I (Veronica Karlsson, VK, vk@ludd.luth.se) made these pictures:


    Subject: Re: Yellow
       Date: Tue, 07 Dec 2004 00:14:23 GMT
       From: Somebody <somebody1@theperlguru.com>
 Newsgroups: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk

Somebody wrote:
> Veronica Karlsson wrote:
> >Tim Weaver wrote:
> >> Veronica Karlsson wrote:
> >> > Tim Weaver wrote:
> >> >> Veronica Karlsson wrote:
> >> >> > Tim Weaver wrote:
> >> >> >> Veronica Karlsson wrote:
> >> >> >> > Veronica Karlsson wrote:
> >> >> >> >> Tim Weaver wrote:
> >> >> >> >> > Veronica Karlsson wrote:
> >> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >> >> > > is another spring related thing.
> >> >> >> >> >
> >> >> >> >> > Yellow leaves are a a fall related thing.
> >> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> >> They're not yellow any  more!
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> Doesn't matter, they're still related to fall.
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> > and they're not "leaves" either!!!
> >> >> >>
> >> >> >> What are they?  Leefs?  Leefers?  Leef0rz?
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Well, when I wrote that they were "mud". Now they are "ice".
> >> >>
> >> >> They were and still are leaves.  Just dead leaves.  Or decomposed leaves.
> >> >> Still leaves.  I am correct.
> >> >
> >> > And that pork chop on your plate is made of grass...
> >>
> >> This makes no sense.
> >
> >"The material which is now frozen mud used to be leaves on a tree."
> >
> >"The material which is now meat used to be grass that the cow ate."
> Why do I get these images of a stoned cow running through my head?

I don't know. Why do you?

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                   |             | ___] |__| |  | |___ |__] |__| |__/  |  
 VK                |             | somebody1@theperlguru.com

     /                 \
    /               ___ \
   /               /   \ \
  |               /     \ \
  |               |      | |
  |               |      | |
   \____  _____   |      | |
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    |   |          \____/ /
    |   |                /
    |   \__             /
    |                  /
    |                 /
     \               /
      \ _____        |
 VK    |             |


Peter J Ross wrote:
> Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> >
> > Gawd damn fuckin Highwinds server fuxored again.  Posts go out, but
> > nothin comes back in.  Oh well, I suppose you fags could use a lil
> > break.  I'll get a lil fasnickered in the mean time and give you a lil
> > handicap.  It's more sporting that way...for me.    `, )
> Translation: "I'm not running away from your posts; it's my server's
> fault!"

                                  /' `.
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      `-` `-`          \_\____)


dave hillstrom wrote:
> mimus wrote:
> > Hatchetmama wrote:
> > > trippy wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Wake up, bitches.
> > > >
> > > > Time for your sleeping pill.
> > >
> > > <gets the hammer>
> >
> > Going to snort it?
> i dont think shell get past the metal end bit.

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||||||      `-._       .-'  |||||||  VK
|||||/          """""""     \||||||


mimus wrote:
> Smee wrote:
> > mimus wrote:
> > >
> > > I Need to Go to About Five Different Stores.
> > > But I don't want to.
> >
> > For why do you hace to go?
> Various errands, including buying a coupla pairs of jeans, since I was down
> to three pairs of very worn jeans, one of which had the crotch, er, worn
> out and are therefore only good now for jury duty.

                /         \    ( I swear. )
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       >     J              L     {
       |     |              |     |
       |     |              |     |
       |     |              |     |
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       |     |              |     |
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    .-.|___/\|              |_____\
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    "( ( (| \(_/          ( /( ( \`--'
      " \_)\_)             "  \) )\_)

As a sig:

    .'""""`-.                                       _               
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 `-  ` .'`. ' Y    
   7  Y____Y /       You can put some quote here if you like.
    \ \    //          Or an email address.
  .-'`-._.-'`-.          Or a joke.
.'             `.           Or nothing at all.

