List | D | Depeche Mode | 'Strangelove' CDM 1987

Track: Name: Time:
1. Strangelove 3:49
2. Pimpf 4:34
3. Strangelove Maxi Mix 6:34
4. Agent Orange 5:07
5. Strangelove Blind Mix 6:33
6. Fpmip 5:24
7. Strangelove Pain Mix 7:21
8. Strangelove Midi Mix 1:41
  Total 41:03

'Strangelove' is a bit more up-beat and dancey than the mostly slow album Black Celebration. The production is similar, but the song isn't quite as dark.
'Pimpf' is a very powerful instrumental track which almost reminds me of opera. The remix of it, called 'Fpmip', starts with the intro played backwards - I guess that's why it got that name. Another stunningly great instrumental track is 'Agent Orange'; probably the best Depeche Mode B-side ever, with its perfect mix of a beautiful piano melody over a synthetic bassline and FX.
The 'maxi mix' of 'Strangelove' is a bit bouncier and more dance friendly. The 'blind mix' has a beat that's not as disco-ish, but I'd like to put a few more bass drums in there somewhere; it's a bit too powerless in its present state. The 'pain mix' is a bit annoying for its over-use of the sample "pain" being pitched up and down. Heck, even I can do that. Besides, it's far too much like disco. The 'midi mix' however is quite amusing, since it's so re-arranged, with lots of quirky sounds - kind of like that untitled remix of it on the album, right after 'Pimpf'.

