List | S | S.P.O.C.K | 'Never Trust A Klingon [2294AD]' CDM 1994

Track: Name: Time:
1. Never Trust A Klingon A Version 4:22
2. Last Man On Earth SMPJ Version 4:06
3. Never Trust A Klingon Captain's Log 6:13
  Total 14:41

These are just remixes of songs off the first album. The 'a version' sounds to me exactly like the album version, apart from the lacking "klingon bastard" samples and the sounds - they're a bit more spacey and synthey, although the main melody line is a bit thinner. The 'captain's log' isn't quite as good; it's been too stripped down from its original state. Ok so there are lots of new nice blips here and there, but the general song structure is a somewhat missing. It's quite good, but not great.
The 'SMPJ' (Sista Mannen På Jorden) version of 'Last Man On Earth' is also a bit annoying - it's disco! I mean, a depressing song about a post-nuclear-war world and a single survivor to a dancey beat? Sure, it's a good tune, but the desolate 'feel' of the original is completely gone; left is just a poppy synth tune. Nope, I like the album version more.