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knoxy wrote:
> Tim Weaver, says...
> > knoxy wrote:
> > > Tim Weaver,  says...
> > >> knoxy wrote:
> > >> > Tim Weaver,  says...
> > >> >> knoxy wrote:
> > >> >> > Tim Weaver,  says...
> > >> >> >> knoxy wrote:
> > >> >> >> > Tim Weaver, says...
> > >> >> >> >[...]
> > >> >> >>
> > >> >> >> That's a pretty shitty attitude.
> > >> >> >
> > >> >> > I'm not feeling well, so what do you expect?
> > >> >>
> > >> >> I expect you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
> > >> >
> > >> > I don't have any boots.
> > >>
> > >> Like your computer does.  Reboot.
> > >
> > > I'm not a computer.
> >
> > You should be.
> That's not what rocky says, he wants me to be a guitar.

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  \| . |/
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Too skinny!

*feed her!*

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 / (.X.) \|
 \ |   |
  \| . |
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  \/  .  \/
  (       )
  |   v   |
   \  |  /
   |  |  |
   (  |  )
    \ | /
    _.^._     VK

Neck is too short!

*stretch her!*

|      ^
|      |
|     | |
|     | |
|   .-' `-.
|  /       \
| |  {}}}}  |
| | {|+ +|} |
| | {( . )} |
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|  |   v   |
|   \  |  /
|   |  |  |
|   (  |  )
|    \ | /
|     .^.
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     | |
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 \ |     | /
  \/  .  \/
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  |   v   |
   \  |  /
   |  |  |
   (  |  )
    \ | /
    _.^._     VK

She's too long!

*cut off the legs!*

Arms aren't needed either!

*off with them too!*

   {|. .|}
   {( _ )}
     | |
     | |
     | |
     | |
     | |
  .-'   `-.
 / (.) (.) \
 \ |     | /
  \/  .  \/  *WRRRRRRRRR!*
  (       )      .-----._____
  |   v   |     /Black&Decker\
   \  |  ......|          _.-'
   |  | :.......\______.-'
   (  |  )
    \ | /
    _.^._     VK

   {|. .|}
   {( _ )}
     | |
     | |
     | |
     | |
     | |
   .'   `.
   (.) (.)
   |     |
   /  .  \
  (       )
  |   v   |
   \  |  /     VK

There should be a hole in the middle!

*There IS a hole in the middle!*

But, you can't see it!

*So ... move it a little...*

    {}}}}               __                    ./
   {|o o|}             /  \                 .'/
   {( _ )}           _/ __/    This won't hurt, much.
   {{\_/}}          ( \(_ \
     | |           ( \__)  `---
     | |          ( \__)
     | |         ( \__)
     | |       `./\__)___.----
     | |        /`./
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   (.) (.)    /  /
   |     |   /  /
   /  .  \  /__/
  (       )
  |   v   |
   \  |  /
    `-'-'     VK

   {|. .|}
   {( _ )}
     | |
     | |
     | |
     | |
     | |
   .'   `.
   (.) (.)
   |     |
   /  _  \
  (  (_)  )
  |   |   |
   \  |  /
    `-'-'     VK

Hmmm... she's rounded in the wrong direction...

*Flatten her!*

   {|. .|}
   {( _ )}
     | |  (        
     | |  )        
     | | (
     | |  
     | | |\
   .'   `||\    . *FSSSSSSHHHHH!*
   (.) (.|| |   ||
   |     || |]  ||
   /  _  || |   ||
  (  (_) |_.-.__/
  |   |   |
   \  |  /     VK

   {|. .|}
   {( _ )}
     | |
     | |
     | |
     | |
     | |
   .'   `.
  (.     .)
   \     /
   /  _  \
  (  (_)  )
  |   |   |
   \  |  /     VK

She still has bits of legs left!

*this can be fixed!*

   {|. .|}
   {( _ )}
     | |
     | |
     | |
     | |
     | |
   .'   `.
  (.     .)
   \     /
   /  _  \
  (  (_)  )   \
  |   |   |    \   _.'
   \  |  /      Q-'
    `-'-'        `-._____________.-'     VK

   {|. .|}
   {( _ )}
     | |
     | |
     | |
     | |
     | |
   .'   `.
  (.     .)
   \     /
   /  _  \
  (  (_)  )
  |       |     VK
   \     /



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             _/|     ( Come here kitty-kitty-kitty! )
        __.-'  |       /.'
        \   _ - \/.'  /'
         |      4'-.
          \   __/
         .-'    `-.         ( OK, but first... )
        /          \               `.\
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      |  (__     |  |    \  \/  /  |  /      /    \     |  |
      |   __)    |  |     >    <   | |      /  ()  \    |  |
      |  (      _|  |_   /  /\  \  |  \__  |   __   |   |  |
_____/    \____(      )_/  /__\  \__\    )_|  (__)  |___|  |_______
_________________                                 _________________
_________________ Safe Sex - not just for humans! _________________
______________________ daisysophie@gmail.com ______________________


