I (Veronica Karlsson, VK, vk@ludd.luth.se) made these pictures.
These are the sigs I have made for people in troll newsgroups.

Incantatrix wrote:
> Per wrote:
> >Incantatrix wrote:
> >> Per wrote:
> >> >Veronica Karlsson wrote:
> >> >><snip>
> >> >
> >> >Dar ar du. Hej, jag missar dig. :)
> >>
> >> i can translate this, can i blackmail you now?
> >
> >Will there be physical violence?
> i can always put some tiger balm onto your penis, if you are into those kind of things
_.------'`. J _ `---.__
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| vvv'
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J_.-'F F
L / /
\/ /
VK /__.'

_ _ ____ _____ _____ _____
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| | | | / / \ \ | | \ \ | | \ \ / /
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \ \___
| | | | | | | | | |__/ / | | | | \___ \
\ \ /\ / / | | | _.----._/ | | | | \ \
\ \ / \ / / | | .' `-. | | | | | |
\ \/ /\ \/ / | | / __ __ `-. | | | | |
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J /_/\_, / // /(_)_ `-.
`. /___/\_, // /(_)_ `-.
`._ /___//_// /(_) `-.
`. /_// /__ `-.
`-._ /_/ _ \___ `-.
VK `-. /_//_/ _ \___ `-.
`-. /_//_/ _ \___ _ `-.
`-. /_//_/ _ `/__ _ `-
`-. \_, / _ `/__ _
words are enemies. let me fuck with them! `-. /___/\_, / _ `/
`-. /___/\_, /
yyyiiinnnggg@yahoo.com `-. /___/

/ /'.\
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/ |888P--Y8P-' /___________
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Y8888P _\ \/ __/ __/ -_) _ `/ ' \/ / _ \/ _ `/ |/|/ / / __/ __/ _ \
`Y88b /___/\__/_/ \__/\_,_/_/_/_/_/_//_/\_, /|__,__/_/\__/\__/_//_/
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\ | _\ \/ __/ __/ -_) _ `/ ' \/ / _ \/ _ `/ |/|/ / / __/ __/ _ \
\ J /___/\__/_/ \__/\_,_/_/_/_/_/_//_/\_, /|__,__/_/\__/\__/_//_/
L \ /___/
| `. VK
__.-' `-.____________________________________________________________

ryannosaurus wrote:
> Hatchetmama roared:
> >ryannosaurus wrote:
> >>Hatchetmama roared:
> >>>ryannosaurus wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>*dance*
> >>>
> >>>You're not holding that chainsaw while dancing, are you?
> >>
> >>chainsaw's suck at anything other than the two step
> >
> >A truly dangerous dance indeed.
> especially if the chainsaw happens to step on your foot
> >>><flounce>
> >>
> >>you flounce divinely, m'dear
> >
> >Of course.
> >It's the panties.
> mystical magical hatchetmama panties
.': mhm 34x19
*WRRRRRRRRR* .' .' Smeeter 41
.' .' WSD #39.3
_.-< .' SPA Oct02
.--.-. / )\.' UFtTA #01
`-' -; o_`. (v_.'
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\| \u.' /______/ /
\)\ ( |`-. .' /
\\ | \w/ .' /
\> \ | |`--'
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\ |
\ | | hatchetmama@takethisoutimseeingatherapist.com
( |
VK | \
_ _ _ | ) _) _
| | | | __ _| || /_| |__ ___| |_ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __ ___ __ _
| |_| |/ _` | _| /__| '_ \ / _ \ __| '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \ / _` |
| _ | (_| |_/_-\__| | | | __/ |_| | | | | | (_| | | | | | | (_| |
|_| |_|\__,_/__/|/__|_| |_|\___|\__|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|

knoxy wrote:
> I eat just about anything atm.
\ ,
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`. _ .' | | _ .-. | | |
/ / \ \ | | _.- |_) | | |_ `- |
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_____(__/_____\__)______| | | |____________
| | |_ .-. >< _.-'
VK | | |_) `-' _.-'
| | _.-'
`-. | _.-'

