List | N | Nine Inch Nails | 'Further Down The Spiral' CD 1995

Track: Name: Time:
1. Piggy Nothing Can Stop Me Now 4:02
2. The Art Of Self Destruction Part One 5:41
3. Self Destruction Part Two 5:37
4. The Downward Spiral The Bottom 7:28
5. Hurt Quiet 5:08
6. Eraser Denial, Realization 6:33
7. At The Heart Of It All 7:12
8. Eraser Polite 1:15
9. Self Destrucion Final 9:52
10. The Beauty Of Being Numb 5:06
11. Erased, Over, Out 5:58
  Total 64:01

If Broken had its Fixed, The Downward Spiral has this one. Yes, it's another remix album, and in the old tradition it's generally noisier and more warped than the original versions. This time around people like Coil and Thirlwell are brought back, and even Aphex Twin does a few "remixes" (or are they completely new tracks?). If you thought The Downward Spiral was a dull pop album, this might be your cup of, uh, noise.
A good thing though that there were no new mixes of Closer, since that might have been a bit much.
Oh, and I should probably mention this as well - one pretty cool remix is the last one. If you just listen to it straight up, it sounds like a very long scream over some odd music, but if you press the fast forward button you hear the vocals at normal speed. Well, it's not the full vocals, just a one-line loop, but anyway. Pretty funny :-)