FrankB wrote:
> =^.FixCat.^= wrote:
> > FrankB wrote:
> >> =^.FixCat.^= wrote:
> >>> I always like fish broiled better
> >>> - unless the fish is surrounded by CHIPS and
> >>> HUSHPUPPIES in which case - bread and fry away :-)  Oh - and MALT
> >>> VINEGAR.
> >>
> >> Just .. stop it. My fridge is only 4 big steps away and there's that jar of
> >> prickles that dares me, ow..
> >
> > Prickles? You have Hatter in a jar? Or do you mean Pickles?
> Pickels, yup. (they look like pricks though, hence the hatter-slip)

  J`-    _     _.  'L
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Yet another ascii cat:

 _                                                      , ,  
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  VK  \_)                                           `--'

In a sig:

                  _.       .-""""""-.       ._
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      _.-'   _.-|  |     |  J      L  |    J   F`-.    /
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      \_)                                           `--'
|     SLLS # 14     mhm 32x20    WSD # 38     AFFL # 1        |
|     stanley unwin AICMF        Usenet Saint (PJR:-))        |
|     Usenet Ruinator # 14   MIGHOUL'S OWNER 4EVER!!1!        |
|             Top Assholiness on the Net # 17                 |
|        Not Quite the Most Hated Usenetizen ... Yet          |
|              http://www.judithfitzgerald.ca                 |
|    \      /    |          |/              \|   |        |   |
|     \    /     |    ------'    .------.    |   |        |   |
|      \  /      |   |     J    J        L   |   |   /\   |   |
|       \/       |   `---. |    |        |   |   |  /  \  |   |
|   |\      /|   |       | |    |        |   |   | /    \ |   |
|   | \    / |   |   .---' |    |        |   |   |/      \|   |
|   |  \  /  |   |   |     J    J        F   |       /\       |
|   |   \/   |   |   `------.    `------'    |      /  \      |
|   |        |   |          |\              /|     /    \     |
|___|        |___|__________| `.__________.' |____/      \____|


Putting my own name on that viking sig

                    / | |  \
                   /  | |   \
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                  ||<o>| <o>`|
                  ||   J_   )|
                   |  `--'  |
                 .-|        |_
              .-'  \     /  | |`-.
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         |_____             | |     L
      .-' ___   `-.         F F  |  |    ||`-.___
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   / /|    |    |`.  \     | |   |/ |    ||_.-'
  / / |    |    |  `. `.   F F   |  |==============================
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 FJ   |    |    |    |L J/ /     |   \       :::::::.        :::::::\
J |() | () | () | () | J L/      |   |        :::::::         :::::::L
| F   | .-'_ \  |    |  LJ       | /  L       ::::::::        :::::::J
| L   | /    \\ |    |  | L      |    |       ::::::::        ::::::::L
| L   ||     ):||    |  | |     /|     L      ::::::::        ::::::::|
J |   ||:._.'::||    |  | |----' |     |      ::::::::        ::::::::|     .---.
J |   |J:::::::||    |  | |    _/\     |      ::::::::        ::::::::|    /(@  o`.
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     `.`.  |    |   .'.' |     |    |/ /`L    ::::::::        ::::::::|       |    L
     | `.`-.____|.-'.-'  |     |    | <`. \   ::::::::        ::::::::|       |    |
     | | `-.______.-'    |    \|    |_`::\ `. ::::::::        ::::::::|       F    |
     | J\ |  |           |     |    /:  \::. \::::::::        ::::::::F      /     |
     |  L\|--|           |     _.--|::   `::\ `.::::::       .:::::::J      /      F
     J  J |\\|-.____     |__.-'    |:      \::. \::::        ::::::::F    .'      J
      L  \| >||      `--' J        |'      .`::\ `.:'      .::::::::/   .'        F
      J   |//JJ        |   L       |---.   .--\::. \---.   .---.   <---<         J
       L  |< |J        |\=/|       ( _  \=/  _ `::\ `.  \=/  _  \=/  _  \       /
       J  |\\|J        | | /        )_)  |  (_)  \::. \  |  (_)  |  (_)  |     /
        \ |--|J        |//\\       /    //\     //`::\ `./\     //\     /    .'
         \|  |L `      )/  )` `' '|`---//  `---//  `\::. \ `---//  `---'   .'
VK________|  L_\    '  /___/ ' |  |___//______//_____`::\ |___//_________.'_________
          F  F J``  -'|    | | |  |                    \:_|
          `-'  | ""   |    J `    |
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               |      |     \     |       ||\\  ||\\//|| ||\\  // \\ \||  ||    ||\\
               J      |      `.   |       || \\ || \/ || ||//  \\ // \\|  || // |\  
                L     F       )`---\      || || ||    || |<<    >X<   \\  || \\ |\\ 
                |    J        /     `.    || || ||    || ||\\  // \\  |\\ ||    ||\ 
                J    J       (        `-. || || ||    || || \\//   \\ ||  ||    ||  
                `-.__/       `---.       `.
                |   J             `.       )          http://www.ludd.ltu.se/~vk/
                /   |               `-----'
               /    F
              J    J
              J    |


