I (Veronica Karlsson, VK, vk@ludd.luth.se) made these pictures.

These are the sigs I have made for people in the newsgroup alt.romath


   .--.         .--.                       0  0
  /                 \                       \/   <--- antennae
 |     (the          |                      /
 |                   |      ( Don't       .X.
/                     \     ( Follow    .' \ >.  <--- tinfoil
\        null         /     ( Me       <_.'__X_}      hat
 |                   |      ( -       (|  Q Q  |)
 |                   |      ( I'm      | _ ' _ |
  \        set)     /       ( Lost      \``-''/  <--- cheerful smile
   `--'         `--'                     \_"_/


            --     <<@@.   ___    |____________________  ________ ____
 VK     -         .@@@ o`. __  /| |_  _ \  __ \  _ \  / / / _ `_ \  _ \
          -     .####@@--' _  ___ |  // / /_/ / // / /_/ / // // /  __/
   --        .#######'     /_/  |_/_//_/\____/_//_/\__, /_//_//_/\___/
           @@\#####\__.-.                         /____/
    -  .- @@@@\###'---.  `.   "I must be the black sheep in your eyes!!
 -   __\____@@@'(      )  L(|   As long as I get to have a little black
   .'__//\    \\ `-._.' / \\==.   leather jacket and a Harley I guess I
  /_/_//\_\_   ||  ### / //\\ \      can deal with that."
   |(___________o___/-' '| (_) |                       anonyme@meow.org


[I saw a post I didn't like...]

___.' u\
---. |                   /)
  //\\_                 ||
 /_) \_)                ||
                       /  \
                      |    |\--/|
 VK                   ||\  | o o|
                     (_) \  `-4'
                          `| - |
Dave Zero wrote:           || ||                 /)
> "P" wrote:              (_) (_)                \\
<snuh>                                            \\_
> > Dave, you have respect for adults who make cat \ `-._|\--/| hother. It doesn't
> > take much.                                    _/     | o o|
>                                                /__/_    \_4/
> "Cat noises".                                  \\_ )`--.  \
>                                                 \_) .\ _))\\_
> I think I've rooted out the source here - you do   -``(_/' \_) o you?
<snuh>                                               ' -  - - '`
> > I'm talking about a more 'official' organi   ion, with  reater power. It would
> > work if there were government agencies, wh |\\  d for (\ ervers to cancel the
> > accounts of repeated abusers. If they do  /u  | y los // eir licences.
>                                            4    |_     //
> You sound like Adolf Fucking Hitler. Just r `-    `---// st boy, that if it
> weren't for the good old U.S. of A. you'd be  |       * CKING GERMAN right
> about now.                                    _\\ /  /o
>                                              (_// \ || o --.
> Maybe in England the government has a lot of (_/ _/// ( ooo ) ts, employees,
> and funds to organize your fantasy Net-Gestap   (_/ ur ` - ' one, does not.
> In fact your police state visions have a better    nce manifesting in a
> capitalist "private enterprise" system like     Interne   s in many ways
> today, than you would with a government agen |\\        (\
>                                             /u  |       //
> You see (at least here in America) governm 4    |_     // k around those
> pesky things like rights, and liberties, an `-    `---// ose cumbersome
> details that get in the way of maximum effic | _      * ast with the paid
> ISP system in general effect you have the l (//_`-/  / p protection that you
> do enjoy.                                  _//\_):\ || -  .
>                                           (_/.:::_///(::.. )
> > 'Meowers' would then have to email 'me ''' to (_/     - ' Let's see how long
> > that would last.
> >                                               O
> Maybe we'd e-mail "meows" to you.               "
<snuh>                                        O
    ||                                   O
    ||                                  ''
____||                              O
     *                             ''
     |                     :O
--\_ /          :O     :O
  //\\     :O
(_/ (_\


     Checkmate checkmate@[junk_email_address].com
    mhm 29x6, KotAGoR XXXIV, news:alt.fan.checkmate
 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 
|     |  |  |   __|     |  |  |     |  _  |_   _|   __|
|   --|     |   __|   --|    -| | | |     | | | |   __|
|_____|__|__|_____|_____|__|__|_|_|_|__|__| |_| |_____|
|#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|
|#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|
|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |
|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |
|#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|
|#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|
|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |
|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |
|#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|
|#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|
|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |
|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |
|#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|
|#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|
|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|   VK|
|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |#####|     |