:::::::' `:::::::::::::::::::_\___\___\___\___\___\___\___\___\___\___\__
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:::::: --<aXa :::::::::::::::'. __| .::. .::..: .: :
::::: ((( =/ :::::::::::::| :: / .::...::.. ... .. .... ....::..... ...
:::: (((() ( ::::::::::::' | : : :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
:::: ((/ `-' \ ::::::::'_ :....: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
::::: />| |<\__,__/|\__ .::. .::..::. .::. .::..::. .::..::. ::. ::
:::' // |___| `--w--\| | .:.:: |
:' /(| |____\ ::::::::|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___ ___|_
: | | | |\ \ `::::::::./___/___/___/___/___/___/___/___/___/___/___/___/__
: \_/ /_/ \ \_ `::::::::.__\___\___\___\___\___\___\___\___\___\___\___\__ VK
::...: (/_\ . \/_\ ::::::::::._______________________________________________

Daedalus wrote:
> Veronica Karlsson wrote:
> >Daedalus wrote:
> >> "Wim Jay" wrote:
> >> >"Daedalus" wrote:
> >> >> "Wim Jay" wrote:
> >> >>> "Daedalus" wrote:
> >> >>>> Jade
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Fix your bloody sig before you do though.
> >> >>
> >> >> I don't hace a sig. You needs to drink more.
> >> >>
> >> >> Jade
> >> >
> >> >That's wot I'm torkin' about, innit? Get yourself a decent bleedin' sig before
> >> >you come into the robustest group on the Usenet.
> >>
> >> I herd teh Demon locals eat their own young. Since I hace no young I'd
> >> be starvin' in a group like dis.
> >>
> >> >If you can't make your own,
> >> >maybe Steve Leyland could let you have one he's finished with.
> >>
> >> Leyland chews his sigs. I don't want a bleedin' sig wit teeth marks
> >> onnit.
> >
> >Name? Email? Animal? Quote? Other? Etc?
> Mineral? Vegetable? Favorite spanking position?
> What if I just use teh period sig?
| | .'/
| | / .' / /
| | .' `/
| | / /
/ \ | `/ /
/ Y .:::--/\_/
| ::. | .::::/-//
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/ \ __/#\__'::' \
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/ .' `. \
/ .' | `. \
( `. ! .' ` )
`. `. .' .'
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`. \ / .'
`. \ . / .'
`. `. .' .' .--. .---..---..--. .---..-. .-..-..---.
) _) (_ ( | \ \| | || |- | \ \| | || |__ | || | \ \
/ .' `. \ `-'-'`-^-'`---'`-'-'`-^-'`----'`----'`---'
_/ / \ \_ jadeyb@my-deja.com
VK (___.' _.#. `.___) [period vegetable spanking sig]

.' >\v-</_ `.
| I am the sexiest man in the UuuuKaaaayy \= oo L< |
| All the girls love me >\/ vv <\< |
| And I will never grow Ooollldd >/ ^^'>< |
| I am the sexiest man in the UuuKaaaay! ^\"^\\__/ |
| _/)) ^ |
| http://www.the-monstruum.co.uk / |`-._.' |
| L I T T L E M O N S T E R _| \ | VK

dave hillstrom wrote:
> all hail to the Porn Pig!
|/o o \ |
.-._ |'
\"- |
`. J
.-' `.
___/ \
>|_J L
| / / |
| /\/ |
J `' F
\ / _
( `-.( (`-'
\ ) \ )
/_/ /_/
VK /_/ /_/
*porn* pig???
|/o o \ |
.-._ |'
\"- |
`. J
.-' `.
___/ % \
>|_J % L
| / / |
(). /\/ |
J\\ `' F
\\\ / _
( (().( (`-'
\ ) \ )
/_/ /_/
VK /_/ /_/

