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On this section of my web dominion I'll let my mind loose... I'll let my
thoughts pour freely from the deepest of my heart. This means that some of
the language may not be suitable for a weaker audience... I'll put a message board where you can comment on my thoughts later. If you feel like comenting right now, you may use the guestbook. So come and "get some"... Some piece of mind that is...
About that loser Tony Olsson. (1999-10-26) | |
What's that loser Tony Olsson's problem? I'll let you now what it is.
That poor "kid" suffers of a certain degree of hipocricy. How come
you may ask? Get a load of this:
In conclusion: Tony Olsson is a kindergarten cowboy who when
the going gets tough chickens out and becomes a "traitor of the race". When he
gets in trouble he gets help from a member of a "lower race" and escapes the
country. He breakes most of the moral rules he is "fighting to establish".
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About yet another loser: Pinochet. (1999-10-27) | |
As you might have noticed I am conducting an anti-Pinochet
campaign on this site. What for? And what good does it do? And who the
heck am I to be conducting such a campaign?! I'll try to answer.
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About Telia - the largest Swedish phone company. (1999-10-29) | |
I doubt that anyone living in Sweden wouldn't agree with this statment:
If there ever was a prize for worst service and most dubious methods of
competition - Telia ought to be the honorable winner. Since this is so well
known and so many examples have been given before I'll just state my case
in a very short way.
The other day my phone stoped working. "Well, I have to call the phone company",
I thought... But how am I suposed to do that when the phone is broke? From a
phone cabin of course. Who owns them? Telia. So I went outside to call. Telia is
probably the only phone company in Sweden that doesn't have a free number
to call when something's wrong or you want to complain. So I had to buy a phone
card. I bought a card for 30 Skr (4 US$) and called. A machine responded that
"There are a couple of callers before you, but you are put on cueue. Thanks for
waiting!"... Then after a minute: "There are still some callers ahead of you,
but you preserve your place in the cueue. Thank you for waiting!"... This
message was repeated once a minute and after 15-20 minutes I heard :"Your have
one minute of time left on your card. Please replace your card". I had no other
card! So after a minute - there I was: some bucks poorer, with no phone and with
Telia a bit ritcher... Go figure...
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About the Y2K-end-of-the-world panic. (2000-02-01) | |
Since you're sitting infront of a computer you've probably had just about enough
of the Y2K hysteia. I'd still like to remind you to go and bug people who were
scared sh*tless because of the usual morons proclaming the end of the world.
Will they never learn!? Were they right? Did the UN attak the US? Did meteors hit
the earth? Did any of the awaited messiahs return? Did your microwave blow up? NO!
What I'd like to see now is lots and lots of interviews with everything from
"Citizen militias" to "great religious prophets and leaders" trying to explain
what the hell went "wrong". According to a religious sect leader the Devil is
to blame for preventing the end of the world. The Devil did this to damage the
leaders credibility... :) ... I don't know - should I thank this guy?.. Or just
continue laughing at him... | |
About bitching to mutch. (2002-01-29) | |
Suddendly there it was. The insight that this page became a page for me to
bitch about this and that. How cool is that? NOT cool at all.. :) .. So for
a while I haven't written anything here. Admittedly partially because of
the constant lack of time but mainly because I feel bicthin' only pages
are boring. But, hey it's never too late to make a change for the better -
so here I am writing again.. ^_^ .. Hmmm... I also realize now I should have
the newest entry at the top of the page..
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About life, asphalt and concrete (2002-01-30) | |
I'll tell you about a little thing that makes me happy everytime
I stumble across it. Ever since I was a kid. Just give me time for a small
disclaimer here: It's 03:58 in the morning and my brain is in letargic mode.. :)
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