I (Veronica Karlsson, VK, vk@ludd.luth.se) made these pictures.

These are the sigs I have made for people in the newsgroup alt.romath

Jaue Lang wrote:
> Do you know what Benjamin had in his signature to a personal
> email to me:
> _______________________________________________
> mhm15x1                        http://www.nfilter.org/
> Benjamin D. Capoeman                  now stop whining
> b@lloo.at.REMOVE.penis.dot.com                and meow
>                                 !
> "God, dammit, if you're gonna kill somebody have some
> fucking taste. I'll drive you to Kenny Roger's house,
> alright?"
>   -Bill Hicks, 1990, on John Lennon's untimely death.
> _______________________________________________
> Now he is sending subtle death threats through the email system.
> What next?  One of those meowers showing up on my door?

                  /)                         .-'
                 ||                       .-'
                 ||                    .-'
                 ||                 .-'
                 ||              .-'     .------.
                 ||           .-'  __   | *meow* |
                 ||        .-'   .'-/__ |  _.---'
                 |`-------------'    \/ /.'
                 |*                 '| /'
                 |     |          `--'
               .-| |  /_______    |
            .-'  | | <        `.|||               _.'|
         .-'____  \\`.`.       ||||           _.-'_.-|
      .-'  ||   `--`- `.).____ ||||       _.-'_.-'   |
   .-'     ||                 ``-``--._.-'_.-'       |
.-'        ||                         |`-'           |
           ||                         | |            |
           ||                         | |            |
           ||                         | |            |
           ||                         | |            |
           ||                         | |            |
           ||                        |`--;}};.       |
           ||                       .'  o\ }}}}      |
           ||                     .'\      }}}}      |
           ||                     |      )}}}}}      |
           ||                      \    '}}}}}       |
           ||                       L    }}}}}}      |
           ||                       |  _.}}}}}}      |
           ||                    .-'|.'.-`-}}}}}     |
           ||                  .'  |/|/      `.}}    |
           ||                .' /              \}    |
           ||               /  |           \    \    |
           ||              /   |           |\    \   |
           ||            .'   .'\          | \    \  |
           ||          .'   .'  |   `      |  \    \ |
`.         ||        .'   .'    |          |   |    )|
  `.       ||     .-'\  .'      |          (  /   .' |
    `.     ||   _/__.'`'        J          J /   /   |
      `.   || (')               |           /   /    | 
        `. ||                   F          <   /     |
          `||                   L        ,/ `./      |
           ||                   `-.__.---/'_/_/      |
           ||                   |       //-'|        |
           ||                   |      //   |        |
           ||                   |      '    |        |
           ||                   |           |        |
           ||                   `-.______.-'         |
           ||                    |    F    |         |
           ||                    (   J|    F         |
           ||                    |   ||   J          |
           ||                    |   |J(   L         |
           ||                    J   F|F   |         |
           ||                    |  J ||   |         |
           ||                    |  |_||   F         |
           ||                   _F  J `|  J          |
           ||               _.-'/_.' ) |  |`.        |
           ||           _.-' .-'  /\/  |  |. `.      |
           ||       _.-'     `---'     F  ) `. `.    |
           ||   _.-'                  /-'/|   `. `.  |
           ||.-'                    .__.'       `. `.|
                                                  `. |
  VK                                                    `.

> And you better get some help.  I will not
> respect your physical integrity if you show up at my home.
> And I am going to tell a lot of people about this threat,
> and from where it originated, so don't this it will be
> another hidden dark secret.



çu wrote:
> Emperor James of APDD wrote:
> > Daito wrote:
> > > Sergi wrote:
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >               Sergi, KotAGoR XXX
> > > >        Creator of alt.religion.christian.amish
> > > >                HL&S Winner 1/00
> > > >        http://www.databasix.com/~sergi - Updated 4/13
> > >
> > > Heh you must be the forger I have heard s0 much about LOL
> > >
> > > Nice forgery cept its mews and not blackhelicopter :o)
> >
> LET GO OF JAMES........

            .-.                     \\
            |-'                     //
            ||                     //
            ||                     \\
          .'  \            _________\\_
      ___/     \     _    /.--.-----&  \
    (|----.     \  .'  `. '         \ ' \    .----<
           `-.   \/      |           \   \  /
              `-._|      | .----&-----\. `\/
              .'         |//           `-.'\
 VK           |           /             (O  %\
              \          /               )@%_|`
               `-.____ /\\_   .'          %_|`
|    |||||           // |C \//--'         \|`
\   ||||.(    &-----\/  \ \o\--'--         `
 | |||| c/   /          |\o   ---  
 & |.-- ----'            //\|\\`-  
 |\/(.) (.)            ''/|\/\\\   
 |   ) . (                 ''      
 |  (  v  )  \.----------------------.
/    \ | /   ( Hang on! I've got you! )
|    ( | )    `----------------------'
     '- -`


            .-.                     \\
            |-'                     //
            ||                     //
            ||                     \\
          .'  \            _________\\_
      ___/     \     _    /.--.-----&  \
    (|----.     \  .'  `. '         \ ' \    .----<
           `-.   \/      |           \   \  /
              `-._|      | .----&-----\. `\/
 VK           .'         |//           `-.'\
              |           /             (O  %\
              \          /               )@%_|`
               `-.____ /\\_   .'          %_|`
|    |||||           // |C \//--'         \|`
\   ||. .||   &-----\/  \ \o\--'--         `
 | |||\c/||| /          |\o   ---  
 & |.-- ----'            //\|\\`-  
 |\/(.) (.)|           ''/|\/\\\   
 |   ) . (                 ''      
 |  (  v  )  \.-----------------.
/    \ | /   ( Hey! Waitaminute! )
|    ( | )   ( What do I do now? )
     '- -`    `-----------------'


 ____                       ____         ___   ____  ___   ___   ___
/    \                     |___  |\  /| |___) |___  |___) /   \ |___)
  u  u|      _______       |____ | \/ | |     |____ |   \ \___/ |   \
    \ |  .-''#%&#&%#``-.           ___    .           ____  ___
   = /  ((%&#&#&%&VK&%&))             |  /_\  |\  /| |___  (___
    |    `-._#%&##&%_.-'          `._.' /   \ | \/ | |____  ___)
 /\/\`--.   `-."".-'
 |  |    \   /`./                of alt.pizza.delivery.drivers
 |\/|  \  `-'  /
 || |   \     /    VK          jre!NOSPAM!@jre.hostingcheck.com


[Poopie sig]

_  ___  ___  ___  ___            ____   ___    ___   ____  ____    ___
_\|\__\|\__\|\__\|\__\          |    \ /   \  /   \ |    \l    j  /  _]
 |||  |||  |||  |||  |          |  o  Y     YY     Y|  o  )|  T  /  [_
 |\|  |\|  |\|  |\|  |          |   _/|  O  ||  O  ||   _/ |  | Y    _]
 `-'  `-'  `-'  `-'  |          |  |( |     ||     ||  |   |  | |   [_
           |\/\/\/|  | .------. |  |  l(    !l     !|  |   j  l |     T
          .{{{}}}}}. |/ ...and \l__j   \___/  \___/ l__j  |____jl_____j
         {{{} _  _]}}||  stay  |  )    )   ___                _
        {{{}  " \"|}}|/_  out! /     )    (  _`\             ( )_
       {{{}`   c  /}}|  `-----'  (  .    )| |_) ) _ _   ___  | ,_) ___
       {{}}    _.'}}}}             /\`. ) | ,__//'_` )/' _ `\| | /',__)
      .-.--'   /--.}}}}           J  `.\  | |  ( (_| || ( ) || |_\__, \
    .'   \      \  `.}}           |    \`.(_)  `\__,_)(_) (_)`\__(____/
   /     |\      \   \}}           >    /
  /      F \      \   \}          / /--'
 /  _.  /   \  \  |`.  \         / /
<     `.     `.  /   \  `._    _/ /
 \      \      \/    / '   `._//_/
  `.     \----------'.        /( |
    `.    \         )|`-.____/(_/
     (`.   `--.    ')|      / /
     (  \     .\-   )|     / /
     (`  `-._ \`   ')|    (_/
     (_      `'   /'-.
    /  `---------'/   \                                             w
   /    `.       J     L                                           \c
  J`      `.     |     |                                           /`-i
  |         \   /      |        VK                               -'>