Green Dappled Monotremata wrote:
> A pig with a hard-on! May I steal that, please?
/\.-./\ .d8888b. 8888888b. 888b d888 /\.-./\
| / o o\| d88P Y88b 888 "Y88b 8888b d8888 |/o o \ |
`| _.-. 888 888 888 888 88888b.d88888 .-._ |'
| -"/ 888 888 888 888Y88888P888 \"- |
L .' 888 88888 888 888 888 Y888P 888 `. J
.' `-. 888 888 888 888 888 Y8P 888 .-' `.
/ % \___ Y88b d88P 888 .d88P 888 " 888 ___/ % \
J % L_|< "Y8888P88 8888888P" 888 888 >|_J % L
| \ \ | | / / |
| \/\ .() Green Dappled Monotremata (). /\/ |
J `' //F J\\ `' F
_ \ /// \\\ / _
`-') ).()) ) ( (().( (`-'
( / ( / \ ) \ )
\_\ \_\ /_/ /_/
VK \_\ \_\ mhm 35x7 smeeter #40 btwh 4.0 gms 006 /_/ /_/
/\.-./\ .d8888b. 8888888b. 888b d888 .-.--..-.
| / o o\| d88P Y88b 888 "Y88b 8888b d8888 ( /a a \ )
`| _.-. 888 888 888 888 88888b.d88888 .-._ |(
| -"/ 888 888 888 888Y88888P888 \"= |
L .' 888 88888 888 888 888 Y888P 888 `. J
.' `-. 888 888 888 888 888 Y8P 888 .-' `.
/ % \___ Y88b d88P 888 .d88P 888 " 888 ___/ \
J % L_|< "Y8888P88 8888888P" 888 888 >|_J{ { L
| \ \ | |{ { / / |
| \/\ .() Green Dappled Monotremata |{.{ /\/ |
J `' //F J{ { `' F
_ \ /// \ / *
`-') ).()) ) ( `.\.( (`-'
( / ( / \ ) \ )
\_\ \_\ /_/ /_/
VK \_\ \_\ mhm 35x7 smeeter #40 btwh 4.0 gms 006 /_/| /_/|
|/o o \ |
Did you ever wake up and think, "I know, I'll not .-._ |'
whinge and moan today"? Fuck off dickhead. Just \"- |
because you're as thick as pig shit, don't assume `. J
everyone else is. .-' `.
___/ % \
__________________ __ >|_J % L
___ __ )__ __/_ | / / | / / |
__ __ |_ / __ | /| / / (). /\/ |
_ /_/ /_ / __ |/ |/ / J\\ `' F
/_____/ /_/ ____/|__/ \\\ / _
( (().( (`-'
We're the local demons. Are you local? \ ) \ )
4D 48 4D 39 78 37 /_/ /_/
VK /_/ /_/

Gnathalgia Demisovereign Mountebank wrote:
> Wim Jay wrote:
> >"Graspingness Dachshound Mononymization" wrote :
> >> "Wim Jay" scribbled:
> >>> "Goniatites Disappointment Marattiaceae" wrote:
> >>>> "Wim Jay" scribbled:
> >>>>> "Gnathostome Desmodontidae Masquerader" wrote:
> >>>>>> Wim Jay" scribbled:
> >>>>>>> "headkase" wrote:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Old Weird Hippy
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Hahahahahaha! I was there at the time but I never seemed to go
> >>>>>>> through a hippy phase.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> You're doing it now instead.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Can't manage it - my hair is too short to stick flowers in. (If I
> >>>>> let it grow long, all the grey shows.)
> >>>>
> >>>> Tape them under your combover.
> >>>
> >>> There's no need to be rude, young man! I don't have a combover. My
> >>> head is given the once over with a No.2 setting every fortnight.
> >>
> >> Who does it?
> >
> >The Old Hag, though I have done it myself when needs must.
> Likewise. She won't allow me to go to the barbers ever since I told her
> about that time I got aroused by the lass standing between my legs and
> messing with my hair.
.-\`. `.
/ < \`. `-.__________
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J |
VK \ |
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\ \ /\_________/// F
\ \ /\ -'
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(_) \ \ |//|
(_) \ \-' '.'\
(_) \ \ .' /
(_) \ /` .-'
VK (_) `< <
_.-'___`-._ \/

