List | C | Camouflage | 'Methods Of Silence' CD 1989

Track: Name: Time:
1. One Fine Day 4:37
2. Love Is A Shield 4:47
3. Anyone 3:49
4. Your Skinhead Is The Dream 5:01
5. On Islands 5:02
6. Feeling Down 4:13
7. Sooner Than We Think 3:55
8. A Picture Of Life 3:43
9. Les Rues 3:30
10. Rue De Moorslede Instrumental 0:36
  Total 39:13

This album is sort of mixed; the good songs are like those on Voices & Images only better, and the bad songs are worse. In general though, this album is more mature and therefore better. They've gotten a bit more of a characteristic sound.

