Role playing games

Picture taken on the night before my 30th 
birthday, good friends around the table.

Current games

The Shadow of Yesterday
Campaign that is about to start.

Old games

The Shadow of Yesterday
Short campaign that we completed.

Mutant spring 2007
rotating gamemastering of the Swedish game Mutant: Undergångens arvtagare. Abandoned after the first GM.

DoDv6 autumn/winter 2001
The Drakar & Demoner 6th Ed campaign that I ran in the autumn/winter 2001. It faded when one of the players moved[Swedish]

DoDv6 winter 2002
The sequel to the above Drakar & Demoner 6th Ed campaign, it died due to lack of player activity.

Gemini summer/autumn 2002
Some notes from a Gemini campign that just faded away. [Swedish]

Höstdimma spring 2005
A campaign for my own game Höstdimma, it died after just two sessions.[Swedish]

Vampire spring 2006
Troupe play Vampire game that spans three different eras. The game lasted through the summer and was great fun, we killed the campaign since the PCs had reached superhero-status.[Swedish]

Vampire 2005
Game that slumbered and died. Vampire in the Victorian ages setting. [Swedish]

A list of the RPG podcasts that I try to follow.

Kampen om Citadellet
My effort to revise and expand the rules to the Swedish boardgame Kampen om Citadellet. [Swedish]

A short introduction to what role playing is about.[Swedish]

A list of games that I own and play.

Some short articles on role playing that I wrote a few years ago. [Swedish]

Links to some other pages about roleplaying.

Descriptions of some of my characters.

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