Hmm... So you followed this link... How cool of you!.. :)
Maybe we have something in common..
And that might just be:

Rain . . .

Rain... I love rain... Here I'll put links to lyrics and
audio to some of my favorite songs about rain...

What's so special about rain then? Hmmmm... The first thing that comes to mind is: water... Rain is water. And I love water! Rain is so much water. It can be so cold that the top of my head starts to hurt after a while under an autumn rain. It can be soft and mild and close to warm if it is during the summer. It can rage during a storm, drown people and animals during floodings or bring long awaited life to dried up parts of the world... But still, it's allways water...

Then we also have the shade of gray that seems to invade every living or dead thing. It's a silent gray shade that spreads the impression that for the moment everything looses a bit of importance, a time for a deserved break... Be it pondering, joy, revival or death...

And how about the thunder and lightning? Isn't a full blown storm one of the most spectacular shows mother nature in her generosity invites us to enjoy? Yes, invites us! For who can miss the bright flash of light and the demonic roaring of thunder in its wake? For me it is like a long awaited letter from a loved one. And I have to run straight outside to great the mailman and rip the envelope wide open...


I spent this last summer in Ronneby. That's a small town located on the south coast of Sweden. The climate is mild and the rain is a frequent visitor... *S* ... Ever since my time in Vratza (a town in the Bulgarian mountains) I've missed the sudden summer rain that comes without warning and washes down as if someone up there was pouring bucket after bucket of pure cold water. The memmory of those summer showers will live with me for quite a while...

The Cult Rain n/a
Garbage Happy when it rains n/a
Guns 'n Roses November Rain n/a
I mother earth Rain will fall n/a
Katmandü When the rain comes zipped Mp3
Prince Purple rain n/a
Slayer Raining blood n/a

Last modified 1999-09-03 by silver_p