_  ___  ___  ___  ___            ____   ___    ___   ____  ____    ___
_\|\__\|\__\|\__\|\__\          |    \ /   \  /   \ |    \l    j  /  _]
 |||  |||  |||  |||  |          |  o  Y     YY     Y|  o  )|  T  /  [_
 |\|  |\|  |\|  |\|  |          |   _/|  O  ||  O  ||   _/ |  | Y    _]
 `-'  `-'  `-'  `-'  |          |  |( |     ||     ||  |   |  | |   [_
           |\/\/\/|  | .------. |  |  l(    !l     !|  |   j  l |     T
          .{{{}}}}}. |/ ...and \l__j   \___/  \___/ l__j  |____jl_____j
         {{{} _  _]}}||  stay  |  )    )   ___                _
        {{{}  " \"|}}|/_  out! /     )    (  _`\             ( )_
       {{{}`   c  /}}|  `-----'  (  .    )| |_) ) _ _   ___  | ,_) ___
       {{}}    _.'}}}}             /\`. ) | ,__//'_` )/' _ `\| | /',__)
      .-.--'   /--.}}}}           J  `.\  | |  ( (_| || ( ) || |_\__, \
    .'   \      \  `.}}           |    \`.(_)  `\__,_)(_) (_)`\__(____/
   /     |\      \   \}}           >    /
  /      F \      \   \}          / /--'             Visit my newsfroup
 /  _.  /   \  \  |`.  \         / /               alt.fan.poopie-pants
<     `.     `.  /   \  `._    _/ /
 \      \      \/    / '   `._//_/          alt.astrology sabed ma life
  `.     \----------'.        /( |
    `.    \         )|`-.____/(_/        pooABopiepantz@hotmFCNZail.com
     (`.   `--.    ')|     / /
     (  \     .\-   )|    / /              Poopie up close and personal
     (`  `-._ \`   ')|   (_/     http://www.homestead.com/poopieshowse/
     (_      `'   /'-.
    /  `---------'/   \                                             w
   /    `.       J     L                                           \c
  J`      `.     |     |                                           /`-i
  |         \   /      |           VK                            -'>


SamSpade wrote:
> Onel de Guzman wrote:
> > >J. R. Xemblinosky III wrote:
> > >> aimee@rmta.org wrote:
> > >> >
> > >> > recently jason introduced the subject of licking the terminals of a 9 volt
> > >> > battery to me.  while this struck me as extremely odd, he assured me that
> > >> > all of his geeky friends had done it.
> > >> >
> > >> > so here's the poll:
> > >> > has it ever occurred to you to lick a 9 volt?
> > >> > did you try it?
> > >> > is this idea cool or just plain stupid?
> > >>
> > >> 1) yes
> > >> 2) yes
> > >> 3) cool, not to mention it's a quick and accurate way to tell
> > >>    whether the 9 volt battery needs to be replaced yet.
> > >
> > >     Ahhhh the wonder of youth so you and your friends are licking on
> > >batteries, come back when
> > >    you can piss on a 9 volt. Besides shouldn't you be talking about girls
> > >or something or are batteries better for you?
> >
> > i've already freaked all the girls in the office.  what's left to talk
> > about?
> Pleasce sned me teh viruc planz for yore convxtid,thnaks...bwt...yuo
> hace teh mAD SKill2....

I remember a classmate of mine taking the "electric" bit out of an electric
lighter and going around zapping people's elbows with it...

                                                 / \`
                                             .--'\   .'
                                             \`--'  /
   .--.---.            .--.---.            .--`----'
   |  `---|            |  `---|            |  `---|
   |------|            |------|            |------|
   | ~C   |             `|    |             `|    |
   | /bb\/|              |---'               |---'
   | \)(  |    ---\      |          ---\     |
   | (v)  |    ---/                 ---/     *  
   |  \|  |                                 /_ 
   |  '`  |                                  /            VK

    lighter    =>    remove stuff   =>         zap!



The çu:

      \- }}}
   , .- --.
      ). ( /
     ( v  )`
      \| /\
 VK   (|\) `-'
      '  '

[complete with little dangley thing]


[smart cat, clumsy human]

Martyn Harrison wrote:
> Almost as good as napping on the stairs a bit up from the one with the
> dropped wet soap sitting on it. I mean, you can't go wrong with that
> one eh?

        \  |
  .---.  L `.
 /     \ |   \
( ._(  ))`-.  `.
_\___VV/_   `-._)
         |   ___
 VK                 |

[scruffy-looking cat signature]

   .--.                 __         _  _
  / _  <               /  \|   __ / \/ \'  _   __ _|_ _   _
  / /`-'               `--.|_// /-|--|- ||/ \ /  | | / \|/ \
  | |                  \__/| \\/_ |  |  ||   |\__| | \_/|   |
  > |                                         \__|     ______
  / )    _      ,\      |       __|      ' __| __  __   |  |
  | |    >`-._.-| |     | |   |/  |\    /|/  |/  |/ /   |  |
 {  `-   \  _    _\     |__\_/|\__| \/\/ |\__|\__|\/_  _|__|_
 |    \  > \|)  (|/                           \__|
 |     `.`   _ _  F-'
  \       .-'. " /`-.            TomCat@cwcom.net
  |         / --'`.
  >        '    `  `
   \  |         |
   |  \`.       \
   / / | "      |
   | | | |\  /  <
   > \ | <| | | |
    \_|\_\| | | |
     "" ">  | \ |
          | | | |
 VK       | | | \
          \_\ \_\
           ""  ""


[round bunnie]

Jelliebun wrote:
> >Jelliebun wrote:
> >>
> >>Jelliebun
> >>mhm20x20
> >>8 days and counting
> >>almost completely spherical
> Jelliebun
> mhm20x20
> expanding exponentially while we speak

           .-.        .---.          .-.      .-.  .-.   _
           | |      .'    /          | |      | |  | |  (_)
        _.-' `""-._/    .'_._      _ | | .--. | |  | |  .-. .--.
   _  .'             .-'.'   >    | (| |' '__)| |_ | |_ | |' '__)
  ( \/         (%) @ \.'   .'     `.__.'`.__.'`.__)`.__)|_|`.__.'
   \             4  @  _.-'             .-.
   J             (%)   L                | |
   |                   |                | `-. .-..-.,-.--.
   J                   F                | .) )| () || _  |
    L                 J     VK          `._.' `.__.'|_|)_)
    (\                \
     ">            .'\_)
     (_/`-..___..-'                     bunniegirl@home.com


AAAARGH! I just realized I have (again) contributed to the overpopulaton
of ascii bunnies on the net!!!!   :-O

And that one looks particularly... "explosive"...

                                                   .-.        .---.
                                                   | |      .'    /
  *PODA-PLOP-PLOP-PLOP-PLOP-PLOP-PLOP-PLOP*     _.-' `""-._/    .'_._
                                           _  .'             .-'.'   >
                                          ( \/         (%) @ \.'   .'
                                           \             4  @  _.-'
     _     _     _     - _   -    /   -    J             (%)   L
 /\ _         -   \ _            ( _       |                   |
   (:4-|-.//      _(:4-|-.//    \_(:4-|-.//J                   F
  /_"`.__.o  _   /  "`.__.o  -     "`.__.o  L                 J
                                            (\                \
                                             ">            .'\_)
 VK                                          (_/`-..___..-'


Is it safe to make a nine month pregnant woman laugh that

What the heck, she wants a pogo stick just so she can get 
this over with anyway.



