List | I | Intermix | 'Phaze Two' CD 1992

Track: Name: Time:
1. Get Religion 6:12
2. Down And Out 6:11
3. The Process 6:14
4. Can You Move It 5:41
5. Dream On 6:24
6. Funky Hell 6:12
7. Phaze One 6:04
8. Truth 6:28
9. Corollary 4:18
10. Monument 4:06
  Total 67:12

This is generally a bit more harsh and uptempo techno in comparison with the first Intermix album; a bit more like techno-fied instrumental Front Line Assembly tracks. There are heaps of samples from everywhere and beyond, like horror movies and bad sci-fi movies, bands like Recoil and 808 State, dance pop tunes and hip hop tracks... everything. While being in the characteristic Leeb/Fulber sonic domain there isn't too much of their other material that sounds like this. It's dark, pounding, disturbing and occasionally melodic. I like it.