Smee wrote:
> When giving your puppeis the last of the home made beef vegetable soup, be
> sure to remove all traces of cabbage. If you do not, in a remarkably short
> time, they will proceed to add to the atmosphere in your house.
> AND they will become incredibly loving while doing so, trying to cuddle on
> your lap, or snuggle down beside you on the TV-watching chair.
> My sinuses may be permanently scarred.
.---. .--------------------------------.
_./ / | | .---. .-. .-. .----. .----. |
(%) .' e\ | / .-._) | \/ | | .--' | .--' |
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| ____________)\ | || |=/
|| || | | `|_______|/
_|| ||_| _| ||
( `| |/ |_.---' | ||
`. `-.____.-' .' |__|__|__ [========] VK

headkase wrote:
> Subject: Driving along
> Date: 30 Jul 2004 11:16:06 GMT
> From: headkase <psykoexgirlfriend@hotmail.com>
> Newsgroups: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk
> and some stupid bitch ( yeah i know but this is my road rage story and i
> believe road rage in a controlled way can be healthy for repressed rage
> so.......) i am driving along the highyway caning to work, as caning as a
> forty year old car will cane, which is surprisingly fast, and this woman in
> a brand new ford is in the fast lane about to hem me in behind a truck, so
> i cane a bit more did not have the vision to see to far ahead but went to
> sneak into quite an adequate gap, cause you know the Val aint zippy at all
> and so i am doing that, i am over the centre line doing a 120 km and hour
> lane manouver between a truck and a brand new purple ford and i fucking hit
> a blown out truck tyre, i could not swerve to avoid it or do anythign
> really i just had to fucking go over it, out of nowhere it came, BANG and
> a few more bangs it made, am i glad they made em tough in the sixties, i
> was freaking a bit, about potential damage, havent had the old girl checked
> out yet, but you know if it aint broke dont fix it, what cracked me up, the
> boys at work when i told them i hit a truck tyre, went " ohhhhh, fuck you
> hit an alligator" and i thought about that and i have to say if you see one
> curled up on the raod like that, and feel its fucking bite, well its funny
> cause its true....
Detective Veronica goes to work and finds:
which mentions "1969 toyota corona". Sure, one person can have more than
one car, but I'm too lazy to dig any deeper. It's a fairly new post so
it will have to do.
which leads to:
But to draw the driver more easily something like this would be practical:
.-'" ""--._
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<`-._ : ) /// .--.`. \ --J------"""""' | /// \ L--'
`--._`------./// / \ L L J _/__// F |_|
`--._`""-"_/ FJ L| \___\------"";"---""| \ F
\ """/`-J | F| |" `"' \ `-'/
`-._-' \L\ //`-' `"""'
VK \ `-.-'/
Urgh! That car looks *old*! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