[albatross sig]

                                   .-'    _.-'"
                        _ .-.__.--'    .-'
                      .' `  / ' __ _.-'
                      ) '  '   )   /`-._.
                     (.'\          )/))-)\
                   .'    >.________.--'
                .-'   .-'
              .'    .'
           .-'   .-'
         .'    .'
        /    .'
      .'   .'           _    _ _           _
     /  ,,/            / \  | | |__   __ _| |_ _ __ ___  ___ ___
    /'''/             / _ \ | | '_ \ / _` | __| '__/ _ \/ __/ __|
   / ,''             / ___ \| | |_) | (_| | |_| | | (_) \__ \__ \
  /''     VK        /_/   \_\_|_.__/ \__,_|\__|_|  \___/|___/___/


[this was the content of a "homepage" I had for a while]

  ._        _.    .-----------------.
  | \      / |   / .  . .-- .-. .  . \
  | _>----'. |  |  |\/| |-  | | |  |  |
  |(#)  ____(#) |  |  | |__ \_/ \/\/  |
  /  .-"\  /`.|  \  _________________/
  |.'    `'   \  /.'
  /_____.-----' /'
  \      \  \ \
  |`.     `._)/      This sock belongs to
  |  `-.____.'|        Veronica Karlsson
  |           |


[skiing sig for post to skiing newsgroup]

   ><         .-.         http://www.ludd.luth.se/~vk/cgi/asciichat/
     `.    .--'._             __   __                _
       `. /.-/   `.,_ |       \ \ / /__ _ _ ___ _ _ (_)__ __ _
         '/  | |``._.'|        \ V / -_) '_/ _ \ ' \| / _/ _` |
             ( |      |         \_/\___|_| \___/_||_|_\__\__,_|
             /\ \     |
            / /`,\    |          Halfway through November and
 VK       .'.'  /|    |            *still* no snow in Luleå!
        ,'.'    \|   _|_


[That evil cat, vjiking style]

                               .---. .---.
                              (     X     )
                        x      `---'|`---'    !
                       ' !          |        < X
                       !  !      __.^.__    :   >
                      '    :  .-'  | |  `-. >   '
                      !    'L'     | |     !     4
                     '      '>     | |     :       !
                     !  !h   `     | |    >    >  '>
                    '  !  X   `    | |   !   :~!   !
                    f '        4   | |  '           !
 `~x.           f           ...    | |   .....          ~          .+~`
     `\.    `\.             \'~`M  | | `\'  /                  .:~`
          `"x.  `%.           "~   | |   '                .:~~  .x="
   ~+:.        "+. `%.             |_|                ..<(..xz@#"~""`
         `"*<:.    `=: %:          ***!      ::/*%)*"` .:~`         .:=
                 `""+x.`"x!x        :f            .+"`      .x+""`
       ....::::++++~~!!.:::++-      `h         ~` ....x-~"
    ...::>**~""```  .:x~")!        f  `        =:..  `"<.
             .x+"~   %x"         :  .. ':      +../  `"%+x.`"+..
     ..x-~"       .~"  %.       ~        \     .f  "~x.      `"~+:.
:*"`          .+"        `""""    B L U B .            `"=:.        `"*
           :"`                                              `"=x.
        "                    B O W  T O  M E O W .               `~+:.


[two-headed Zaphod sig]

   @@@@         @@@@@                            __  __      _
  @@@ .\       @@@@@@@    Matz (aka z, Zaphod   |  \/  |__ _| |_ ___
  @ .   \     @@@ <@(      or Vidfamne in       | |\/| / _` |  _|_ /
   \   \ \    @@(    >      various groups)     |_|  |_\__,_|\__/__|
   (\  _.'|   @@  ._|
    "`-._.'    @  _/            ___  _             _      _   _
        \ \    / /             | _ )(_)_  _ _ _ __| |_ _ (_)_(_) __
         \ \  / /              | _ \| | || | '_(_-<  _| '_/ _ \ '  \
     .---'\/`'\/`---.          |___// |\_,_|_| /__/\__|_| \___/_|_|_|
    /    \/\/\/\/    \   VK       |__/             matz@email.msn.com


[pizza sig]

        (  )                 ___            _  __  __
.---)--------.(             / __| __ _ _  _(_)/ _|/ _|_  _
| |   _.-"""-._`-)          \__ \/ _` | || | |  _|  _| || |
| |.-' %  % @  `-.`.________|___/\__, |\_,_|_|_|_|_|__\_, |
| ( % & @ &  % @& ) ________________|_|_______________|__/_)
| |`-.   @  %  .-'.'                     Squiffy The Wombat
| |   `-.._..-'.-'
|_|_________.-'       Toby@squiffythewombat.freeserve.co.uk


[a teddy bear with a gun]

           .-""-.                    _
          /  _   \              _   /|)
        .'---""-.|             /|) /|/
      .'          `.          /|/ /|/
   __/_             \    .   /|/ /|/
 .'    `-.          .8-. \\-/|/ /|/
J   .--.  Y     .o./ .o8\ |/\ `/_.-.
|  (    \       98P  888| /\ / ( ` |
|  `-._/          |   `"|/\ / \|\  F
 `.     .            "-'|\ / \/\  J
   |---'              _/\ / \// ` |
   J                 /// /   /   F
   _\    .'`-._    ./// /   /\\.'
  /  `. / .-'  `<-'/// /  _/\ \\
  F.--.\||       `.`/ /.-' )|\ \`.
  \__.-/)'         `.-'   ')/\\  /
 .-' .'/  \               ')  `-'
(  .'.'   '`.            .'
 \'.'    '   `.       .-'
  /     '      `.__.-'/|
 J     :          `._/ |
 |     :               |
 J     ;-"""-.         F
  \   /       \       /
   `.J         L   _.'
     F         |--' |
     J         |    |__
      L        |       `.
      |        |-.      \|
      |           \   )_.'
 VK   F        -.\ )-'
      \         )_)

           .-""-.                    _  .-..-.
          /  _   \              _   /|) : :; :
        .'---""-.|             /|) /|/  :    :.-..-. .--.  .--. .-..-.
      .'          `.          /|/ /|/   : :: :: :; :' .; :' .; :: :; :
   __/_             \    .   /|/ /|/    :_;:_;`.__.'`._. ;`._. ;`._. ;
 .'    `-.          .8-. \\-/|/ /|/                  .-. : .-. : .-. :
J   .--.  Y     .o./ .o8\ |/\ `/_.-.          .---.  `._.' `._.' `._.'
|  (    \       98P  888| /\ / ( ` |          : .; :
|  `-._/          |   `"|/\ / \|\  F          :   .' .--.  .--.  .--.
 `.     .            "-'|\ / \/\  J           : .; :' '_.'' .; ; : ..'
   |---'              _/\ / \// ` |           :___.'`.__.'`.__,_;:_;
   J                 /// /   /   F
   _\    .'`-._    ./// /   /\\.'
  /  `. / .-'  `<-'/// /  _/\ \\                    dok@!spam.lart.com
  F.--.\||       `.`/ /.-' )|\ \`.
  \__.-/)'         `.-'   ')/\\  /             "Mankind was born free,
 .-' .'/  \               ')  `-'   and is everywhere in chainstores."
(  .'.'   '`.            .'                             Doklands Mafia
 \'.'    '   `.       .-'
  /     '      `.__.-'/|             http://www.fluxus.freeserve.co.uk
 J     :          `._/ |
 |     :               |
 J     ;-"""-.         F
  \   /       \       /
   `.J         L   _.'
     F         |--' |
     J         |    |__
      L        |       `.
      |        |-.      \|
      |           \   )_.'
 VK   F        -.\ )-'
      \         )_)


[a sig for poking with pointy sticks]

   (,        .------.                            .-----.     _
   /|  _    ( *poke* )                          ( Help! )   { )
   \\ '_}   -'------'                            `-----`-   _U_
    `'  `.___@================================------   ) __/.. \
     |  >---'                                           `--'| /\\
     / |     http://www.ludd.luth.se/~vk/cgi/asciichat/     ! |//
    ((_ \         __   __                _                  /& )
    / /`.\        \ \ / /__ _ _ ___ _ _ (_)__ __ _         /.'\ \
  .'.'  /|         \ V / -_) '_/ _ \ ' \| / _/ _` |        |\  `.\
 /.'    \|          \_/\___|_| \___/_||_|_\__\__,_|        ||    \\
- ` ----``-- -ejm------------------------------------VK-- -'' -- -' -


çu wrote:
> Martin Bulmer wrote:
> >Have you dropped that sprog yet?
> yes, but it wasn't a lot of fun. my apologies to all if
> nothing has been posted yet, but i've been hospitalized all
> week, and my husband did not leave my side long enough to
> post. Rachel Ann was born on wed, jan 26, at 8:11am, after
> about 48 hours of hard labor and a c-section. she is the most
> beautiful thing that you have ever seen.