And then there was the time when I sent a mail bomb to Steve:

> >> :::::: So that's a no then.
> >> :::::
> >> ::::: Not necessarily. Why? Are you Steve in disguise?
> >> ::::
> >> :::: No,Ii am merely mortal.
> >> :::
> >> ::: Steve's not mortal? Does this mean my carefully constructed mail
> >> ::: bomb won't have any effect on him?
> >> ::
> >> :: Course he isn't. He can live forever and the only way you can kill
> >> :: him is by chopping his head off with a big highlander sword.
> >> :
> >> : Sword... hmmm... why couldn't you have told me that before I sent it
> >> : off. I'm not sure he'll fall for the anonymous envelope from Sweden
> >> : trick twice...  :-\
> >>
> >> mheh. I got it today and I cut the red wire.
> >
> >I'm impressed that you got past the hidden mechanical backup detonator
> >with the very sensitive trigger!
> >

*looks up FNAR*

"For No Apparent Reason"


(Yes, there really was a "bomb".


            _.'  |
 VK      .-' /   V
      __|_.-'  ____    ____
     /-.|     |[__]|  |.-+.|
     @ @/     |789+|  || |||
     \=/      |456-|  |==+=| <-- mouse trap
     _|_      |123=|  | [] |
   /(.X.)     |____|  |____|
   \ |.| \_    .---.
   '( v ) `   /     |  |||||
     |||      |     |  ||||| <-- bits of coloured wire
     |||      |     )  |||||
    '-^-`     `-.__.'
       ^          ^
       |          |
   "Barbie doll"  Bag of balloons


                Computer detonator (electronic box
                with display and buttons)
            _.'  |
  VK     .-' /   V
      __|_.-'  ____    ____
     /-.|     |[__]|  |.-+.|
     @ @/     |789+|  || |||
     \=/      |456-|  |==+=| <-- Mechanical detonator
     _|_      |123=|  | [] |
   /(.X.)     |____|  |____|
   \ |.| \_    .---.
   '( v ) `   /     |  |||||
     |||      |     |  ||||| <-- coloured wires
     |||      |     )  |||||
    '-^-`     `-.__.'
       ^          ^
       |          |
Bimbo hostage   Explosive stuff that can be blown up

Putting it all together:

1. The mousetrap is hidden behind the calculator (it is the same
   size as the calculator).

 VK      .-' /  ____
      __|_.-'  ____ |
     /-.|     |[__]||
     @ @/     |789+||
     \=/      |456-||
     _|_      |123=||
   /(.X.)     |____|
   \ |.| \_    .---.
   '( v ) `   /     |  |||||
     |||      |     |  |||||
     |||      |     )  |||||
    '-^-`     `-.__.'

2. The wires are connected (taped) between the calculator and
   the explosives.

  VK     .-' /  ____
      __|_.-'  ____ |
     /-.|     |[__]||
     @ @/     |789+||
     \=/      |456-||
     _|_      |123=||
   /(.X.)     ||||||
   \ |.| \_    |||||
   '( v ) `   /||||||
     |||      |     |
     |||      |     )
    '-^-`     `-.__.'