.-'" `"--._
/ | //|
/ | .-. // |
(| _/_ |J L //--|---------'""""`._
____\_.------'/\_) `""""---' `--'-------.-------'--"--._
/| .-." " ` ' == . ___________`.
|(/ /( ) ______.----------+-------'"""""""".-----------|
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(] `"--._ / .--. `. ' _|/ /.-.\ \ C>
<`-.__ ( ] // .--.`. \ --+------"""""' ' //` '\\ L--'
`--._`------. // /` '\ L L . _/ / F- ).H_|
`--._`---"_/J J. \ .L| \___.__.-----,----""J \, .//
\ `"""/`-| |. / .F| |" `"' \ `-'/
`----' J \ , ./ F-' `""'
VK \ `-.-'.'
Hmmm... slightly better... maybe...
Now for some cheating...
.-'" `"--._
/ | //|
/ | .-. // |
_/_ |J L //--|---------'""""`._
______.------'"" `""""---' `--'-------.-------'--"--._
.-.__ ___.----""" +-------- == .-------------. L
L _ "`--. .-""' |
( ( ) // , , F/_/ .----. | ' .---. F
|" " V ( ( ) / .--. `. ' | /.-.\ \ C>
<`--._ " "| // .--.`. \ + ' //` '\\ L--'
`--.__`-----. // /` '\ L L . ' / F- ).H_|
`--._`---"_/J J. \ .L| \___.__.-----,----""J \, .//
\ `"""/`-| |. / .F| |" `"' \ `-'/
`----' J \ , ./ F-' `""'
VK \ `-.-'.'
Well, it's a car...
Add driver.
.' \
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|" " V ( ( ) / .--. `. ' | /.-.\ \ C>
<`--._ " "| // .--.`. \ + ' //` '\\ L--'
`--.__`-----. // /` '\ L L . ' / F- ).H_|
`--._`---"_/J J. \ .L| \___.__.-----,----""J \, .//
\ `"""/`-| |. / .F| |" `"' \ `-'/
`----' J \ , ./ F-' `""'
VK \ `-.-'.'
(yes, yes, I know Real People are not that big but this is a cartoon)
____.----'_ --
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L _ "`--. .-""' | `.
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`----' J \ / F-' `""'
VK \ `-.-'.'
`"---' _.-'"^^^^^^^^^^^^-.-.-.
.-----' o o `------.
.---' ^^^^^^^
As a sig:
-- _`----.____ ______ _________
,` ,``. ___ /____________ ______ /
--- ` , \ __ __ \ _ \ __ `/ __ /
`._ `<@ <@ _ / / / __/ /_/ // /_/ /
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\`-' / `"' "| |J \ | |-'\"""' /
"`---.__ `""' `-J \ / F `----'
"""`-----.____ `.`-.-' /
VK `""""----.___ `---"'
psykoexgirlfriend@hotmail.com """"`----.__
headkase wrote:
> what is the usenet equivalent for speechless?
> i think this is the sweetest thing that anybody has posted for me in my
> usenet history, i am not waving i am giving the finger yeah?
-- _`----.____ ______ _________
,` ,``. ___ /____________ ______ /
--- ` , \ __ __ \ _ \ __ `/ __ /
`._ `<@ <@ _ / / / __/ /_/ // /_/ /
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- | `""-. .--'" _ J
J .---. ` | .----. \_\J , , \\ ( ) )
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- `--J // \\ ` + / .'.--. \\ |" " _.--'>
|_H ( J \ ` . J J / \ \\ .-----'__.--'`----.___
--- \\ / F""----,-----.__.___/ |J / L L\_"---'_.--'
\`-' / `"' "| |J \ | |-'\"""' /
"`---.__ `""' `-J \ / F `----'
"""`-----.____ `.`-.-' /
VK `""""----.___ `---"'
psykoexgirlfriend@hotmail.com """"`----.__