      .oooooo.   ooooo   ooooo oooooooooooo   .oooooo.   oooo    oooo 
     d8P'  `Y8b  `888'   `888' `888'     `8  d8P'  `Y8b  `888   .8P'  
    888           888     888   888         888           888  d8'    
    888           888ooooo888   888oooo8    888           88888[      
    888           888     888   888    "    888           888`88b.    
    `88b    ooo   888     888   888       o `88b    ooo   888  `88b.  
     `Y8bood8P'  o888o   o888o o888ooooood8  `Y8bood8P'  o888o  o888o 

                               mhm 29x6
                            KotAGoR XXXIV
                            Copyright 2001
                         all rights reserved

                      (remove my pants to reply)

 _  _  _    ^^__     / //\   \      /  \      /   / //\     ^^__    _  _  _
| || || |  /  - \_  {     }   \____/    \____/   {     }   /  - \_ | || || |
|_______|<|    __<   \___/    (____)    (____)    \___/  <|    __< |_______|
\__ ___ /<|    \     (___)     |  |      |  |     (___)  <|    \   \__ ___ /
 |___|_| <|   _ \     |_|      |__|      |__|     _|_|   <|_    \   |___|_|
 |_|(_)| <|__(_)_\   /(_)\    /(_) \    (_)  \   (_)  \  <(_)____\ (_)|___|
 |_(___)  _|(___)_  ((___))  ((___)_)  (___)__) (___)__) (___)__|_(___)_|_|
(_ _|_|_)(_ _|_|_ )( _|_|_ )(__|_|_ _) _|_|____)_|_|____)_|_|_ ___)|_|_____)
  /_____\  /_____\  /_____\  /_____\  /_____\  /_____\  /_____\  /_____\

                 [you could place some quotes here]
       ooo        ooooo       .o.       ooooooooooooo oooooooooooo 
       `88.       .888'      .888.      8'   888   `8 `888'     `8 
        888b     d'888      .8"888.          888       888         
        8 Y88. .P  888     .8' `888.         888       888oooo8    
        8  `888'   888    .88ooo8888.        888       888    "    
        8    Y     888   .8'     `888.       888       888       o 
       o8o        o888o o88o     o8888o     o888o     o888ooooood8 


BTW, you need a sig!

[ ][1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][0][+]['][<- DELETE ME]
[-> ][Y][O][U][ ][C][O][L][D][ ][S][P][E][L][L][   |]
[Caps][S][O][M][E][T][H][I][N][G][ ][H][E][R][E][<-']
[^][O][R][ ][A][ ][U][R][L][ ][M][A][Y][B][E][^_____]

Or, on the same theme:

 ___       _        _         __ __         \ ##### /
| . \ ___ | | ___ _| |_ ___  |  \  \ ___   _  #####  _
| | |/ ._>| |/ ._> | | / ._> |     |/ ._>     #####
|___/\___.|_|\___. |_| \___. |_|_|_|\___.   / ##### \

(Hmmm.... no, that's not right... (it's supposed to be a blinking cursor))

New try:

. ,----. ,----. ,----. ,----. ,----. ,----. ,----. ,----. ,-----------.
|V| %  |V| & ^|V| / &|V| ( *|V| ) (|V| = )|V| ? _|V| ` +|V| Delete Me |i
||| 5  ||| 6  ||| 7  ||| 8  ||| 9  ||| 0  ||| + -||| ´ =||| <--       ||
itz |V| T  |V| Y  |V| U  |V| I  |V| O  |V| P  |V| Å  |V| ^  |V|      `|i

(based on a beautiful picture of a keyboard by Ilmari Karonen)

Author:      Veronica Karlsson
Email:       vk@ludd.luth.se (alt. comment form)
Main page:   http://www.ludd.luth.se/users/vk/
Sections:   [misc.] [ascii art] [chat] [links] [news]