List | D | Depeche Mode | 'Behind The Wheel' CDM 1987

Track: Name: Time:
1. Behind The Wheel Remix 4:04
2. Route 66 4:11
3. Behind The Wheel Shep Pettibone Mix 5:57
4. Route 66 Beatmasters Mix 6:21
5. Behind The Wheel Beatmasters Mix 8:01
6. Route 66 Casualty Mix 10:42
7. Behind The Wheel LP Mix 5:19
  Total 44:35

Yet another one of those; a new CD making an older obsolete. The 'Beatmasters mix' of 'Route 66' is quite different from the normal version; it sounds more like a 50:s rock'n'roll version with some samples on it. Of course, Martin's voice sounds a bit misplaced on this mix: he sounds too cold with that reverb. It doesn't really blend with the other sounds that well. Still, it's rather amusing anyway. Their mix of 'Behind The Wheel' also a bit similar, but with some occasional blip chords and telephone voice samples. Also, near the end, the chords get a bit more 'rocky' and flipped out. Quite a different twist on a very good song.
'Route 66 (casualty mix)' is pretty much like the normal, with some extra sampled dist chords here and there and some sort of effect on the voice - flange and a slight dist, perhaps? Also, it's a lot longer.

