NetBSD/amiga 1.3

NetBSD/amiga 1.3 is the fourth formal release of NetBSD/amiga.
NetBSD 1.3.3 is a patch release which should be used in preference to NetBSD 1.3.

Christian E. Hopps is the maintainer of NetBSD/amiga.

Supported Hardware

NetBSD/amiga 1.3 runs on any Amiga that has a 68020 or better CPU with some form of MMU, and on 68060 DraCos. For 68020 and 68030 systems, a FPU is recommended but not required. 68LC040, 68040V and 68LC060 systems don't work correctly at the moment.

The minimal configuration requires 4M of RAM and about 75M of disk space. To install the entire system requires much more disk space, and to run X or compile the system, more RAM is recommended. (4M of RAM will actually allow you to compile, however it won't be speedy. X really isn't usable on a 4M system.)

Here is a table of recommended HD partition sizes for a full install:

	partition:      advise, with X, needed, with X
	root (/)        20M     20M     15M     15M
	user (/usr)     95M     125M    75M     105M
	swap            ----- 2M for every M ram -----
	local (/usr/local)      up to you

As you may note the recommended size of /usr is 20M greater than needed. This is to leave room for a kernel source and compile tree as you will probably want to compile your own kernel. (GENERIC is large and bulky to accommodate all people).

If you only have 4M of fast memory, you should make your swap partition larger, as your system will be doing much more swapping.

Supported devices include:

If its not on the above lists, there is no support for it in this release. Especially (but this is an incomplete list), there is no driver for:

Known problems with some hardware

If you're interested in installing NetBSD/amiga 1.3, you should look at the installation notes.

Mailing Lists There are various NetBSD mailing lists, including an amiga specific port-amiga.
Obtaining NetBSD To obtain NetBSD/amiga: via CD-ROM, an ftp mirror near you, or direct from

Up to NetBSD 1.3 formal release
NetBSD Home Page
NetBSD Other Formal Releases

(Contact us) $NetBSD: amiga.html,v 1.27 2004/10/30 22:33:58 jschauma Exp $
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