NetBSD/sun3 1.3

NetBSD/sun3 1.3 is the third formal release of NetBSD for the Sun3 series.
NetBSD 1.3.2 is a patch release which should be used in preference to NetBSD 1.3.

For general information about the this port, see the NetBSD/sun3 page.

If you're interested in installing NetBSD/sun3 1.3, you should look at the installation notes.

Mailing Lists There are various NetBSD mailing lists, including a sun3 specific port-sun3.
Obtaining NetBSD To obtain NetBSD/sun3: via CD-ROM, an ftp mirror near you, or direct from

Up to NetBSD 1.3 formal release
NetBSD Home Page
NetBSD Other Formal Releases

(Contact us) $NetBSD: sun3.html,v 1.24 2004/10/30 22:33:58 jschauma Exp $
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