                               ( This isn't )
                               ( working... )
 VK                             `-'`-'`-'`-'  O  o ,,,,,
                                                   |o|o |
                                                   | `  )
         *AAAANGNNNNN*    _.-----._                //\/`.
          /'           .-'         `-.            .'.' / )
 {{{}}}       .--.   .'               `.         (_/__/ /|
{{{} - \    .'    `./                   \        \|____/ |
{{}}   c   /                             \/\       |:    |
{}{}}  '_.'   (//                         /\\.-    |:    \
{{{}}}        /                           /\\.-    |:    |
-{{{}}}-(____/---------------------------'--`-'--  |:____|
                                                   | |  |

                       .--------------------.     /\
                      | You're just going to | \ /
                      | take a little nap.   | /X
                       `--------------------'`\ /\ ,,,,,
 VK                                          /\/   |o|o |
                                           _/#/    | `  )
                                          (_)/      \o /
          HEY!?           _.-----._       /#//\   .-'-'`.
          /'           .-'         `-.    X/ \ `.' /   / )
 {{{}}}       .--.   .'               `. /    `. __|__/ /|
{{{} O \    .'    `./                   \       \_|____/ |
{{}}   C   /                             \/\       |:    |
{}{}}  '_.'   (//                         /\\.-    |:    \
{{{}}}        /                           /\\.-    |:    |
-{{{}}}-(____/---------------------------'--`-'--  |:____|
                                                   | |  |

A little while later...

                      | çu, meet Rachel Ann,   |
 VK                   | Rachel Ann, meet Mommy |
                       `---------------------'`\   ,,,,,
                                                   |u|u |
                                    *WAAAAA!*      | `  )
      Mmmm... huh?                         `\  _    \o /
          what?                               /.. .-'-'`.
          /'                                  \ C) /   / )
 {{{}}}       .--.                             |___\_.' /|
{{{} u \    .'    \                            (_|____.' |
{{}}   =   /       L                            \\_  \   |
{}{}}  '_.'        |_________________________.-_ `.)_/   \
{{{}}}                                   -----' )  |:    |
-{{{}}}-(_______/------------------------------'-  |:____|
                                                   | |  |

 {{{}}}       .--.
{{{} . \    .'    \
{{}}   =   /       L
{}{}}  '_.'        |_________________________.-_
{{{}}}                                   -----' )
         \    __ *KA-STOMP*

 {{{}}}   /'  .--.
{{{} u \    .'    \
{{}}   =   /       L
{}{}}  '_.'        |_________________________.-_
{{{}}}                                   -----' )
             / \


 \          \           |        /           /

      \            |        /          /

__          __                                   _
\ \        / /\        /\        /\        /\   | |
 \ \  /\  / /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \  | |
  \ \/  \/ / /\ \    / /\ \    / /\ \    / /\ \ | |
   \  /\  / ____ \  / ____ \  / ____ \  / ____ \|_|
    \/  \/_/    \_\/_/    \_\/_/    \_\/_/    \_(_)

    /       /                       \      \
       /        /  / - _ - \      \     \
                  | .-----. |
                  |(   @   )|
                  >--/. .\--<
                  `(_     _)'
                  / .`___'. \
 VK             _/.'       `.\_

    {{{}}} Come here baby! Let Mommy help you!
   {{{} @\ /'
   {{}}  c   *ga ga?*
   {}{}}'       `\
  {{}}   `.         .-----.
 {}}       \       /       \
{.'     \ \ \     | O  O    |
'        \ | \    |  `     )|
  /\      \|  \_   \  o    /
 /  `._.'.'\_  \    `.___.'
/           \     >--/. .\--<
                  `(_     _)'
                  / .`___'. \
 VK             _/.'       `.\_

    -  {{{}}}.o(huh?)
  -   {{{} O\   `--'
    - {{}}  c   *ga GA!*
      {}{}}'       `\
 -   {{}}   `.      .-----.
    {}}       \    /       \
 - {.'     \ \ \  | o  o    |
  .'        \ | \ |  `     )|
.'   /\      \|  \ \  =    /
    /  `._.'.'\_  @ `.___.'
   /           \   `-/. .\--<
  /                 |__.__|
 /                `(_     _)'
/                 / .`___'. \
 VK             _/.'       `.\_

        /     ||
            .'  \
        ___/     \     _
      (|----.     \  .'  `.
             `-.   \/      |
           /    `-._|      | .----<
     /          .'         |//        .---------.
                |           /        ( WHEEEEEE! )
                \          /        /'`---------'
            /    `-.____ /\\_   .'
                       // |C \//--'
    /            >----\/  \ \o\--'--
                          |\o   ---
            /     /        //\|\\`-
 VK               /          ''

                                          \             .-.
                                                 \      `-|
                                               \      \  ||   \
                                      \             \   /  `.
                                   \             _     /     \___
                                          \   .'  `.  /     .----|)
                                             |      \/   .-'
                                      >----. |      |_.-'
                                           \\|         `.
                             \              \           |
                                   \         \          /
                                       `.   _//\ ____.-'
                                      `--\\/ C| \\
                                     --`--/o/ /  \/----<
 VK                                   ---   o/|
                                      -'//|/\\   \.---------.
                                       ///\/|\`` ( AAAAAAAA! )
                                          ``      `---------'

                `\  .-----.
                   /       \    |_   |_   |_   |_
                  | @  @    | |/_  |/_  |/_  |/_
                  |  `__.  )| __   c    c    c
                   \ \__/  / |/ |
                    `.___.'  @'_| *KA-STOMP!*
                  >--/. .\--'
                  `(_     _)'
 VK               / .`___'. \
                _/.'       `.\_

                `\  .-----.
                   /       \    |_   |_   |_   |_
                  |    @  @ | |/_  |/_  |/_  |/_
                  |(  .__'  | c    c    c    c
                   \  \__/ /    |_
                    `.___.'   |/_
                  >--/. .\--< c
                  `(_     _)'
 VK               / .`___'. \
                _/.'       `.\_



                `\  .-----.
                   /       \    |_   |_   |_   |_
                  | @  @    | |/_  |/_  |/_  |/_
                  |  `__.  )| __   ç    ç    ç
                   \ \__/  / |/ |
                    `.___.'  @'_| *KA-STOMP!*
                  >--/. .\--'
                  `(_     _)'
 VK               / .`___'. \
                _/.'       `.\_


                                 |        |      |     |    |   |  | ||
 _____ _            ____        _     _   |      |     |    |   |  | ||
|_   _| |__   ___  / ___| _ __ (_) __| | ___ _ __  __ ___   __ _ _ __ |
  | | | '_ \ / _ \ \___ \| '_ \| |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|'_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \
  | | | | | |  __/  ___) | |_) | | (_| |  __/ | | | | | | | (_| | | | |
  |_| |_| |_|\___| |____/| .__/|_|\__,_|\___|_| |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|
                         |_|                     |     |    |   |  | ||
                       Spiderman@longlines.com         |    |   |  | ||
VK                                                          |   |  | ||


Søn øf Spam wrote:
> but then again it would be kinda kewl
> if you could insert an ASCII fly with a human head going "Help me!... Help me!"
> all tangled up in the web.


