Sovietic Music Archives of .X.i.b.a.l.b.A.
Anthem of USSR

So what's this?! Well, its music - audio and lyrics. Why russian/sovietic then? I grew up in Bulgaraia which had and still has some very strong bundings to Russia because of the similarity of the language and the fact that both countries are orthodox christians. This means that a lot of russian/sovietic music was played in Bulgaria. Some of the songs here for example are songs from movies (A nam vse ravno, Pesnya o dolekoy rodine), others are from animated films (Bandito Znamenito, Pesenka krokodila Geny) and then others are songs from the WWII time (Katyusha, Tjemna noch). In other words: these are songs I grew up with.

Song : Audio : Lyrics/Chords :
Tjemnaja noch zipped mp3 - 4.58 Mb lyrics
Ruskoje polje zipped mp3 - 3.92 Mb lyrics
Sovietic national anthem zipped mp3 - 3.43 Mb or midi file lyrics | translations
Ochota na volkov RealAudio (40 kbps)- 957 kb lyrics
Denj Pobedij zipped Mp3 - 3.69 Mb -
Ochi chernye (Dark eyes) zipped Mp3 - 4.41 Mb lyrics
A nam vse ravno zipped Mp3 - 2.86 Mb -
Pesnya o dolekoj rodine - lyrics
Pesenka krokodila Geny - lyrics
Bandito Znamenito - lyrics
Tam vdali za rekoy - lyrics
Katyusha zipped Mp3 - 2.36 Mb lyrics
Last modified 1999-09-03 by silver_p