List | D | Depeche Mode | 'A Question Of Time' CDM 1986

Track: Name: Time:
1. A Question Of Time Remix 4:05
2. Black Celebration Live 6:05
3. Something To Do Live 3:50
4. Stripped Live 6:23
5. More Than A Party Live 5:06
6. A Question Of Time Extended Remix 6:38
7. Black Celebration Black Tulip Mix 6:32
8. A Question Of Time New Town Mix / Live Remix 11:08
  Total 49:51

'A Question Of Time' is, even if the title is quite close to that of the previous single, something very different. It's probably the closest Depeche Mode has ever been to EBM. For a DM track, it's pretty fast, hard and agressive; only a few other songs can really be compared to this one, like 'More Than A Party' and 'Something To Do' (which would explain why they're also on this single). I wonder a bit about the title, though - was there some sort of plan behind two very similar consequtive single titles?
I really like the intro to track 2; it sort of alternates between the intro to 'Stripped' and 'Black Celebration' to keep you guessing for a while. It makes a pretty powerful intro this way. Track 7 is also a rather nice remix.
'A Question Of Time', 'Stripped' and 'Black Celebration' are all from the album Black Celebration.