      _.------'`.         J _      `---.__
             .-. \        | `-._
            (   ) L%%%%%% F-._
             `-'  |%%%%%%/   /`---.__,,,,,
           ____.-'|%%%%%/___/______/////\\\\      .-------------.
      ----'       |%              /////   -|      | Help me!    |
                  |               ////   <@ \     |    ...      |
                  |               ////     .'     |    Help me! |
                  |________________///     C    --'-------------'
                  |--' |   |          `-._.'
                  J_.-'F   F
                   L  /   /
                    \/   /
 VK                 /__.'

as a sig:

_.------'`.         J _      `---.__
       .-. \        | `-._
      (   ) L%%%%%% F-._
       `-'  |%%%%%%/   /`---.__,,,,,
     ____.-'|%%%%%/___/______/////\\\\      .-------------.
----'       |%              /////   -|      | Help me!    |
            |               ////   <@ \     |    ...      |
            |               ////     .'     |    Help me! |
            |________________///     C    --'-------------'
            |--' |   |          `-._.'
            J_.-'F   F             __             _   __
             L  /   /             (_  _ ._    _ _|_  (_ ._  _.._ _
              \/   /              __)(/)| |  (/) |   __)|_)(_|| | |
 VK           /__.'                                     |
              ||                      breaking_wind@hotmail.com


_.------'`.         J _      `---.__
       .-. \        | `-._
      (   ) L%%%%%% F-._
       `-'  |%%%%%%/   /`---.__ .--.
     ____.-'|%%%%%/___/_______.'    \       .-------------.
----'       |%                      -|      | Help me!    |
            |                  (   <@ \     |    ...      |
            |                        .'     |    Help me! |
            |___________________     C    --'-------------'
            |--' |   |          `-._.'
            J_.-'F   F             __             _   __
             L  /   /             (_  _ ._    _ _|_  (_ ._  _.._ _
              \/   /              __)(/)| |  (/) |   __)|_)(_|| | |
 VK           /__.'                                     |
              ||                      breaking_wind@hotmail.com


[truck sig]

  (>_____.----'||                                                    |
   /           ||         __     ___    ____ ___ _  __   __          |
  |---.   = /  ||         \ \   / / \  / ___|_ _| | \ \ / /          |
  |    |  ( '  ||          \ \ / / _ \ \___ \| || |  \ V /           |
  |    |   `   ||           \ V / ___ \ ___) | || |___| |            |
  |---'        ||            \_/_/   \_\____/___|_____|_|            |
  |            ||                 kruchenykh@rapp.su                 |
  [    ________||____________________________________________________|
  [__.'.---.   |[Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y]
  [   //.-.\\__| `.__//.-.\\//.-.\\_________________//.-.\\//.-.\\_.'\
  [__/( ( ) )`      '( ( ) )( ( ) )`               '( ( ) )( ( ) )`


Jaue Lang wrote:
> My warp machine is down right now, and after having a really good cry,
> I am back on windoze again.  using forte without a killfile.
> And what do I see.
> Shit, in the form of meowers, everywhere.
> I have to remember to breathe....

*meow*              [[#] }}}}
       >m.m<        /     )}}    >#.#<         >*.*<
                     \=_  }}}     *fuckhead*
           *meow*     {{\ \}}}                 *meow*
 *loaf*               .-'. `--.      >+.+<
   >`.'<             /  ) \_\\ \                  >^.^<
             _.-----' .'    ) ) `.___,/|  *spnak*
  *meow*     //,-----'  \    | `._____/
                         |   |                     >~.~<
             >u.u<     .'    |  *meow*
  >1.1<               /       \            >q.p<   *meow*
                   .-'        |       *meow*
           *meow*  `.         |                   >=.=<
     >o.o<         _/\_       |   >O.O<
  *whiskas*      .'  _/`---\-'|                      *woem*
               _/  .'       | )    *meow*
 *meow*       /  .'        / J               >o.o<
              '| |         F |                      *meow*
 VK             \_\        \ |      >!.!<
   >@.@<                   / `._                      >"."<
             >. .<         \|\__/   *zrbj*   >&.&<


In article <38AC61EE.6A53@earthling.net>, Veronica Karlsson
<acinorev@earthling.net> says...

>the_mighty_balloo wrote:
>> Veronica Karlsson escribió en artículo:
>> >[I can't think of a good title for it... (title cascade, please?)]
>> >
>> How about "wishful thinking?"  Jauely's already mentioned that she
>> weighs in around 110 kgs (or 240 lbs. for you Americans out there)
>> due to metabolic problems brought about by a life of sloth and
>> gluttony.  With your kind permission I'll adjust for this with
>> my own limited ascii skills...
>OK, I wasn't aware of that. I just knew she was a "she", and imagined
>something sort-of-thin-and-grey.
>But, no, this won't do! You've changed those eye thingies (you know,
>like you put on horses to keep them from getting scared in traffic...
>Hmmm... maybe they're attached to some kind of bridle or something?
>Don't know what that would look like though...).
>>                         ,,,
>>                       {{{}}}}
>> *meow*                [[#] }}}}
>>        >m.m<         {/     )}}    >#.#<         >*.*<
>>           *meow*    {{(=(    }}}     *fuckhead*
>>  *loaf*             {{.-\.  `--.      >+.+<
>>    >`.'<           /    ) \_)\\ \         *meow*    >^.^<
>>              _.---'   .'      \  `.___,/|  *spnak*
>>   *meow*     //,-----'(        \_______/
>>                     ( \  -_     )                     >~.~<
>>              >u.u< .'        ^ /| *meow*
>>   >1.1<            /\  \        )            >q.p<   *meow*
>>                  .-'  \ \      |       *meow*
>>            *meow* `.     -_   /\                   >=.=<
>>      >o.o<        /\_        / |   >O.O<
>>   *whiskas*     ./    _/`\---'|?                      *woem*
>>                _|   .'    |   )    *meow*
>>  *meow*       /   .'     /   J               >o.o<
>>               '| |       F   |                      *meow*
>>                 \_\       \  |      >!.!<
>>    >@.@<                  /  `._                      >"."<
>>              >. .<         \|\__/   *zrbj*   >&.&<
>> There.  Now all we have to do is attach a copy of Happy99.exe
>> to the file and we're all set.  Do you suppose Jauely has one
>> handy?
>Hmmm.. not much of a cascade. I'm disappointed in you people! OK, I'll
>> > Title: "In the dark" ?
>> Title: "Freedom" ?
>Title: "Nightmares" ?
Title: "Happy99 Happy99, Joy Joy" ?

441 posting failed (Please do not crosspost from
alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk to alt.horror.werewolves)


Aaron M. Henne


[truck sig, adapted for Sabu-teasing]

  (>_____.----'|| __     _______ ____   ___  _   _ ___ ____    _     |
   /           || \ \   / / ____|  _ \ / _ \| \ | |_ _/ ___|  / \    |
  |---.   = /  ||  \ \ / /|  _| | |_) | | | |  \| || | |     / _ \   |
  |    |  ( '  ||   \ V / | |___|  _ <| |_| | |\  || | |___ / ___ \  |
  |    |   `   ||    \_/  |_____|_| \_\\___/|_| \_|___\____/_/   \_\ |
  |---'        ||                sabu424@sabu424.com                 |
  |            ||      http://www.ludd.luth.se/~vk/cgi/asciichat/    |
  [    ________||____________________________________________________|
  [__.'.---.   |[Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y__Y]
  [   //.-.\\__| `.__//.-.\\//.-.\\_________________//.-.\\//.-.\\_.'\
  [__/( ( ) )`      '( ( ) )( ( ) )`               '( ( ) )( ( ) )`

(yes, that email address is mine!)


[yes, I agree, this one is weird, but he asked for it]

    @@@        __________.___    _____   _____   _____
   @@@@@@     /   ______/|   | _/  __ \ /     \ /     \
   |.  .@@   /    \  ____|   | \   ___/|    |  \    |  \
   | ^  /    \     \_\   \   |__\____  >____|  /____|  /
   _\VV/_     \______  __/_____/     \/      \/      \/
  / \\// \           \/ Knickerbocker - vampyre lesbian
 |  /)( ) |
 | | /\ | |\
 | //  \)\) `.       ,
 |/| || |    /
 (_| || |_.-'

==== @@@ ====================================================
=== @@@@@@ =============      ===  ===   ===  = ===  = ======
=== |.  .@@ ===========   ==   ==  ==  =  ==     ==     =====
=== | ^  / ============  ====  ==  ==     ==  =  ==  =  =====
=== _\VV/_ ============  ========  ==  =====  =  ==  =  =====
== / \\// \ ===========  ========  ==  =  ==  =  ==  =  =====
= |  /)( ) | ==========  ===   ==  ===   ===  =  ==  =  =====
= | | /\ | |\ =========  ====  ==  ==========================
= | //  \)\) `. =======   ==   ==  === Knickerbocker ========
= |/| || |    / ========      ===  == vampyre lesbian =======
= (_| || |_.-' ==============================================
= (_._)(_._) ================================================


And, finally, the best part: the Robby Rat archive!

