NetBSD/mac68k 1.3

NetBSD/mac68k 1.3 is the fourth formal release of NetBSD/mac68k.
NetBSD 1.3.3 is a patch release which should be used in preference to NetBSD 1.3.

Scott Reynolds is the maintainer of NetBSD/mac68k.

Supported Hardware

NetBSD/mac68k 1.3 runs on most of the older 68k-based Macintosh computers. About 4MB of RAM should be sufficient to boot and the system can probably be squeezed onto a 40MB hard disk by leaving off an unnecessary set or two. To actually do much compiling or anything more interesting than booting, at least 8MB of RAM and more disk space is recommended. About 75MB will be necessary to install all of the NetBSD 1.3 binary system distribution sets (note that this does not count swap space!). An additional 25MB or so is needed for the binary X11 distribution sets. Much more disk space is required to install the source and objects as well (at least another 300MB). The following Macintosh hardware is supported:

If your 68030 system is not listed above, it may be because of a problem with accessing onboard video, and it may still work with a serial console. Some of the known ones in this category:

Please note that some of these systems will work with custom kernels. Check out the machine status page for details.

If your 68LC040 system is not listed above, it is due to a problem with floating point emulation (FPE) for this type of processor. Machines in this category include:

If you have a device that's not listed, it might be compatible with something else, or we might have simply forgotten it. If all else fails, maybe you could write a driver! Please note that some of these systems will work with custom kernels. Check out the machine status page for details. Major items often asked about, but not supported in 1.3 include:

Don't see something you're looking for? Check to see you see if it's in the current system or on the TO-DO list.

Other documents of interest

For more questions, see the FAQ, the meta-FAQ, the general info document, or the machine status document.

If you're interested in installing NetBSD/mac68k 1.3, you should look at the installation notes.

Mailing Lists There are various NetBSD mailing lists, including a mac68k specific port-mac68k.
Obtaining NetBSD To obtain NetBSD/mac68k: via CD-ROM, an ftp mirror near you, or direct from

Up to NetBSD 1.3 formal release
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NetBSD Other Formal Releases

(Contact us) $NetBSD: mac68k.html,v 1.32 2004/10/30 22:33:58 jschauma Exp $
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