[explanation: Tinkerbell is pregnant]
Tinkerbell wrote:
> I'm getting to be the same shape as an egg on legs,
_ ( `-.
( `-.\ \
\ `. L
\ \ J-""-.
`. `/ \
>-.F J
.' J L
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/ / / | / __ (/_ _ __ (/_ _ // //
| / ( | ) / _(_/ (_/(___(/_/ (_/_) _(/_(/_(/__
| / \ | (_/
VK / < / \ tinkerbell@fuckhotmail.com
________\\__\ __\|\__\ _____________________________________________

Peter Hucker wrote:
> ± wrote:
> > Peter Hucker wrote:
> > > ± wrote:
> > > > Peter Hucker wrote:
> > > > > ± wrote:
> > > > > > Peter Hucker wrote:
> > > > > > > ± wrote:
> > > > > > > > Peter Hucker wrote:
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > ffs
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > Stuffed shirt.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > No, but with 500 channels, I refuse to watch any old shite.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Spoiled.
> > > > >
> > > > > Basic sky package.
> > > >
> > > > Cheap.
> > >
> > > Exactly.
> >
> > You need to get more of your parrots pregnant.
> Working on it.
| __.------. *****TWO BABY CONURES*****
| .-' .---. \ 15 parrots and increasing
| .' .' O )/"\/ http://www.petersparrots.com
| .' ) >:' L
| .'"/ ( _J: | 93 silly video clips
| / '' \ / `\ F http://www.insanevideoclips.com
| J ' L_( _> J
| | ( ( `--' |/ 1259 digital photos
| J / : :. : J http://www.petersphotos.com
| | | :. :. :. : .:L
| | \ . . .:'|F Served from a pentawatercooled dual
| | | `:. .: || silent Athlon 2.8 with terrabyte raid
| F || ' |||
| | :) : . JJ Peter Hucker <hucker@clara.co.uk>
| |) | /F
| V A /J
| || \_.-. .-.FF_.--. ######## ######## ######## ######## ########
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\ | L : JJ
\ | J :|| ## ## ## ## ###### ## ## ######## ########
L J | | || ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
| J |_/\_F ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
| J | |J ######### ## ## ## ##### ###### ########
VK F L L || ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
/ | | |F ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
.' | | |F ## ## ####### ###### ## ## ######## ## ##
After a couple of obvious changes:
__.------. *****TWO BABY CONURES*****
.-' .---. \ 15 parrots and increasing
.' .' O )/"\/ http://www.petersparrots.com
.' ) >:' L
.'"/ ( _J: | 93 silly video clips
/ '' \ / `\ F http://www.insanevideoclips.com
J ' L_( _> J
| ( ( `--' |/ 1259 digital photos
J / : :. : J http://www.petersphotos.com
| | :. :. :. : .:L
| \ . . .:'|F Served from a pentawatercooled dual
| | `:. .: || silent Athlon 2.8 with terrabyte raid
F || ' |||
| :) : . JJ Peter Hucker <hucker@clara.co.uk>
|) | /F
V A /J
|| \_.-. .-.FF ######## ######## ######## ######## ########
---'--. /<--\\ L----. ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
|||L \|| | ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
JJ)) `|| | ######## ###### ## ###### ########
)|___.---\----' ## ## ## ## ## ##
.--'""<'|/ |F ## ## ## ## ## ##
|J`-' FF ## ######## ## ######## ## ##
| L : JJ
| J :|| ## ## ## ## ###### ## ## ######## ########
J | | || ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
J |_/\_F ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
J | |J ######### ## ## ## ##### ###### ########
L L || ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
| | |F ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
VK | | |F ## ## ####### ###### ## ## ######## ## ##
Grazable Diaclasis Manhandle wrote:
> Peter Hucker wrote:
> > Grumphy Disadvantage Miscognizant wrote:
> > > Peter Hucker wrote:
> > > > Gastrophilite Descendentalism Medish wrote:
> > > > > Peter Hucker wrote:
> > > > > > Galgulidae Disauthenticate wrote:
> > > > > > > Peter Hucker wrote:
> > > > > > > > Governorship Domiciliate Menispermine wrote:
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > What's that got to do with Chicken MacFlurries?
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > Bugger, you caught me out. McDonalds use about 0.001% meat.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Apart from which, it's common knowledge that I'm a vegetarian,
> > > > > > > so maybe you should preach to somebody outwith the choir.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Tinks has admitted she is vegetarian, but I've never seen you
> > > > > > mention it.
> > > > >
> > > > > "Admitted"? Like she's got something to be ashamed of?
> > > >
> > > > You must know by now I don't use words precisely.
> > >
> > > So you don't think she should be ashamed for being a vegetarian?
> >
> > No. I'm one too, which I thought you would have gathered from what
> > I just said.
> I don't believe you. If you were a veggie, you'd've fixed your sig by now.
Maybe his diet is missing something important? This might help:
) *****TWO BABY CONURES*****
( 15 parrots and increasing
( .`. ) ) http://www.petersparrots.com
( _/ :\ (
) .' :. ) 93 silly video clips
( /:' :\ http://www.insanevideoclips.com
J: :\ _
| ( ( L/:| 1259 digital photos
J\ : :. : | :| http://www.petersphotos.com
| | :. :. :. : |) |
|( . . .:'| | Served from a pentawatercooled dual
| | `:. : |||| silent Athlon 2.8 with terrabyte raid
||| ' || ||
|/|: : JJ || Peter Hucker <hucker@clara.co.uk>
| \:. :/ |
| :. :/
| \_.-..: .-< ######## ######## ######## ######## ########
---'--. /---\ L----. ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
" `" | ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
| ######## ###### ## ###### ########
____.--------' ## ## ## ## ## ##
.--'"'`--' ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ######## ## ######## ## ##
## ## ## ## ###### ## ## ######## ########
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
######### ## ## ## ##### ###### ########
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
VK ## ## ####### ###### ## ## ######## ## ##

