List | D | Depeche Mode | 'Never Let Me Down Again' CDM 1987

Track: Name: Time:
1. Never Let Me Down Again Split Mix 9:33
2. Pleasure, Little Treasure Join Mix 5:04
3. To Have And To Hold Spanish Taster 2:33
4. Never Let Me Down Again Aggro Mix 4:54
  Total 22:04

'Never Let Me Down Again' is a slow powerful piece with pretty heavy rock'n'roll type drums and almost opera-style chorus. Very dark and painful. The 'aggro version' is a very heavy instrumental version, with a power beat and a sharp bass with a good edge. The 'split mix' is a merge of the normal version and slightly less edgy version of the 'aggro mix'.
'Pleasure, Little Treasure' is kind of like rock'n'roll on synths, with an occasional dist guitar sample as a bonus. Rather nice and bouncy.
'To Have And To Hold' is not nearly as dark and painful as the album version; this mix is quite good but the rhythm is different and the agony is almost gone.
All these songs can be found in one version or other on the album Music For The Masses.