[Preaching Robby]

      (`-')       . .             _                               _
      /  oo`.     \X/)  _ _  ___ | |_  _ _   _ _  ___  ___  ___ _| |_
    .'\    __O  .'/X\  | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
   /  \\ o'/`--' .' \` |_|  \___/|___/`_. | |_|  <___|<___|<___| |_|
  J    \`'/   _.'                     <___'
  | | _//\\_  /
   \ <__`'__\J 
   L\/\ ""   |\
   ||`- ||   | \
    \   ""    /  \
 VK  \      .'`.  `.                                            .'
   ___)_/\_(____`.  `-._______________________________________.'/
  /____/  \_____\ `-.________________________________________.-'


    Subject: Annoyed Outlook Express 5 users, read this...
       Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2000 17:50:16 +0200
       From: "Ool" <ulrich.schreglmann@t-online.de>
 Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art

"How can I get rid of // or \\ hyperlinks being automatically generat-

Here's how:


The bane of a.a-a overcome!  Someone ought to include this in their
FAQ, or something.


Veronica Karlsson wrote in message <38F72F3B.2E1A@hotmail.com>...
>robby rat wrote:
>> <snip>
>> thank you thakn yuo thankyoo
>> ill try it out adn let you know
>> the resulets
>Please. I'm really curious (a lot of
>people keep asking about this)  :)

it worked fine, at least so far

heres what was involved:

at the site you posted,


i downloaded noehype2.exe which would not
work until i installed the latest
msvbvm50.dll from www.microsoft.com and
then a test post seemed to work perfectly

here are two that never worked right befoer:

    .-.                                    .-'||
   / _ \                               _.-'   ||
  | ' ) |                             <_______||
   `-' /                   ==========================================
    / /  .                .'    .'    .'    .'    .'     .'       .'
  .' /  / `.             /                     o ___ _           /
  | |  |  __\           J  . |> /\ |> \/   |> /_\ | <  /\ |\|   J
   \ \ |_/ cc`.         | // |\ \/ |> /    |\ | | | _> \/ | |   |
    \ .'_    __O        F//                                     F
     /\(%)_ ' \         //        <<< boytoys'R us >>>          F
    .--.8bo._./\       //   omny³ anty spamn and sleaz armey    F
   /    \88888\8\     //L        bagde #sgt3907hst64ujr         L
  |  _   |88888\8\   // |     teh bad treol veronica gaev       |
  | (_)  |888888\8\\//  J          me theis pectiur             J
  |      |=(%)===\/}X    \     \     \     \     \      \        \
   \    /88888888'\   .--->.  .---.   .---.   .---.   .---.   .---..
   |`--'888888888  \ /  _  \=/  _  \=/  _  \=/  _  \=/  _  \=/  _  \=
   |.' \      .'`.  `. (_)  |  (_)  |  (_)  |  (_)  |  (_)  |  (_).'|
    `___)x/\x(__/_`.  `-._______________________________________.'/

                                    .--.         .--.
        (`-')                 _    (    \       /."".\        _
        /  oo`.     _ _  ___ | |_  //.   ) _  _//  __\x ___ _| |_
      .'     __O   | '_>/ . \| . \//| \ / '_><// |<_> \\_> | | |
     /      ' \    |_|  \___/|___//_. |'|_|  //__|<___|\\__| |_|
    J    .-=   \                //<___'     //          \\
    | |_./"\\ | |              //      .    ||           \\
     \__.' |.-' /             //           //             \\
     L   `-/`--'\            //           //   veronica    \\
     |    (  )   \          //           //     karlsson    \\
     J     )'     \        //            ||      ruels       \\
      \         /  \      o=====  =    . ||    _ _dammet      \\ /\
       \      .'`.  `.   /|`.__) / \      \\.-'--`-.-.         \X /
     ___) /\ (____`.  `-//|    |_| |_______\\\      \ \________/ //
    ///__/  \___\\\ `-.//_|____|_|_|___v___\_/____ _/_/________\/'

so...assuming these *still* look ok, thank you again!

ok bye

teh robieiei // // // \\ \\ \\ \\ // // // // ha haha ahahehehe ahaehah


[Stuffed Robby]

   >>>---  ++`.-->
      .'     __O
     /   .-.' \
    J    |`.\  \
    | |_.|  | | |
     \__.'`.|-' /
     L      `--'\
     |           \
     J            \
      \         /  \
 VK    \      .'`.  `.                                            .'
     ___) /\ (____`.  `-._______________________________________.'/
  /                                                                  \
 /               [Nosey Rat, shot and stuffed by VK]                  \


[Robby meets Poopie]

         {{{} _  _]}} 
        {{{}  " \"|}} 
       {{{}`   c  /}}         
       {{}}    _.'}}}}       
      .-.--'   /--.}}}}      
    .'   \      \  `.}}      
   /     |\      \   \}}     
  /      F \      \   \}       (`-')     
 /  _.  /   \  \  |`.  \      .'oo  \    
<     `.     `.  /   \  `._  O__     `.  
 \      \      \/    / '   `._/ `.-.   \
  `.     \----------'.       /  /.'|    L
    `.    \         ) `-.___| | |  |._| |
     (`.   `--.    ')       \ `-|.'`.__/ 
     (  \     .\-   )       /`--'      J 
     (`  `-._ \`   ')      /           | 
     (_      `'   /'-.    /            L 
    /  `---------'/   \  /  \         /  
   /    `.       J     L'  .'`.      /   
__J`      `.     |     | .'____) /\ (___ 
__|         \   /      |' ///___/  \__\\\


[Sexy Robby]

        (`-')                 _                               _
        /  ee`.     _ _  ___ | |_  _ _   _ _  ___  ___  ___ _| |_
      .'     __O   | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
     / |\.-.'|\    |_|  \___/|___/`_. | |_|  <___|<___|<___| |_|
    J  | | | | \                  <___'
    | |_.| | \| |
     \__.'_|.-' /
     L      `--'\
     J`-.__.-'  .'\
      \.  | | .-/  \
 VK    \`./_\'.'`.  `.                                            .'
     ___) /\ (____`.  `-._______________________________________.'/
    ///__/  \___\\\ `-.________________________________________.-'

[Sexy Roby II (for Poopie)]

       /' _\
       |.'__)                 _                               _
       (.' ee`.     _ _  ___ | |_  _ _   _ _  ___  ___  ___ _| |_
      .'     __O   | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
     / |\.-.'|\    |_|  \___/|___/`_. | |_|  <___|<___|<___| |_|
    J  | | | | \                  <___'
    | |_.| | \| |
     \__.'_|.-' /
     L      `--'\
     J`-.__.-'  .'\
      \.  | | .-/  \
 VK    \`./_\'.'`.  `.                                            .'
     ___) /\ (____`.  `-._______________________________________.'/
    ///__/  \___\\\ `-.________________________________________.-'


[Zorro Robbie (a.k.a. Zoby Zaaat)]

        __|__|__               _                               _
         /\ oo`.      ___ ___ | |_  _ _    ___ ___  ___  ___ _| |_
 VK    .'  `._/_O    |_ // . \| . \| | |  |_ /<_> |<_> |<_> | | |
      /      ' \     /__|\___/|___/`_. |  /__|<___|<___|<___| |_|
     J          \                  <___'
    /| |_..    \ `--.                             `---.___/_
   J  \__.'     \.__.(--------------                    .'
   |  L          \                                    .'
   F  |           \                                 .'
  /   J            \                             `-/--.____
 <     \         /  \                             '
  `-.___\      .'`.  `.                                            .'
      ___) /\ (____`.  `-._______________________________________.'/
     ///__/  \___\\\ `-.________________________________________.-'


[Pizza Robby]

         (`-')                 _                               _
         /  oo`.     _ _  ___ | |_  _ _   _ _  ___  ___  ___ _| |_
       .'     __O   | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
      /      ' \    |_|  \___/|___/`_. | |_|  <___|<___|<___| |_|
     J          \                  <___'
     | |  .---.| |
      \ `(#%&$@) /
      |           \
      J            \
       \         /  \
 VK     \      .'`.  `.                                            .'
      ___) /\ (____`.  `-._______________________________________.'/
     ///__/  \___\\\ `-.________________________________________.-'


[Dead Robby]

Susanna Lee wrote:
> Veronica Karlsson wrote:
> >A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. wrote:
> >> <snip>
> >> i hace been wokring on teh
> >> acsiiey floag picteur for teh suesaienea to affeix
> >> teh signaeteur to but
> >> i'm no vermonieca kearlsoen if yuo knowe weht i'm saeying.
> >>
> >
> >I certainly hope you're not me! You are, however, the creator of that
> >wonderful cat that drives people crazy...   :)
> i wuold b e hornored if teh graet Veronica Karlsson wouod do teh
> asciiey rat werk on teh floag picteur for me to affeix to mi
> signaeteur.