Steve Leyland wrote:
> Veronica Karlsson wrote:
> : Jelliebun wrote:
> :: tinmimus99@hotmail.com (mimus) wrote:
> ::
> ::: I fairly often flip on _E!'s_ "Wild On" series at night as visual
> ::: wallpaper, while listening on the 'phones to something a bit more
> ::: cultured ("Wild On" is basically a series of party travelogues or
> ::: infomercials, Disney- style, with tits blocked out and NEVER EVER
> ::: any weed or coke shown-- maybe it should be renamed "Soft On").
> :::
> ::: And frequently on the show there are commercials for the "Girls Gone
> ::: Wild" series of soft -exhibitionism or -porn (and, apparently,
> ::: according to Certain Court Documents, underaged goings- on as well).
> :::
> ::: And pretty much every time some wild- woman flashes her (blocked-
> ::: out) tits on these commercials she opens her mouth.
> :::
> ::: Is this a reflex of some kind? I can't say I ever really observed
> ::: it before . . . .
> ::
> :: I just flashed the screen. My mouth stayed closed.
> :
> : I followed Jelliebun's example but couldn't keep from laughing.
> Pleace remember to switch on yuor webcams before any further flashing of
> b00beis, so that I may examine your mouths to study this phenomemon.
||. .||
/( ):( )\
\ ) : ( /
\ | /
VK ( | )
'- -`
||. .||
`.\_ __/.'
(/ j \)
\ | /
VK ( | )
'- -`
( Did you catch that? )-------.
/.-. I'm not having a third go! )
||||| /' `--------------------------'
||. .||
/( ):( )\
\ ) : ( /
\ | /
VK ( | )
'- -`

rocky wrote:
> Subject: finger emperor.
/ % \ You bastard!
|% e \ You've shrunk me!
| \ /'
| . -<
| `._/
| |
| |
| |
.--. | |
/ \/ |
.-<. \ |
/ \ \ _\_
| \ \.-') `.
.-L. \ \-' \
/ \ \ .') ,- \
| \ \`-' `--\ \
| ( \ .') / `. |
| _\ \`-' / |
\ \ .') /
\ `--' / /
\ | /
\ .'
\ _ . /
\ _ . - ' |
| |
VK | |

mimus wrote:
> So I was changing a porch- light bulb, and dropped the screw which
> holds the bowl up against the fixture, and the screw fell down through
> a crack between two boards of the porch, and I couldn't crawl
> underneath to it, and wouldn't want to (there's stuff living under
> there), so what to do? what to do?
> Wire hook between the boards? didn't work.
> Tape sticky- side out on the end of the wire? didn't work.
> So I finally used that tool favored by advanced primates all over the
> world, a stick split on the end, and forked the screw, trapped it and
> brought it back up to life and light.
> Ook! ook! ook!
I always wondered what kind of animal a "mimus" is!
/ `.
/ \
/ \
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VK L\\\\ " /, .'
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\ __| |_-' `,.`` / : J
`-._.-' .'/ `. ,, . `, / :. F
/__.'.' : `:. ` / .:,:` /
/`--// : `:.` ` '/ `:` .' mhm 29x13
J </ : .: `:.::`/ : .'
J : ::` :. / . .' mp 10
L .: :` :` .:':.'
J:`. .::. .::::::::-'< smeeter 11 or maybe 12
`:::. .::::. .::::::` ` L
\`:::::---.````' J J _
`. .`. J _. L _ __ ___ (_)_ __ ___ _ _ ___
\ < \_\ ( / ) | | '_ ` _ \| | '_ ` _ \| | | / __|
VK `. ,\ " ////J | | | | | | | | | | | | |_| \__ \
\\ \ \` `(/// |_| |_| |_|_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|___/
"```' tinmimus99@hotmail.com

Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> headkase wrote:
> >
> > [headkase is trying to quit smoking]
> I could glue your mouth shut, that'd stop you from smoking...of course
> you might die of thirst though...hrmmm...I shall hace to reponder this
> theory!
( he can't stop me from smoking through my nose! )
@@@ |
@@@ e e (
@@@ \ )
@@@ oc===='
@@@ |
@@@ +++
@@ |
| --'
| |
| | VK

Ross wrote:
> Daedalus scribbled:
> > Ross wrote:
> >>Peter J Ross scribbled:
> >>
> >>[...]
> >>
> >>> I was watching Lady Chatterly's webcam last night and she certainly
> >>> doesn't look like a bot to me.
> >>>
> >>> I'd provide the URL if I thought any socmen were attracted to adult
> >>> women.
> >>
> >>Agreed. I think the soc.boyz are still to fixated on their
> >>relationships with mommy to want to develop something new and
> >>different with a different woman.
> >
> > It's a shame because I think Lady Chatterly dating any one of the
> > soc.men would certainly straighten them out.
> ...or kill them, which might be as close to straightened out as some of
> them could get.
> The image is quite amusing...LC in a black PVC corset and thigh-high
> leather boots, holding a riding crop and a leash....Kenny Kakes on all
> fours, wearing a dog-collar, begging for forgiveness.
> ...and that would probably be more attention he has received from a woman
> since he had his last diaper change....
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_____________(___/_|____ ___|_\___)_______///____///_____/__\___.---'_\_\___
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F | L What? Send the Real Thing?
L \ / '\ I don't think so!
J`. _.---.) /'
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The lovely rubber lady and her "dog" as a sig for Ross:
.----.-. ooooooooo.
/ _____) `888 `Y88.
| / || 888 .d88' .ooooo. .oooo.o .oooo.o
| | @ @|| 888ooo88P' d88' `88b d88( "8 d88( "8
| | _ || 888`88b. 888 888 `"Y88b. `"Y88b.
| \ ((_))/| 888 `88b. 888 888 o. )88b o. )88b
| \____/ | o888o o888o `Y8bod8P' 8""888P' 8""888P'
| | | |
.-----' `-----. Ross@SingingFrog.com
/ ___ ___ \
/ / \ / \ \
/ (#####|##|#####) \ Go not to Usenet for counsel,
/ / \###/#<>#\###/ \ \ for they will say
o. / / |###<>###| \ \ both yes and no.
|\\ / / |###<>###| \ \
||\\/ / |###<>###| \ \
\| \( / /####<>####\ \o)\
(__\ /`--.#<>#.--'\ o\__)
\ / \ |
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|###/ \###| `-o.-' | . \ .- |
|##/ \##| | >-\ \--.' /
|##| |##| | | \ \/ .-'_.-.
VK _/###| |###\_ .----' .----' /| -' _ \
________(###/_|____ ___|_\###)_____///____///_____/__\___.---'_\_\_
As a sig for Lady Chatterly:
.'"` .'`.
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J8888F 888888o888888P|888|
|888d d888888|88888P >888>
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J888F Y888888|8888---8/88/
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P888d F\88| | |/\ / | | | |/ / | |/ | |
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`--' L J strikazlinka@catcher.in.the.rye \|