3. The bimbo hostage is tied up and blindfolded.

 VK      .-' /  ____
      __|_.-'  ____ |
     /  |     |[__]||
     ###/     |789+||
     \=/      |456-||
     _|_      |123=||
    (===)     ||||||
    ||=||      |||||
    (===)     /||||||
     |=|      |     |
     |=|      |     )
    '-^-`     `-.__.'

4. The bomb and hostage are attached to a wall/raft/floor/back-
   of-van/boat/... (a piece of cardboard).

    _______ _.'____
VK |     .-' /___  |
   |  __|_.-'___ | |
   | /  |  |[__]|| |
   | ###/  |789+|| |
   | \=/   |456-|| |
   | _|_   |123=|| |
   |(===)  ||||||  |
   |||=||   |||||  |
   |(===)  /|||||| |
   | |=|   |     | |
   | |=|   |     ) |
   |'-^-`  `-.__.' |

5. The whole thing is put in an envelope and mailed to Steve.


Meower with flame thrower

       / . .
       \  _4                                  .-''' -.
   .-._/ (                            ___.---'        )
   |M|/   \____________-/.-----------'                 '._
   |E|  (_.-./---------_|______                           )
   |O| \_.-'`-'                 `----------._____        _'
   |W|    |                                      `.---.-'
   `-'|   \
  -.// \ | \
  `-'  / /||_
VK    ( < \__)

       / . .
       \  _4                                  .-''' -.
   .-._/ (                            ___.---'        )
   |M|/ `.\____________-/.-----------'                 '._
   |E|  (_.-./---------_|______                           )
   |O| \_.-'`-'                 `----------._____        _'
   |W|_.-'|                                      `.---.-'
   `-'|   \
  -.// \ | \
  `-'  / /||_
VK    ( < \__)


knoxy wrote:
> Dave wrote:
> > so, as all of you know, i had an MRI on my right shoulder last friday.
> > i just got back from the orthopedist, and, unfortunately, the results
> > are in.
> >
> > i have a "focal full thickness tear of the supraspinatus tendon."  the
> > supraspinatus is perhaps the most important muscle in the rotator
> > cuff.  right now, its flapping in the wind, disconnected from my
> > shoulder.  we caught it early, as there is "no significant gap."  this
> > means that it can still be fixed, as the tendon hasnt sucked back into
> > the muscle yet.
> >
> > [...] id always favored my right arm for
> > heavy stuff, as my LEFT shoulder is COMPLETELY separated due to an
> > unfortunate fraternal wrestling contest in college. 
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > guess im gonna have to learn how to write and wipe my ass with my left
> > hand again...
> Ha! Welcome to my world. :P

Flonk meeting in Amsterdam in July 2014:

 Hi, I'm   Knoxy!!!1! Hello! I'm Daev!
  knoxy     I'd shake hands, but...
    \ |         |/
     \|     ##
     ~~     ||\
    ~~O     || \
    /||     ||  \
   / ||     ||  /|
  |\ ||     || / |
  | |||     )) |  \
  | |((       _|   \    VK
  ` `              /


Sharon B wrote:
> Clothes Dryer or Clothes Line?
> and Dave can't participate cuz i know his answer and it's WRONG,
> especially the part about panties needing to be dirty thus never
> making it to either one.

Dryer for stuff that won't be too much affected by it (underwear,
towels, soft cotton things that are big enough). Hangers in the bathroom
for the rest.

 |                 |
 ||||| /-\/-\-\___]|
 ||||||| || |||| |||
 ||||||| || |||| |||
 ||||| |__|_|_|  |||
 |||||        |__|||
 |||||             |
  shower curtain


dave hillstrom wrote:
> Veronica Karlsson wrote:
> > metro-golden-meower wrote:
> > > dave hillstrom wrote:
> > > > metro-golden-meower wrote:
> > > > > dave hillstrom wrote:
> > > > > > metro-golden-meower wrote:
> > > > > > > Hatchetmama wrote:
> > > > > > > > Wavy G wrote:
> > > > > > > > > knoxy wrote:
> > > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > > that's all.
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > Welcome to the Internet.  You'll find yourself right at home, here.
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > We love her.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > never again. i got twins last time.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > guess its all butt sekz from now on then.
> > > > >
> > > > > was that an intentional joke on your part as swedish money is called
> > > > > sek and i'm paying for shagging her by having the twins?
> > > >
> > > > no.  but its plausible i might have meant that.
> > >
> > > i think not. you'd have had to know what it meant in swedish and i
> > > know you suck at langages that have nothing to do with programming. a
> > > lucky joke by accident on your part. amuzing none the less.
> > 
> > 1. No, the Swedish name for Swedish money is not "sek".
> > 2. I "sabotaged" Dave by giving him a Swedish dictionary.
> you damned adorable lout, you.

