> teh asstrue religien requires
> sadism adn
> auto craniel mutilatein
> of its membres
> i hace proof
Hi! I am Viking Veronica! Did I
.-. hear a tiny character sneeze?
/_ _\ /' ,
||.V.|| //
||\-/|| //
.-- --. //
/(8)8(8)\ //
\ )888( \//
'(88888) //`
|88888| '
VK (x|x)
'- -`
.-. No? Phah! What a coward!
/_ _\ /'
.-- --. .---.
/(8)8(8)\ ( ³! )
\ )888( \|_________ /'---'
'(88888) |---------' /\C
|88888| /\_
VK (x|x) _ /_
'- -` \/ \_
May I introduce Robby Råttson,
.-. another viking pal of mine:
/_ _\ /' ,
||.V.|| //
||\=/|| //
.-- --. //
/(8)8(8)\ //
\ )888( \//
'(88888) //`
|88888| '
VK (x|x)
'- -`
.-. .-'||
/ _ \ _.-' ||
| ' ) | <_______||
`-' / ==========================================
/ / . .' .' .' .' .' .' .'
.' / / `. / o ___ _ /
| | __\ J . |> /\ |> \/ |> /_\ | < /\ |\| J
\ |_/ oo`. | // |\ \/ |> / |\ | | | _> \/ | | |
.'_ __O F// F
/\(%)_ ' \ // <<< boytoys'R us >>> F
.--.8bo._./\ // omny³ anty spamn and sleaz armey F
/ \88888\8\ //L bagde #sgt3907hst64ujr L
| _ |88888\8\ // | teh bad treol veronica gaev |
| (_) |888888\8\\// J me theis pectiur J
| |=(%)===\/}X \ \ \ \ \ \ \
\ /88888888'\ .--->. .---. .---. .---. .---. .---..
|`--'888888888 \ / _ \=/ _ \=/ _ \=/ _ \=/ _ \=/ _ \=
|.' \ .'`. `. (_) | (_) | (_) | (_) | (_) | (_).'|
`___)x/\x(__/_`. `-._______________________________________.'/
And a full-length version of the ship:
.-. .-'||
/ _ \ _.-' ||
| ' ) | <_______||
`-' / ========================================== __
/ / . .' .' .' .' .' .' .' / _`.
.' / / `. / o ___ _ / | (@ )
/ | | __\ J . |> /\ |> \/ |> /_\ | < /\ |\| J \ \'
/ \ |_/ cc`. | // |\ \/ |> / |\ | | | _> \/ | | | \ \
J .'_ __O F// F L L
| /\(%)_ ' \ // <<< boytoys'R us >>> F | |
| .--.8bo._./\ // omny³ anty spamn and sleaz armey F | |
| / \88888\8\ //L bagde #sgt3907hst64ujr L /F |
J | _ |88888\8\ // | teh bad treol veronica gaev | /J |
L | (_) |888888\8\\// J me theis pectiur J . .' F F
J | |=(%)===\/}X \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ .' / J
L \ /88888888'\ .--->. .---. .---. .---. .---. .---.._>-' .' F
\|`--'888888888 \ / _ \=/ _ \=/ _ \=/ _ \=/ _ \=/ _ \=__.-' J
|.' \ .'`. `. (_) | (_) | (_) | (_) | (_) | (_).'| F
`___)x/\x(__/_`. `-._______________________________________.'/ /

Robby joins the latest Meow trend and gets pregnant:
(`-') _ _
/ cc`. _ _ ___ | |_ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ _| |_
.' __O | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
/ .' -. |_| \___/|___/`_. | |_| <___|<___|<___| |_|
/ . `. <___'
/ /( ( \`. )
`.` / / teh bad veronica troelgerl gaev me theis pectiur
/ ` \(
| . | \ <<< boytoeys R' us >>>
J \
\ / / \ omny³ anty spamn and sleaz armey
`.__ .'`. `. bagde #sgt3907hst64ujr .'
___) /\ (____`. `-._______________________________________.'/
///__/ \___\\\ `-.________________________________________.-'
Robby, the black rat of the family:
(b-d) _ _
d88OOb. _ _ ___ | |_ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ _| |_
.d8888888O | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
d888.-.P8b |_| \___/|___/`_. | |_| <___|<___|<___| |_|
d8888|`.\88b <___'
88(8.| |8|88
Y88.P`.|o88P teh bad veronica troelgerl gaev me theis pectiur
888888888888b <<< boytoeys R' us >>>
Y888888888P88b omny³ anty spamn and sleaz armey
Y888888P'`Y88b. bagde #sgt3907hst64ujr .'
///88P Y888\\\ `Y888888888888888888888888888888888888888888P'
Scared by the unnatural pregnancy, Robby now wears protection:
.-' `.
( .-. (`-')\ _ _
\) )/ cc``. _ _ ___ | |_ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ _| |_
.'' __O) | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
// .-.' \( |_| \___/|___/`_. | |_| <___|<___|<___| |_|
// | | \\ <___'
|| |_.| | | ||
| \__.'_|.-' /| teh bad veronica troelgerl gaev me theis pectiur
| L `--'\\
| | \\ <<< boytoeys R' us >>>
| J \\_
| \ / / ) omny³ anty spamn and sleaz armey
|) \ .'`./ /. bagde #sgt3907hst64ujr .'
/____)__\_(.-' .' `-._______________________________________.'/
(___________.--'\ `-.________________________________________.-'
Santa Robby:
.' _`.
(.-. .'___) _ _
( ) (.' cc` _ _ ___ | |_ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ _| |_
" ( \ __O | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
/ \ `__' ) |_| \___/|___/`_. | |_| <___|<___|<___| |_|
/ `| | | \ <___'
|| |_.|-+-|| |
| \_|.'_|_|' / teh bad veronica troelgerl gaev me theis pectiur
| `-`'\_
|_______.----' ) <<< boytoeys R' us >>>
(________.----'\ _
\ / / ) omny³ anty spamn and sleaz armey
|___ /__.'`./ /. bagde #sgt3907hst64ujr .'
__(___/\___)_(_/ `-._______________________________________.'/
(___._/ \_.___) `-.________________________________________.-'