A flogged ascii rat for your sig? Hmmmm...

                 __      _.---------------.
             _.-'/ )  .-'                  `-._
          .-'++     `'                         `-.
      _.-'             _________         _________`-._________

Ooops! It died! Must have been too much of the flogging... But I suppose
for an "I regret I did that" sig a dead rat might be just right...?  



aaack! waht hace youo doen to mi jfisnd teh art?

i siad rat, nut rat! tar, art, ttra,art, tart, rat, ooohh, waht hace i

ppoor rorry! sperk to meee! aer yuo ok?


oohh! heese aliev!

wath hace tehy doen to yuo, mi poore, pore raaat!

est theer a doktor en teh huose?




Martyn Harrison wrote:
> Susanna Lee wrote to Sovereign Kitten:
>> Daddy's fjiend teh robbie raaat was nearly floagged to death in a case
>> of mistaken identity in misc.creativity. If daddy is a doctor (or just
>> plays one on Usenet) please tell him to come quickly!
> I've never been much of a text doctor,
> I usually post in prop space. Well,
> let's have a bash.
>>                 __      _.---------------.
>>             _.-'/ )  .-'                  `-._
>>          .-'++     `'                         `-.
>>      _.-'             _________         _________`-._________
>> The evil ascii genius Veronica Karlsson did this to rorby, teh bravest
>> and truest fjiend in the on-line world.
> Hmm, looks distinctly unwell.
>"Roby! Rboby! teh jessei is comnig!"
>                __      _.---------------.
>            `\-'/ )  .-'                  `-._
>          .-'o     `'                         `-.
>      _.-'             _________         _________`-._________
>"Oh no, look at that Naughty Kitten, she is about to pounce on teh broyb
>from behind!!!"
>                 __      _.---------------.
>             !!-'/ )  .-'                  `-._
>          .-'O      `'                         `-.
>      _.-'             _____             _________`-._________
>_____O___________________   \____________________)___________
>                     (_______/          (

Oh, thank you, doctor!

There is nothing like good old-fashioned fear to stimulate the healing



Kitty Sovereign wrote:
>Poopie Pants wrote:
>>Susanna Lee wrote:
>>>There is nothing like good old-fashioned fear to stimulate the healing
>>I like those peektures of eh robbeei.  He looks lik one of thsose
>>cartoon caracters dat got flattined and then they just slide unda teh
>He's a Flat Rat!!!

I will print him out and make a cardboard raaat to sit next to me
while I work on my computer.

My daughter keeps taking my Peace Bear.

Susanna Lee


[X-ray Robby or Skeleton Robby]

       .-._                 _                               _
      / (##`.     _ _  ___ | |_  _ _   _ _  ___  ___  ___ _| |_
      |     ()   | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
   .-- \++'--.   |_|  \___/|___/`_. | |_|  <___|<___|<___| |_|
   | == 8 == |                  <___'
   | == 8 == | 
    `--<8 >__/ 
     == 8 ==
     ((   8 ))
      ``   ''
 VK    |  |  ``o
       /  \     ``o
  ,,--'    `--,,,  ``=o==o==o==o==o==o==o===o=o===o=o===o==o==-'


[Beach Robby]

      (`-')       _                 _              _
      / `-##.    | |__  ___ __ _ __| |_    _ _ ___| |__  ___ _  _
    .'     __O   | '_ \/ -_) _` / _| ' \  | '_/ _ \ '_ \/ -_) || |
   /   .-/' \    |_.__/\___\__,_\__|_||_|_|_| \___/_.__/\___|\_, |
  J    |"|   \                      .-'     `-.              |__/
  | |_.| |  | |                   .'           `.
   \__.'-'.-' /                  /    .-"""-.    \        _
   L      `--'\                 J    /       \    L      //|
   |"""""""""""\                |   J         L   |   ___|||___
   |           /\          .-'|`-.  J         L   |  /___||___/|
   |          |  \        / / | \ \  \/      /    F  |        ||
   A_____/____A.  `.     | |  |  | |  `-._.-'    /   |        ||.'
   ___) /\ (____`.  `-.__\_|__|__|_/___________.'____|________|'/
  ///__/  \___\\\ `-.________________________________________.-'


[Rat on drugs]

         (`-')    (_)         _                               _
--.     /  OO`.     _/_  ___ | |_  _ _   _ _  ___  ___  ___ _| |_
  .--..'     __O o | '/|/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
`-.  /      '\ \   |_|/|\___/|___/`_. | |_|  <___|<___|<___|'|_|
   `J         `.    ||/|          <___'                 .-'.'
    | |_..      `-.' | |.-----------._                .' .'
     \__.'       .--' /'              `-.           .'  /
     L               / _.-----------._   `-._____.-'  .'
 .-'  \             .-'               `-._          .'
'      `-._______.-'          VK          `-.____.-'


[Sporty Robby]

        (`-')                 _                               _
        /  oo`.     _ _  ___ | |_  _ _   _ _  ___  ___  ___ _| |_
      .<     __O   | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
     /  \.-.' \    |_|  \___/|___/`_. | |_|  <___|<___|<___| |_|
    J    |`.\  \                  <___'
    | |_.|  | | |
     \__.'`.|-' /
     L    | `--'\
     |____|__.-' \
     J            \
      \         /  \
 VK    \      .'`.  `.                                            .'
    ____)_/\_(____`./ `-._______________________________________.'/
   (___._/  \_.___) `-.________________________________________.-'

[Formal Robby]

        |    |
       _|____|_               _                               _
        /  oo`.     _ _  ___ | |_  _ _   _ _  ___  ___  ___ _| |_
      .<     __O   | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
     /\ \.-.' \    |_|  \___/|___/`_. | |_|  <___|<___|<___| |_|
    J  `.|`.\/ \                  <___'
    | |_.|  | | |
     \__.'`.|-' /
     L   /|o`--'\
     |  /\/\/\   \
     J /      `.__\
     |/         /  \
 VK   \\      .'`.  `.                                            .'
    ____)_/\_(____`.  `-._______________________________________.'/
   (___._/  \_.___) `-.________________________________________.-'

[Hippie Robby (including Politically Correct baby Raaat)]

       .(`/')                 _                               _
      ///  OO`.     _ _  ___ | |_  _ _   _ _  ___  ___  ___ _| |_
     ////\   __O   | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
    '////\\\\ `_   |_|  \___/|___/`_. | |_|  <___|<___|<___| |_|
    J '/`.`\\'<:3\                <___'
    | |  /|\  `( )|
    \ \  \^/  .-' /
     `.)      `--'
     |           \
     J          .'\
     |_______.-'/  \
 VK    \      .'`.  _.                                            .'
     ___)^/\^(____`|  `-._______________________________________.'/
    ///__/  \___\\\ `-.________________________________________.-'

[Drag Robby]

        (`@')                _                               _
       @@ 'oo`.     _ _ _  _| |_  _ _   _ _  ___  ___  ___ _| |_
      @@     __O   | '_| || | . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
     / \   o'/\    |_|  \_,_|___/`_. | |_|  <___|<___|<___| |_|
    J  /\(#)/\ \                 <___'
    | |_. H(  | |
     \__.'H .-' /
     L      `--'\
     |           \
     |          .'\
     |_______.-'/  \
       \xxxxxxx'`.  `.                                            .'
 VK     )x/\x(    `.  `-._______________________________________.'/
    ___'/V  V\`____ `-.________________________________________.-'


[Lucia Robby]

