I've played Role Playing Games since the 80's. It is the only hobby that has keept my interest for more than just a few years. During the years I have bought far too many games and played even more of them. Below is a list of games played and games that I own right now.

Swedish games I have played or GM'ed
Berättelser från Staden
Drakar & Demoner
En Garde 2nd Ed.
Evolutionens Barn
Krutrök och Sägner
Medan världen går under
Mutant (All of them except Chronicles)
Sagan om Ringen Rollspelet (Swedish translation of MERP)
Skymningshem - Det andra imperiet
Stjärnornas Krig (Swedish translation of WEG Star Wars)
Skuggornas Mästare
D&D (Swedish translation of TSRs Dungeons & Dragons)

Games in English I have played or GM'ed
1001 Nights
Ad&d 2ed
Archipelago II
Big Eyes Small Mouth
Blue Rose
Call of Chtulhu
Conspiracy X
Cyberpunk 2020
Dark Heresy
Dead of Night
Don't rest your head
Dunder & Drakar
Dungeons & Dragons 3ed
Fading Suns
Furry Pirates
Gear Krieg
GURPS Discworld
Happy birthday, Robot!
Iron Claw 1st Ed and 2nd Ed
Labyrinth Lord
Lady Blackbird
Little Fears
Lord of the Rings RPG
Love in the time of Seid
Mage: The Ascension
Mage: The Awakening
Mega Traveller
Montsegur 1244
Mouse Guard
Red Dwarf
Taste for Murder, A
Serenity RPG
Shab-al-Hiri Roach, The
Shadow of Yesterday, The
S/Lay w/Me
Snakes on a Plane RPG
Solar System
Space 1889
Star Wars 2nd Ed
Swords & Wizardry
Tenchi Muyo
Twilight 2000
The Morrow Project
Unknown Armies
Vampire: The Masquerade
Vampire: The Requiem
Warhammer Fantasy Role Play
While the World Ends
Witch - The Road to Lindisfarne
Witch Quest

Games in other languages I have played or GM'ed
Itras by (Norwegian)
Viking (Danish)

