List | D | Delerium | 'Syrophenikan' CD 1990

Track: Name: Time:
1. Embodying 5:07
2. Shroud 4:48
3. Of The Tribe 5:15
4. Fallen Idols 5:17
5. Mythos 6:22
6. Prophecy 5:20
7. Twilight Ritual 6:35
8. Rising 7:25
9. Covert 5:05
  Total 51:14

The second Delerium album of this year, and more of the same as Faces, Forms And Illusions, Morpheus, and Stone Tower. Perhaps there are more ethnic rhythm samples (percussive loops) than on the previous albums, but the dark mood remains. Highlights include 'Embodying', 'Fallen Idols' and 'Prophecy'.