         - - -
       ( @ @ @ )
        'I I I`
         %%%%%                _                               _
        /  uu`.     _ _  ___ | |_  _ _   _ _  ___  ___  ___ _| |_
      .'     __O   | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
     / `-.  O/\    |_|  \___/|___/`_. | |_|  <___|<___|<___| |_|
    J     `x'  \                  <___'
    |  \_./|\ | |
     \___.' \`' /
     |   /||     \
     J   |||      \
     |   '`|       \
     |              `.                                            .'
 VK  |_____________.-'`-._______________________________________.'/
    ///__/  \___\\\ `-.________________________________________.-'

[Robby Rat action figures]
                   _                              _
           _ _ ___| |__ _  _   _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _| |_
          | '_/ _ \ '_ \ || | | '_/ _` / _` / _` |  _|
          |_| \___/_.__/\_, | |_| \__,_\__,_\__,_|\__|
              _   _             __ _
      __ _ __| |_(_)___ _ _    / _(_)__ _ _  _ _ _ ___ ___
     / _` / _|  _| / _ \ ' \  |  _| / _` | || | '_/ -_|_-<
     \__,_\__|\__|_\___/_||_| |_| |_\__, |\_,_|_| \___/__/


     _____     /     .'      `-.-'              `-.___.---'
    / __ _)   /`---.' `-. _ .-' `.     `-.____.---'       _
   J  \_v_|  /  _ _  ___ | |_  _ _`-._ _--'__  ___  ___ _| |_
  /      __)/  | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
 /.-.   ' \  .'|_|  \___/|___/`_. | |_|  <___|<___|<___| |_|
J/   \ * /\\ .-' `-. ___.---' <___'
||)_. J  F(\|___.---'
 \__.'| .-' /
 L----` `--'\
 |---._ _.-' \
 J     "      \
  \         /  \
   \      .'`.  `.                                            .'
 ___) /\ (____`.  `-._______________________________________.'/
/____/  \_____\ `-.________________________________________.-'


    ())))                 _                               _
    /  oo`.     _ _  ___ | |_  _ _   _ _  ___  ___  ___ _| |_
  .'     __O   | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
 /-\    ''\`-._|_|  \___/|___/`_. | |_|  <___|<___|<___| |_|
J   .---.  \      `--.__      <___'
| )<<\"">>( |  `-       `-._
 \__.'_\/-' /               `--.__
 L      `--'\                    _)
 |_______.--'\   `        `     _(.
 J           |\                    )
 |\         /  \                .-'
 | \-.__.-''`.  `.      \      (                               .'
 |__)_/\_(____`.  `-.__________/____________________________.'/
/____/  \_____\ `-.________________________________________.-'


   |\   /|
   | `-' |                _                               _
   \   oo>.     _ _  ___ | |_  _ _   _ _  ___  ___  ___ _| |_
__.'`-. /__O   | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
`.`\   `'/'/   |_|  \___/|___/`_. | |_|  <___|<___|<___| |_|
J \  ///  /\                  <___'
| )_//X\  ( |
 \__.'\\\-' /
 L     `---'\
 |           \
  \         /  \
   \--._.-.'`.  `.                                            .'
 ___) /\ (____`.  `-._______________________________________.'/
///__/  \___\\\ `-.________________________________________.-'

[The Star Wars Series]

[Bad Guy I]

     __       .        .______    ______  .______ ____    ____
    /88b.    //        |   _  \  /  __  \ |   _  \\   \  /   /
   /888==b. //         |  |_)  ||  |  |  ||  |_)  |\   \/   /
  /d8888db8)/          |      / |  |  |  ||   _  <  \_    _/
 /888`Yd88b|     VK    |  |\  \.|  `--'  ||  |_)  |   |  |
J88888888//\           | _| `._| \______/ |______/    |__|
 \88.'8/X-d8/      .______     ___       ___       ___  .___________.
 L88888``--'\      |   _  \   /   \     /   \     /   \ |           |
J888888888888\     |  |_)  | /  ^  \   /  ^  \   /  ^  \`---|  |----`
|8888888888888\    |      / /  /_\  \ /  /_\  \ /  /_\  \   |  |
|8888888888888|\   |  |\  \/  _____  \  _____  \  _____  \  |  |
|8888888888888| `. | _| `./__/     \__\/     \__\/     \__\ |__|  .'
F8888888888888J.  `-.___________________________________________.'/

[Bad Guy II]

              .        .______    ______  .______ ____    ____
    (`-')    //        |   _  \  /  __  \ |   _  \\   \  /   /
    /~&@@`. //         |  |_)  ||  |  |  ||  |_)  |\   \/   /
  .'\ ~&~__O/          |      / |  |  |  ||   _  <  \_    _/
 /888`-.'8//      VK   |  |\  \.|  `--'  ||  |_)  |   |  |
J88888888//\           | _| `._| \______/ |______/    |__|
 \8|.'8/X-d8/      .______     ___       ___       ___  .___________.
 L8888X/`--'\      |   _  \   /   \     /   \     /   \ |           |
 |888//888888\     |  |_)  | /  ^  \   /  ^  \   /  ^  \`---|  |----`
 |88//8888888/\    |      / /  /_\  \ /  /_\  \ /  /_\  \   |  |
 |8//8888888/  \   |  |\  \/  _____  \  _____  \  _____  \  |  |
 |//88888888|.  `. | _| `./__/     \__\/     \__\/     \__\ |__|  .'
 //888/\8888|_`.  `-.___________________________________________.'/
/`___/  \_____\ `-.____________________________________________.-'

[Good Guy]
              .        .______    ______  .______ ____    ____
    (`-')    //        |   _  \  /  __  \ |   _  \\   \  /   /
    /  oo`. //         |  |_)  ||  |  |  ||  |_)  |\   \/   /
  .'\    __O/    VK    |      / |  |  |  ||   _  <  \_    _/
 /   `-.' //           |  |\  \.|  `--'  ||  |_)  |   |  |
J       \//\           | _| `._| \______/ |______/    |__|
| |_._  //| |
 \_|.' /X-' /      .______     ___       ___       ___  .___________.
 L____`/`--'\      |   _  \   /   \     /   \     /   \ |           |
 |       |   \     |  |_)  | /  ^  \   /  ^  \   /  ^  \`---|  |----`
 |_______|__.'\    |      / /  /_\  \ /  /_\  \ /  /_\  \   |  |
  \         /  \   |  |\  \/  _____  \  _____  \  _____  \  |  |
   \      .'`.  `. | _| `./__/     \__\/     \__\/     \__\ |__|  .'
 ___)-/\-(____`.  `-.___________________________________________.'/
/____/  \_____\ `-.____________________________________________.-'


[Robby meets some snakes]

     (`-')                 _                               _
     /  oo`.     _ _  ___ | |_  _ _   _ _  ___  ___  ___ _| |_
   .'     __O   | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
  /     .' \    |_|  \___/|___/`_. | |_|  <___|<___|<___| |_|
 J     o-<  `.____.-'w\        <___'
 | |_.(       ___/()--'`<
  \__.')    \"  (L(
  L   (      \   \L\
  |    )      \   \L\
  J   '        \   )L)
   \         /  \ (L(   ./
    \      .'`.  `.\L`-'/                                      .'
  ___) /\ (____`.  ``._'_____________________________________.'/
 ///__/  \___\\\ `-.________________________________________.-'

     (`-')                 _                               _
     /  oo`.     _ _  ___ | |_  _ _   _ _  ___  ___  ___ _| |_
   .'     __O   | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | |
  /     .' \    |_|  \___/|___/`_. | |_|  <___|<___|<___| |_|
 J     o-<  `.____.-'w\        <___'
 | |_.(       ___/()--'`<
  \__.')    \"  (L(
  L   (      \   \L\
  |    )      \   \L\
  J   '        \   )L)                                         ,
   \         /  \ (L(   ./      .-.                           /|
    \      .'`.  `.\L`-'/    >-( W \.-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .' F  .'
  ___) /\ (____`.  ``._'________`_.'  .'  .'  .'  .'  .'  .'  /_.'/
 ///__/  \___\\\ `-.________________.<__.<__.<__.<__.<__.<__.'_.-'

Author:      Veronica Karlsson
Email:       vk@ludd.luth.se (alt. comment form)
Main page:   http://www.ludd.luth.se/users/vk/
Sections:   [misc.] [ascii art] [chat] [links] [news]