Games I own
These are games that I actively use so they are worn, but if you are a collector or something and desperately want one of them, mail me, perhaps we can make a trade.
2300AD, with Beanstalk, Colonial Atlas, Kafer Dawn, Mission Arcturus, Ranger and Ships of the French arm (2 copies, one for trade)
3:16 - Carnage Among the Stars
A Game of Thrones - Deluxe
Aces & Eights
Aegis Project, The
All Flesh Must Be Eaten - Revised, with All tomorrows zombies
Alternity - Gamma World Campaign Setting
Apocalypse World
Ars Magica 4th Ed
Ars Magica 5th Ed
Baron Munchausen
Battletech 2nd Ed
Beyond the Supernatural
Blood Shadows
Blue Planet Moderator's and Players's Guide 2nd Ed, with First Colony, Fluid Mechanics, Frontier Justice and Natural Selection
Bubble Gum Crisis
Burning Empires
Burning Wheel The
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
Call of Cthulhu 5th Ed & 6th Ed, with 1920s Investigator's Companion Adventures in Arkham Country, Arkham, Dreamlands, Day of the Beast, Dead Reckonings, Dunwich, Kingsport, Last Rites, Miscatonic University and Secrets
Changeling: The Dreaming 1st Ed
Changeling: The Lost
Cold Space
Cthulhu Dark Ages
Cyberpunk 2020, with Chromebook, Crashpoint, Corporation report 2020 vol.3, Deep Space, Edgerunners Inc., Eurosource, Grimm's Cybertales, Home of the brave, King of the Concrete Jungle, Maximum Metal, Night City Stories, The Osiris Chip, Pacific Rim Sourcebook, Tales from the Forlorn Hope and When Gravity Fails
Cyberspace, with Body Bank, Death Game 2090 and Edge-On
D&D Swedish
Danger International
Dangerous Journeys
Dark Ages: Inquisitor
Dark Ages: Mage
Dark Ages: Vampire
Dark Consipracy
Dark Heresy - Warhammer 40.000 RPG, with Ascension
Dead of Night: Little book of Horrors RPG
Don't rest your head
Dragonstar Starfarer's Handbook and Guide to the Galaxy, with Player's Companion, Galactic Races and Smuggler's Run
Drakar och Demoner 2nd Ed with Expert, Enhörningshornet, Monturerna and Medeltidsregler from Ivanhoe.
Drakar och Demoner 5th Ed (Chronopia), with Altors Baksida, Mörkrets Krigare and Mörkrets Väktare
Drakar och Demoner 6th Ed with Jorges Bestiarium
Drakar och Demoner Trudvang
En Garde!
En Garde! Andra Reviderade Utgåvan
Eon 3rd Ed
Flashing Blades, with An Ambassadors Tales, High seas and The Cardinals peril
Full Light, Full Steam
Gemini, with Den Mörka Magin
Grey ranks
GURPS Age of Napoleon, Alternate Earths I+II, Atomic Horror, Cthulupunk, Discworld, Discoworld Also, Goblins, Lite, Russia, Steampunk, Steam-Tech, Traveller, Traveller: Alien Races 3, Space, WWII, WWII - Frozen Hell and WWII - Hand of Steel
Heavy Gear 2nd Ed
Hero's Banner - The fury of free will
Hunter: The Reckoning, with Holy War
Hong Kong Action Theatre! 2
In a Wicked Age
In harm's way
In harm's way : Starcluster
Itras By
Krutrök och sägner
Kult Swedish
Lankhmar, Fritz Leiber's with Avengers in Lankhmar
Legacy: War of Ages
Legends & Lairs Darkness & Dread and Portals & Planets
Lord of the Rings RPG
Love on the Time of Seid
Mage: The Awakening
Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade, with Castles and Covenants, Crusade Lore, Companion, Storytellers Screen, The Bygone Beasiary and The Swashbuckler's Handbook.
MegaTraveller, with Referee's Companion and Rebellion Sourcebook
Midnight 2nd Ed, with Midnight Crown of Shadow and Against the Shadow
Milleniums End
Mechanical Dream, with The Thirteenth Wheel/Broken Sanctuary and Wilderness Beastiary.
Montsegur 1244
Morrow Project, with Prime Base
Mouse Guard
Mutant Chronicles Swedish, with Algeroth, Bauhaus, Brödraskapet, Capitol, Cybertronic, Ilian, Imperial, Mishima, Frilansarens Handbok and The Venusian Apocalypse - Ondskans Ansikte
Mutant, with Berlin City 2092, Den Förbjudna Staden, Drakens Land, Drakens Öga and Dårarnas ö
Mutant: Undergångens Arvtagare, with Göborg, Hindenburg, Kalabaliken i Karle, Nordholmia, Pirit, Reviderade utgåvan, Zonernas Zoologi och Österhavets otämjda riken.
Medan världen går under
NeoTech 1st Ed, with Avalance, Nippon and Operation Mangala
New Horizon Starter guide
Null State
Orbit Role-play
Paranoia 2nd Edition, with The Computer always shoots twice
Pendragon, with The Boy King andLand of Giants
Polaris RPG, with Thou art but a Warrior
Prime Directive
Reign, with Enchiridion and The First Year of Our Reign.
Remember Tomorrow
Rolemaster 2nd US Ed, with Time Riders and Arms Law: Firearms
Run Robot Red(ux)
Rustbelt, The
Savage Worlds Explorers Ed.
Sengoku Revised
Serenity Role Playing Game
Shadow of Yesterday The
Solar System
Song of Ice and Fire RPG, A
Space 1889
Space Master, with Space Master Companion
Spacemaster Privateers, with Tech Law : Vehicle Manual
Spaceship Zero RPG
Spirit of the Century
Star Wars RPG (WEG) 2nd Ed with Alien Races (GG4), Darkstryder campaign, Galladinium's Fantastic technology, Flashpoint!, Gamemaster handbook, Gamemaster screen, Goroth, Imperial sourcebook, Mission to Lianna, Mos Eisley (GG7), Planets collection, Platt's starport guide, Scavenger Hunt, ,Sourcebook and Supernova.
Star Wars RPG (WEG) 2nd Ed Revised and Expanded
Star Wars RPG (d20) revised core rulebook
Star Wars : Saga Edition
Star Wars Live Action Adventures
Stormbringer 5th Ed
Summerland Revised and Expanded
Sun & Storm:The Codex
Tales from the Wood
Taste for Murder, A
Thousand and One Nights, A
Toon, with Toon strikes again and Tooniversal tour guide.
Top Secret/SI, with Agent 13
Trail of Cthulhu
Traveller 2300
Traveller the New Era Deluxe Ed.
Tribe 8 1st Ed
Twilight 2000 2nd Ed, with Airlords of the Ozarks and Infantry Weapons of the World
Universalis Revised
Vampire: The Dark Ages, with Players Guide to Low Clans and Libellus Sanguinis I and II
Vampire Storytellers Handbook and Vampire Victorian Age Companion
Version Noll
Viking, with Västerled
Wastelands, with Riket and Schwartzwald
Werewolf: The Apocalypse
Western (1989)
While the world ends
Wild Talents
World of Darkness, The
Zombie Cinema

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