  Me big tough     Me bigger, tougher
  male! Me speak      male. Me accept
  Sweeedish!               challenge!
      \|                /'
          |||      /a #
          (oO    @ |_/#
       @  ( c @  |   )\_
      /__ /___|  `--! . \
         ) /        | /.-'
(       ( b         d )`<>      .'
 `-.__.-'\ \       /  |`-.___.-'
         / |_      \   \                     VK
         `         '   '


dave hillstrom wrote:
> BigNetBuy wrote:
> > [...]
> > I was going to make a witty reply about your wig...but grew bored and 
> > chased a piece of string instead.
> yeah, we know what strings you chase.  the little white cotton ones
> with a little blood on them in womens panties.

    ~~~    -                  ###   _
.  /O~~~~      _             /a #
 \ } ~~~~~                   |_/#         -
  \ )| ~~                      )\__   -    /     -
   (_/\   -                 @ ! .| |    .-'
    /\ `.    _               \/\ | @_.-'
   '.-\ ))                    __d )'       -
   /)-'\|`-'                _/    \__   -
  -'    \)    -                      \               VK


      / |                 ___
     /__|             ___\
     @@ e\         /
     @@  {        /
     << ) )--./-/'
      >) (
     .'   \
    /      \
   /       |
  J        |
  `-._____/_\          VK

*later diddle*

      / |                 ___
     /__|             ___\
     @@ e\         /
    @@@  {        /
    / / ) )--./-/'
    `.\) (
     .>)  \
    /      \
   /       |
  J        |
  `-._____/_\          VK

        .                       \
       /|                       |   , , __     __.  _  .- ,    .
      / |                 ___   |  /  |'  `. .'   \  \,'  |    `
     /__|             ___\      |-<   |    | |    |  /\   |    |
     @@ e\         /            /  \_ /    |  `._.' /  \   `---|.
     @@  {        /                                        \___/
     << ) )--./-/'
      >) (
     .'   \
    /      \
   /       |
  J        |
__`-._____/_\ ___________________________________________________
      `                                            knoxy@post.com

        .                       \
       /|                       |   , , __     __.  _  .- ,    .
      / |                 ___   |  /  |'  `. .'   \  \,'  |    `
     /__|             ___\      |-<   |    | |    |  /\   |    |
     @@ e\         /            /  \_ /    |  `._.' /  \   `---|.
     @@  {        /                                        \___/
     << ) )--./-/'                                          knoxy
      >) (                                               mhm34x10  
     .'   \                                            smeeter #6
    /      \                       #6 on mimus wanted poster list
   /       |                        Best Newbie in alt.flame 2005
  J        |                          Snarky's Gutter Chix0rz #13
__`-._____/_\ ___________________________________________________
      `                                            knoxy@post.com

"The Internet is a gateway to get on the net."
Bob Dole

"I'll never be as "tough" as you are, but then neither will shark
skin. I consider this a good thing."
Kali admitting that she's too sensitive for usenet in Message-ID:

  / /__ ___  ___ __ ____ __
 /  '_// _ \/ _ \\ \ / // /
/_/\_\/_//_/\___/_\_\\_, / 

| . < | .` || || | >  <  >  / 
`-'`-'`-'`-'`----''-'`-` `-'  


     | \        
    /|| e\       
    |||  {                 _____
    ||.-<.-----___     ____\
    /<< ) )--./-'
      >) (
      /._.\                  .-----------.
      | /\ \ (              ( feed meeee! )
     / | / |  \.----._./|_   /'----------'
    /__||__|   )_   __ './ -'
    |. \ |._\ ( \"""/( `'                     VK
      `'      `  `  ` `

Author:      Veronica Karlsson
Email:       vk@ludd.luth.se (alt. comment form)
Main page:   http://www.ludd.luth.se/users/vk/
Sections:   [misc.] [ascii art] [chat] [links] [news]