List | D | Depeche Mode | 'Never Let Me Down Again' CDM 1987

Track: Name: Time:
1. Never Let Me Down Again 4:23
2. Pleasure, Little Treasure 2:53
3. Never Let Me Down Again Split Mix 9:36
4. Pleasure, Little Treasure Glitter Mix 5:37
5. Never Let Me Down Again Aggro Mix 4:57
6. Never Let Me Down Again Tsangarides Mix 4:24
7. Pleasure, Little Treasure Join Mix 4:55
8. To Have And To Hold Spanish Taster 2:35
  Total 39:20

This single is another perfect example on me buying new CD:s that makes some older CD obsolete. The only truly new versions I got on this CD was the normal mix of 'Pleasure, Little Treasure' and 'Never Let Me Down Again (Tsangarides mix)', which probably means I'm some kind of fanatic for buying it. So what do they sound like? Well, the 'Tsangarides mix' is a lot bouncier than the normal version, largely due to an added syncopated tambourine. The normal version of 'Pleasure, Little Treasure' is pretty... well, normal - no special cool effects, just a normal version of the song. The 'glitter mix' has at least a pretty interesting ending: lots of scattered sampled vocals that eventually are left alone and then echoing out. This version is also found on the album.

