List | D | Depeche Mode | 'Ultra Rare Trax Vol 4' CD 1991

Track: Name: Time:
1. A Question Of Time Old Town Mix 6:57
2. Personal Jesus I'm Not Crazy Anymore 4:11
3. Enjoy The Silence Hot Trax Mix 10:46
4. Are People People Adrian On-U-Sound Sherwood 4:25
5. Sea Of Sin Razor Cuts Mix 6:35
6. Fly On The Windscreen Touch Me Mix 5:07
7. Just Can't Get Enough Rubber Band Mix 6:23
8. To Have And To Hold Icelandic Taster 3:25
9. Dangerous Hazchenmix 5:35
10. A Question Of Lust Minimal 6:46
11. Death's Door Skeleton Key Mix 5:49
12. I Sometimes Wish I Was Dead Flexi Mix 2:10
  Total 69:30

The version of 'A Question Of Time' appears to be the first half of the 'new town' mix from the single. The 'Personal Jesus' mix is more or less intrumental and has some pretty good vocal samples. 'Enjoy The Silence' starts off as a rather decent remix, but after about three minutes the harmonium version is mixed in out of sync! Then it goes on and on for what appears to be ages, in at least two different tempos - so incredibly bad! Really cheap. Boo. 'Are People People' doesn't have much in common with 'People Are People', as you might think. Ok, so it's based on a few samples from it, but the rest is cheap and bad noisy samples from just about everywhere in a rather poor mix. 'Sea Of Sin' is quite good, and 'Fly On The Windscreen' is too, but they're not too original. 'Just Can't Get Enough' is mixed in with 'Flexible', which annoys me a bit. It's not a particularly good mix. The remix of 'To Have And To Hold' is an instrumental version much like the Spanish Taster, but with different instrumentation, and rather poor sound quality. I kind of like it. 'Dangerous' appears in its most boring remix, off the US single. 'A Question Of Lust' minimal mix is also straight off a single, but it's quite good. 'Death's Door' has been ruined by heaps of bad samples. 'I Sometimes Wish I Was Dead' was taken from one of those free-giveaway old flexi discs that used to come with music magazines, which means the sound quality isn't top notch. Still, it's a fun little version.

